c# Programming Glossary: color.black
PrintPage PrintPageEventHandler Is Printing Too Many Copies http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10287558/printpage-printpageeventhandler-is-printing-too-many-copies item.ForeColor Color.Black Font font new Font item.Font.FontFamily scale item.Font.Size.. item.ForeColor Color.Black Font font new Font item.Font.FontFamily scale item.Font.Size..
Graphic - DrawLine - draw line and move it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10768570/graphic-drawline-draw-line-and-move-it var line in Lines var color line SelectedLine Color.Red Color.Black var pen new Pen color 2 e.Graphics.DrawLine pen line.StartPoint.. in point p using var g Graphics.FromImage buffer g.Clear Color.Black g.DrawLine new Pen Color.Green 3 line.StartPoint.X p.X size.. p.Y size if buffer.GetPixel size size .ToArgb Color.Black.ToArgb return line return null public static void Main Application.Run..
Open source C# code to present wave form? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1215326/open-source-c-sharp-code-to-present-wave-form using Graphics g Graphics.FromImage bmp g.Clear Color.Black Pen pen new Pen color int size data.Length for int iPixel 0..
how to draw drawings in picture box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1537090/how-to-draw-drawings-in-picture-box private Point _Previous null private Pen _Pen new Pen Color.Black private void pictureBox1_MouseDown object sender MouseEventArgs..
How To Use ZXing C# Port http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1655953/how-to-use-zxing-c-sharp-port 1 img.SetPixel x y Color.White else img.SetPixel x y Color.Black img.Save @ c test.bmp ImageFormat.Bmp See the Barcode format..
Make foregroundcolor black or white depending on background http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2241447/make-foregroundcolor-black-or-white-depending-on-background or white Color foreColor PerceivedBrightness backColor 130 Color.Black Color.White You can use a value other than 130 as the cutoff..
Draw a rectangle using Winforms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2529567/draw-a-rectangle-using-winforms e Graphics g this.CreateGraphics Pen pen new Pen Color.Black 2 g.DrawRectangle pen 100 100 100 200 c# winforms drawing.. Graphics g this.panel1.CreateGraphics Pen pen new Pen Color.Black 2 Brush brush new SolidBrush this.panel1.BackgroundColor g.DrawRectangle.. Graphics g this.panel1.CreateGraphics Pen pen new Pen Color.Black 2 Brush brush new SolidBrush this.panel1.BackColor g.FillRectangle..
Multiple colors in a C# .NET label http://stackoverflow.com/questions/275836/multiple-colors-in-a-c-sharp-net-label colors string chunks Text.Split ' ' brush new SolidBrush Color.Black SolidBrush brushes new SolidBrush new SolidBrush Color.Red..
Asset not found XNA http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4644325/asset-not-found-xna override void Draw GameTime gameTime GraphicsDevice.Clear Color.Black spriteBatch.Begin spriteBatch.Draw mSpriteTexture mPosition..
Reading default application settings in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/49269/reading-default-application-settings-in-c-sharp using the IDE. User sets CellBackgroundColor to Color.Black in my program. I save the settings with Properties.Settings.Default.Save.. Properties.Settings.Default.CellBackgroundColor returns Color.Black . How do I go back to Color.White c# .net winforms application..
C# Form with custom border and rounded edges http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5092216/c-sharp-form-with-custom-border-and-rounded-edges ControlPaint.DrawBorder e.Graphics this.ClientRectangle Color.Black 5 ButtonBorderStyle.Solid Color.Black 5 ButtonBorderStyle.Solid.. this.ClientRectangle Color.Black 5 ButtonBorderStyle.Solid Color.Black 5 ButtonBorderStyle.Solid Color.Black 5 ButtonBorderStyle.Solid.. Color.Black 5 ButtonBorderStyle.Solid Color.Black 5 ButtonBorderStyle.Solid Color.Black 5 ButtonBorderStyle.Solid..
C# Printing (RichTextBox) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7399842/c-sharp-printing-richtextbox SolidBrush PrintBrush new SolidBrush Color.Black LinesPerPage e.MarginBounds.Height PrintFont.GetHeight e.Graphics..
Changing text color in C# Console Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7937256/changing-text-color-in-c-sharp-console-application Marshal.GetLastWin32Error switch color case ConsoleColor.Black csbe.black new COLORREF r g b break case ConsoleColor.DarkBlue.. foregroundColor if irc 0 return irc irc SetColor ConsoleColor.Black backgroundColor if irc 0 return irc return 0 And then if you.. screenTextColor Color.Orange Color screenBackgroundColor Color.Black int irc SetScreenColorsApp.SetScreenColors screenTextColor screenBackgroundColor..