c# Programming Glossary: datecreated
Return column based on record in FK table http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15536154/return-column-based-on-record-in-fk-table s.Name CompanyName s.CompanyName City s.City State s.State DateCreated s.DateCreated .Where x x.VendorsSelected.Select s s.UserName.. s.CompanyName City s.City State s.State DateCreated s.DateCreated .Where x x.VendorsSelected.Select s s.UserName .Contains HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.. s.Name CompanyName s.CompanyName City s.City State s.State DateCreated s.DateCreated Selected x.VendorsSelected.Select s s.UserName..
How to create “embedded” SQL 2008 database file if it doesn't exist? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1715691/how-to-create-embedded-sql-2008-database-file-if-it-doesnt-exist @ CREATE TABLE AAASchemaVersion Version int NOT NULL DateCreated datetime NOT NULL Author nvarchar 30 NOT NULL Notes nvarchar.. Version INSERT INTO AAASchemaVersion Version DateCreated Author Notes VALUES 0 GETDATE 'James Murphy' 'Empty Database'.. IDENTITY 1 1 NOT NULL UserSourceTypeID tinyint NOT NULL DateCreated smalldatetime NOT NULL UserName nvarchar 100 NOT NULL ALTER..
Database Deployment Strategies (SQL Server) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/504909/database-deployment-strategies-sql-server add it nullable Database.AddColumn Customers new Column DateCreated DateTime seed it with data Database.Execute update Customers.. seed it with data Database.Execute update Customers set DateCreated getdate add not null constraint Database.AddNotNullConstraint.. null constraint Database.AddNotNullConstraint Customers DateCreated public void Down Database.RemoveColumn Customers DateCreated..
Setting the default value of a DateTime Property to DateTime.Now inside the System.ComponentModel Default Value Attrbute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/691035/setting-the-default-value-of-a-datetime-property-to-datetime-now-inside-the-syst DateTime DateTime.Now.ToString yyyy MM dd public DateTime DateCreated get set And it expects the value to be a constant expression... with ASP.NET Dynamic Data. I do not want to scaffold the DateCreated column but simply supply the DateTime.Now if it is not present... if the backing field is not initialized. public DateTime DateCreated get return this.dateCreated.HasValue this.dateCreated.Value..