c# Programming Glossary: datestr
Sorting and Storing in a Multidimensional Array List based on the data retrieved from a text file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17917526/sorting-and-storing-in-a-multidimensional-array-list-based-on-the-data-retrieved var planner new Planner planner.firstName lines 0 var dateStr String.Format 0 1 lines 1 lines 2 var date DateTime.ParseExact.. 0 1 lines 1 lines 2 var date DateTime.ParseExact dateStr dd MM yyyy hh mmtt System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture..
C# - Convert UTC/GMT time to local time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/179940/c-sharp-convert-utc-gmt-time-to-local-time in your question DateTime convertedDate DateTime.Parse dateStr var kind convertedDate.Kind will equal DateTimeKind.Unspecified.. DateTime convertedDate DateTime.SpecifyKind DateTime.Parse dateStr DateTimeKind.Utc var kind convertedDate.Kind will equal DateTimeKind.Utc..
How to I use TryParse in a linq query of xml data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9003697/how-to-i-use-tryparse-in-a-linq-query-of-xml-data s.Element LastTradeDate null s.Attribute symbol null let dateStr s.Element LastTradeDate .Value where string.IsNullOrEmpty dateStr.. s.Element LastTradeDate .Value where string.IsNullOrEmpty dateStr DateTime.Parse dateStr enUS targetDate select new DailyPricingVolDP.. .Value where string.IsNullOrEmpty dateStr DateTime.Parse dateStr enUS targetDate select new DailyPricingVolDP string s.Attribute..