c# Programming Glossary: colors
How do I invert a colour / color? (C# .net) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1165107/how-do-i-invert-a-colour-color-c-net RGBMAX ColourToInvert.G RGBMAX ColourToInvert.B c# .net colors system.drawing.color invert share improve this question ..
Alternatives to System.Drawing for use with ASP.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1528525/alternatives-to-system-drawing-for-use-with-asp-net rotate distort shear and transform images adjust image colors apply various special effects or draw text lines polygons ellipses..
Color different parts of a RichTextBox string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1926264/color-different-parts-of-a-richtextbox-string my RichTextBox. How can I accomplish this c# .net string colors richtextbox share improve this question Here is an extension..
Programmatically get a screenshot of a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1981670/programmatically-get-a-screenshot-of-a-page is a tiny little watermark that should not influence your colors if it does just don't take the bottom right corner into account..
How to get Color from Hexadecimal color code using .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2109756/how-to-get-color-from-hexadecimal-color-code-using-net there any inbuilt method in framework to do this c# wpf colors hex share improve this question I'm assuming that's an ARGB..
Convert RGB color to CMYK? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2426432/convert-rgb-color-to-cmyk color profiles of physical devices determine the resulting colors. If you are not concerned with true representation on a physical..
Multiple colors in a C# .NET label http://stackoverflow.com/questions/275836/multiple-colors-in-a-c-sharp-net-label colors in a C# .NET label I'm looking for a way to display multiple.. a C# .NET label I'm looking for a way to display multiple colors in a single C# .NET label. E.g the label is displaying a series.. layouts. Is there a native support for this c# .net gui colors label share improve this question There is no native control..
How to change RGB color to HSV? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/359612/how-to-change-rgb-color-to-hsv for very fast method without any external library. c# colors rgb hsv share improve this question Have you considered..
Flood Fill Algorithms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/367226/flood-fill-algorithms scanned on a photocopier. In that case there are only two colors so I essentially treated the problem like a search in an undirected..
How to mix colors “naturally” with C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/398224/how-to-mix-colors-naturally-with-c to mix colors &ldquo naturally&rdquo with C# I have to mix some colors in.. colors &ldquo naturally&rdquo with C# I have to mix some colors in a natural way. This means blue yellow green blue red purple.. blue yellow green blue red purple and so on. I got the colors as RGB Values. When I try to mix them I got the right RGB results..
SFTP Libraries for .NET [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/530330/sftp-libraries-for-net and I've used in a couple of solutions with flying colors and great success. The original SharpSsh seems to be dead and..
Background color of a ListBox item (winforms) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/91747/background-color-of-a-listbox-item-winforms to set multiple ones if possible. c# winforms listbox colors share improve this question Probably the only way to accomplish..
How to change Menu hover color - WINFORMS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9260303/how-to-change-menu-hover-color-winforms can override its renderer. Here's an example pick your own colors please. public partial class Form1 Form public Form1 InitializeComponent..
Getting a Colour Scheme from an Image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042789/getting-a-colour-scheme-from-an-image nextPair.Value.CompareTo firstPair.Value string top10Colors for int i 0 i 10 i top10Colors string.Format n 0 . 1 2 i keyValueList.. string top10Colors for int i 0 i 10 i top10Colors string.Format n 0 . 1 2 i keyValueList i .Key.ToString keyValueList.. i .BackColor keyValueList i .Key MessageBox.Show Top 10 Colors top10Colors public bool ThumbnailCallback return false share..
How do I get a rainbow color gradient in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2288498/how-do-i-get-a-rainbow-color-gradient-in-c color gradient in C# I'd like to have an enumeration of Colors based on the rainbow colors red... yellow... green... blue.....
Search for a string in Enum and return the Enum http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2290262/search-for-a-string-in-enum-and-return-the-enum improve this question check out System.Enum.Parse enum Colors Red Green Blue your code Colors color Colors System.Enum.Parse.. out System.Enum.Parse enum Colors Red Green Blue your code Colors color Colors System.Enum.Parse typeof Colors Green share improve.. enum Colors Red Green Blue your code Colors color Colors System.Enum.Parse typeof Colors Green share improve this answer..
How do I alias a class name in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/244246/how-do-i-alias-a-class-name-in-c me to convert a class composed entirly of readonly static Colors into overridable properties and then my ColorScheme class would..
Color Replacement in XNA C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3255311/color-replacement-in-xna-c-sharp texutre.GetData data You now have a packed array of Colors. So change the 3rd pixel from the right which is the 4th pixel.. another colour Assume you have a Texture2D called texture Colors called colorFrom colorTo Color data new Color texture.Width..
Converting RGB to HSB Colors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4106363/converting-rgb-to-hsb-colors RGB to HSB Colors I am trying to convert a HSB Color to RGB. The way I am doing..
Reading default application settings in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/49269/reading-default-application-settings-in-c-sharp . User clicks on the Restore Default Colors button. Now Properties.Settings.Default.CellBackgroundColor..
Serializing an array of integers using XmlSerializer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/553824/serializing-an-array-of-integers-using-xmlserializer to serialize all of my other data booleans strings even Colors etc without a hitch. I've also seen plenty of people claim that..