c# Programming Glossary: datetime.now.tostring
C# time in microseconds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1206367/c-sharp-time-in-microseconds format string to represent microseconds Console.WriteLine DateTime.Now.ToString HH mm ss.ffffff To convert a number of ticks to microseconds..
C#: Problem displaying tooltip over a disabled control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1732140/c-problem-displaying-tooltip-over-a-disabled-control e m_toolTips.SetToolTip this testing tooltip on DateTime.Now.ToString string tipText this.m_toolTips.GetToolTip this if tipText null..
Timer, event and garbage collection : am I missing something? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2311027/timer-event-and-garbage-collection-am-i-missing-something tmr.Interval 1000 tmr.Tick sender e this.Text DateTime.Now.ToString tmr.Start If I'm not mistaken after the tmr variable goes out..
Windows service and timer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/246697/windows-service-and-timer second thereafter. Console.WriteLine 0 Creating timer. n DateTime.Now.ToString h mm ss.fff Timer stateTimer new Timer timerDelegate autoEvent.. stateInfo Console.WriteLine 0 Checking status 1 2 . DateTime.Now.ToString h mm ss.fff invokeCount .ToString if invokeCount maxCount ..
How do you get the current time of day? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/296920/how-do-you-get-the-current-time-of-day gives it to you as a TimeSpan from midnight . DateTime.Now.ToString HH mm ss tt gives it to you as a string. share improve this..
How to throttle event stream using RX? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3211134/how-to-throttle-event-stream-using-rx at 2 feed.Value feed.Timestamp.ToString mm ss.fff DateTime.Now.ToString mm ss.fff Console.ReadKey Current output Running... Observed..
Pulling a View from a database rather than a file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3367106/pulling-a-view-from-a-database-rather-than-a-file file is parsed and output is as expected. Such as if I put DateTime.Now.ToString however it doesn't when I add the tests and the base returns..
FileNotFoundException in ApplicationSettingsBase http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3494886/filenotfoundexception-in-applicationsettingsbase e Properties.Settings.Default.Setting 0 DateTime.Now.ToString Properties.Settings.Default.Save base.OnFormClosing e Debug..
format date in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/501460/format-date-in-c-sharp the same simply use the DateTime.ToString method e.g DateTime.Now.ToString dd MM yy Or DateTime dt GetDate GetDate returns some date dt.ToString.. consider using one of the predefined date time formats e.g DateTime.Now.ToString g returns 02 01 2009 9 07 PM for en US or 01.02.2009 21 07 for..
how to delay shutdown and run a process in window service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5217246/how-to-delay-shutdown-and-run-a-process-in-window-service D Log.txt true str.WriteLine Service stoped due to on DateTime.Now.ToString str.Close base.OnShutdown I have used function above which overrides..
URL Encoding using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/575440/url-encoding-using-c-sharp System.Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData _ DateTime.Now.ToString ddMMyyhhmm form1.username I don't want to remove it from the..
FileSystemWatcher stops catching events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6184115/filesystemwatcher-stops-catching-events MyEventLog.WriteEntry Directory Inaccesible source.Path at DateTime.Now.ToString HH mm ss System.Threading.Thread.Sleep iTimeOut if Directory.Exists.. Try to Restart RaisingEvents Watcher at DateTime.Now.ToString HH mm ss catch Exception error MyEventLog.WriteEntry Error.. Error trying Restart Service error.StackTrace at DateTime.Now.ToString HH mm ss source.EnableRaisingEvents false System.Threading.Thread.Sleep..
Running an asynchronous operation triggered by an ASP.NET web page request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/672237/running-an-asynchronous-operation-triggered-by-an-asp-net-web-page-request next statement myAction.BeginInvoke null null Button1.Text DateTime.Now.ToString private void SomeVeryLongAction for int i 0 i 100 i simulation..
ASP.NET MVC Cookie Implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6797350/asp-net-mvc-cookie-implementation UserId user.UserId.ToString myCookie.Values LastVisit DateTime.Now.ToString myCookie.Expires DateTime.Now.AddDays 365 HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add..
Setting the default value of a DateTime Property to DateTime.Now inside the System.ComponentModel Default Value Attrbute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/691035/setting-the-default-value-of-a-datetime-property-to-datetime-now-inside-the-syst for example I try this DefaultValue typeof DateTime DateTime.Now.ToString yyyy MM dd public DateTime DateCreated get set And it expects..
System crashing when the print button is clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6953471/system-crashing-when-the-print-button-is-clicked cbddprovider.Text string path String.Format PAYMENT_PATH DateTime.Now.ToString ddMMyyyyHHmm List paymenttypeprint paymenttype new List paymenttypeprint..