c# Programming Glossary: field.getvalue
How can I get an enum value from its description? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1033260/how-can-i-get-an-enum-value-from-its-description if descriptions.Any x x.Description description return T field.GetValue null throw new SomeException Description not found This is.. BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.Static T value T field.GetValue null foreach var description in DescriptionAttribute field.GetCustomAttributes..
Can we define implicit conversions of enums in c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/261663/can-we-define-implicit-conversions-of-enums-in-c foreach var field in fields TDerived instance TDerived field.GetValue null instance._name field.Name instance._descriptionAttribute..
Create a Deep Copy in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3647048/create-a-deep-copy-in-c-sharp field.FieldType typeof string var fieldCopy DeepCopy field.GetValue newCopy field.SetValue newCopy fieldCopy return newCopy The..
Get Enum from Description attribute [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4367723/get-enum-from-description-attribute null if attribute.Description description return T field.GetValue null else if field.Name description return T field.GetValue.. null else if field.Name description return T field.GetValue null throw new ArgumentException Not found. description or..
How to list all Variables of Class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6536163/how-to-list-all-variables-of-class var fieldValues foo.GetType .GetFields .Select field field.GetValue foo .ToList Note that fieldValues is List object . Here foo.. foo.GetType .GetFields bindingFlags .Select field field.GetValue foo .ToList If you merely want the names var fieldNames typeof..