c# Programming Glossary: colours
How can I lower the spam score of my email message? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1860937/how-can-i-lower-the-spam-score-of-my-email-message is HTML so the marketing dept have their nice fonts and colours with a linked image. The MailMessage object does not appear..
Programmatically get a screenshot of a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1981670/programmatically-get-a-screenshot-of-a-page to take a screenshot of a web page in order to check what colours are being used throughout. The program will take in around ten.. LockBits in order to create a list of the five most used colours within the image. To my knowledge it's the easiest way to get.. the image. To my knowledge it's the easiest way to get the colours used within a web page but if there is an easier way to do it..
Getting a Colour Scheme from an Image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042789/getting-a-colour-scheme-from-an-image and from there I wish to take the top five most popular colours and from there somehow decide whether the colours are a good.. popular colours and from there somehow decide whether the colours are a good match. I want to write this tool in C# and after.. I desire and how to make six lists of the most popular colours. Can anyone here provide advice as to how I would create a program..
Search for a string in Enum and return the Enum http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2290262/search-for-a-string-in-enum-and-return-the-enum i have public MyColours GetColours string colour string colours Enum.GetNames typeof MyColours int values Enum.GetValues typeof.. values Enum.GetValues typeof MyColours int i for int i 0 i colours.Length i if colour.Equals colours i StringComparison.Ordinal.. int i for int i 0 i colours.Length i if colour.Equals colours i StringComparison.Ordinal break int value values i I know all..
Generate distinctly different RGB colors in graphs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/309149/generate-distinctly-different-rgb-colors-in-graphs Straightforward to program and gives you fairly distinct colours. EDIT Request for code sample Also adding in the additional.. that you will never need more than a fixed number of colours just generate an array of colours following this pattern and.. than a fixed number of colours just generate an array of colours following this pattern and use those static string ColourValues..
Draw Custom Buttons on Windows Vista/7 Aero Titlebar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4117874/draw-custom-buttons-on-windows-vista-7-aero-titlebar will move naturally whereas if you simply got their theme colours you'd find either that you didn't get access to their reflections.. two cents of course if you can find a way to do your theme colours etcetera by all means. There's one caveat to this though there's..
What is the difference between a Session and a Cookie? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/623815/what-is-the-difference-between-a-session-and-a-cookie Cookies are usually used for simple user settings colours preferences ect. No sensitive information should ever be stored..