c# Programming Glossary: fi.name
C# Get video file duration from metadata http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1256841/c-sharp-get-video-file-duration-from-metadata fi.DirectoryName FolderItem item folder.ParseName fi.Name for int i 0 i 150 i string dtlDesc folder.GetDetailsOf null..
Accessing internal members via System.Reflection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/171332/accessing-internal-members-via-system-reflection foreach FieldInfo fi in _fields Console.WriteLine fi.Name This spits out all the private members nicely but still doesn't..
C# getting file names without extensions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4804990/c-sharp-getting-file-names-without-extensions .txt foreach FileInfo fi in smFiles builder.Append fi.Name builder.Append ... by fi.Name we get a file name with its extension.. in smFiles builder.Append fi.Name builder.Append ... by fi.Name we get a file name with its extension file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt.. in smFiles builder.Append Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension fi.Name builder.Append Although I am surprised there isn't a way to..
Resolve assembly references from another folder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5260404/resolve-assembly-references-from-another-folder sender args var dll otherCompanyDlls.FirstOrDefault fi fi.Name args.Name if dll null return null return Assembly.Load dll.FullName..
What is the best way to recursively copy contents in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/627504/what-is-the-best-way-to-recursively-copy-contents-in-c source.GetFiles fi.CopyTo Path.Combine target.ToString fi.Name true copy all the sub directories using recursion foreach..
C#: Accessing Inherited Private Instance Members Through Reflection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/686482/c-accessing-inherited-private-instance-members-through-reflection foreach FieldInfo fi in fields Console.WriteLine fi.Name Console.ReadLine This fails to find the field B.a. Is it even..