c# Programming Glossary: coll
CookieContainer bug? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1047669/cookiecontainer-bug 3 Uri uri new Uri http sub.site.com CookieCollection coll cookie.GetCookies uri lblResult.Text br For uri Cookie count.. uri lblResult.Text br For uri Cookie count coll.Count nbsp nbsp expected 2 uri new Uri http other.site.com coll.. nbsp nbsp expected 2 uri new Uri http other.site.com coll cookie.GetCookies uri lblResult.Text br For uri Cookie count..
ReSharper formatting: align equal operands http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1286806/resharper-formatting-align-equal-operands public void DoSomething string name int age IEnumerable coll you will need to change Wrap formal parameters to Chop always..
c# printer properties WMI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14455964/c-sharp-printer-properties-wmi ManagementObjectSearcher query ManagementObjectCollection coll searcher.Get foreach ManagementObject printer in coll foreach.. coll searcher.Get foreach ManagementObject printer in coll foreach PropertyData property in printer.Properties Console.WriteLine..
Why is filter not working with text/string values in Lucene.Net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16906689/why-is-filter-not-working-with-text-string-values-in-lucene-net QueryMaker searchString searchfields LE coll However if I give a value containing Text String field id Filter.. QueryMaker searchString searchfields LE coll it is failing. The result is not displaying any records. Can..
Handling a Click for all controls on a Form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/247946/handling-a-click-for-all-controls-on-a-form this recursively initControlsRecursive ControlCollection coll foreach Control c in coll c.MouseClick sender e handle the.. ControlCollection coll foreach Control c in coll c.MouseClick sender e handle the click here initControlsRecursive..
How to get Printer Info in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/296182/how-to-get-printer-info-in-net ManagementObjectSearcher query ManagementObjectCollection coll searcher.Get foreach ManagementObject printer in coll foreach.. coll searcher.Get foreach ManagementObject printer in coll foreach PropertyData property in printer.Properties Console.WriteLine..
RemoveAll for ObservableCollections? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5118513/removeall-for-observablecollections passing a Lambda expression c# observablecollection removeall share improve this question I am not aware.. public static int Remove T this ObservableCollection T coll Func T bool condition var itemsToRemove coll.Where condition.. T coll Func T bool condition var itemsToRemove coll.Where condition .ToList foreach var itemToRemove in itemsToRemove..
Adding SortedList or Dictionary<int, string> to ResourceDictionary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9448984/adding-sortedlist-or-dictionaryint-string-to-resourcedictionary xmlns sys clr namespace System assembly mscorlib xmlns coll clr namespace System.Collections.Generic assembly mscorlib x.. assembly mscorlib x Array x Key test Type sys Object coll KeyValuePair coll KeyValuePair x Array c# wpf xaml share.. x Array x Key test Type sys Object coll KeyValuePair coll KeyValuePair x Array c# wpf xaml share improve this question..