c# Programming Glossary: color.fromargb
C#: TreeView owner drawing with ownerdrawtext and the weird black highlighting when clicking on a node http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1003459/c-treeview-owner-drawing-with-ownerdrawtext-and-the-weird-black-highlighting-w Bitfield.IsBitSet e.State TreeNodeStates.Grayed textColour Color.FromArgb 255 128 128 128 Grad fill the background Brush backBrush new.. each item Color separatorColor ColourUtils.Mix leftColour Color.FromArgb 255 0 0 0 0.02 Pen separatorPen new Pen separatorColor e.Graphics.DrawLine.. to fade the colour a lot Brush bodge new SolidBrush Color.FromArgb Bitfield.IsBitSet e.State TreeNodeStates.Hot 224 128 255 255..
How do I invert a colour / color? (C# .net) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1165107/how-do-i-invert-a-colour-color-c-net 255 Color InvertMeAColour Color ColourToInvert return Color.FromArgb RGBMAX ColourToInvert.R RGBMAX ColourToInvert.G RGBMAX ColourToInvert.B..
Place watermark image on other images (C#, ASP.Net) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1224653/place-watermark-image-on-other-images-c-asp-net img Font font new Font Tahoma float 40 Color color Color.FromArgb 50 241 235 105 double tangent double img.Height double img.Width..
Irregular shaped Windows Form (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/176720/irregular-shaped-windows-form-c this.BackgroundImage.Height this.TransparencyKey Color.FromArgb 0 255 0 Contrast Color From http vckicks.110mb.com custom_shape_form_transperancy.html..
C#, convert image to grayscale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2265910/c-convert-image-to-grayscale y Color pixelColor c.GetPixel x y Color newColor Color.FromArgb pixelColor.R 0 0 c.SetPixel x y newColor Now greyscale d..
Proper way to implement IXmlSerializable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/279534/proper-way-to-implement-ixmlserializable reader Name _enabled Boolean.Parse reader Enabled _color Color.FromArgb Int32.Parse reader Color if reader.ReadToDescendant MyEvent..
Converting RGB to HSB Colors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4106363/converting-rgb-to-hsb-colors value System.Drawing.Color drawColor System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb winColor.R winColor.G winColor.B Hue byte drawColor.GetHue 255.. must be within a range of 0 1. if 0 saturation return Color.FromArgb alpha Convert.ToInt32 brightness 255 Convert.ToInt32 brightness.. Convert.ToInt32 fMin 255 switch iSextant case 1 return Color.FromArgb alpha iMid iMax iMin case 2 return Color.FromArgb alpha iMin..
Create Bitmap from a byte array of pixel data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6782489/create-bitmap-from-a-byte-array-of-pixel-data ncp b.Palette for int i 0 i 256 i ncp.Entries i Color.FromArgb 255 i i i b.Palette ncp var BoundsRect new Rectangle 0 0 Width..
How do I get the colour of a pixel at X,Y using c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/753132/how-do-i-get-the-colour-of-a-pixel-at-x-y-using-c GetPixel hdc x y ReleaseDC IntPtr.Zero hdc Color color Color.FromArgb int pixel 0x000000FF int pixel 0x0000FF00 8 int pixel 0x00FF0000..
Changing text color in C# Console Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7937256/changing-text-color-in-c-sharp-console-application b ColorDWORD r g 8 b 16 internal Color GetColor return Color.FromArgb int 0x000000FFU ColorDWORD int 0x0000FF00U ColorDWORD 8 int..