c# Programming Glossary: dateofbirth
DataGridView not showing properites of objects which implement ICustomTypeDescriptor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1468840/datagridview-not-showing-properites-of-objects-which-implement-icustomtypedescri new DisplayNameAttribute User Name PropertyBag.AddProperty DateOfBirth typeof DateTime new DisplayNameAttribute Date of Birth BindingList.. PropertyBag new PropertyBag .With UserName Fred .With DateOfBirth new DateTime 1998 12 1 new PropertyBag .With UserName William.. 1998 12 1 new PropertyBag .With UserName William .With DateOfBirth new DateTime 1997 4 23 Application.Run new Form Controls new..
WPF MVVM: how to bind GridViewColumn to ViewModel-Collection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2643545/wpf-mvvm-how-to-bind-gridviewcolumn-to-viewmodel-collection Person new Person Name Doe FirstName John DateOfBirth new DateTime 1981 9 12 new Person Name Black FirstName Jack.. 1981 9 12 new Person Name Black FirstName Jack DateOfBirth new DateTime 1950 1 15 new Person Name Smith FirstName Jane.. 1950 1 15 new Person Name Smith FirstName Jane DateOfBirth new DateTime 1987 7 23 this.Columns new ObservableCollection..
How can I add my attributes to Code-Generated Linq2Sql classes properties? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/393687/how-can-i-add-my-attributes-to-code-generated-linq2sql-classes-properties typeof Foo public string Name get set public DateTime DateOfBirth get set example form static class Program STAThread static void.. DataSource new BindingList Foo new Foo Name Fred DateOfBirth DateTime.Today.AddYears 20 class FooTypeDescriptionProvider..
EF 4.1 - Code First - JSON Circular Reference Serialization Error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5588143/ef-4-1-code-first-json-circular-reference-serialization-error MiddleInitial get set public bool IsMale public DateTime DateOfBirth get set public int PatientAddressId get set public Address PatientAddress..
C# Xml Serialization & Deserialization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8722126/c-sharp-xml-serialization-deserialization _lastName set _lastName value XmlAttribute public string DateOfBirth get return _dateOfBirth set _dateOfBirth value XmlAttribute.. _lastName patient.LastName _dateOfBirth patient.DateOfBirth.ToShortDateString _phone patient.Phone public class AddressXml.. 2001 XMLSchema Personal FirstName Test LastName User 1 DateOfBirth 3 13 1966 Phone 6304449866 Address Address1 123 Some St City..
How to use LINQ to select object with minimum or maximum property value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/914109/how-to-use-linq-to-select-object-with-minimum-or-maximum-property-value property value I have a Person object with a Nullable DateOfBirth property. Is there a way to use LINQ to query a list of Person.. of Person objects for the one with the earliest smallest DateOfBirth value. Here's what I started with var firstBornDate People.Min.. what I started with var firstBornDate People.Min p p.DateOfBirth.GetValueOrDefault DateTime.MaxValue Null DateOfBirth values..