c# Programming Glossary: coloring
preprocessor directive…C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1313402/preprocessor-directive-c the platform in the toolbar you'll notice that the syntax coloring follows suit. Of course after re reading my answer I notice..
How to set background of a datagrid cell during autogeneratingcolumn event depending on it's value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16645688/how-to-set-background-of-a-datagrid-cell-during-autogeneratingcolumn-event-depen Solution 1. Event handling and code behind logic for coloring First of all the approach you've chosen will not work directly.. a sample object with the int Value property that I use for coloring . XAML DataGrid Name mygrid ItemsSource Binding Items AutoGenerateColumns.. for value to color convertions assuming that that logic of coloring is more complex than equality comparison in that case you can..
Converting RGB to HSB Colors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4106363/converting-rgb-to-hsb-colors including my extension function are using different coloring models. So you should check if you find somewhere an implementation.. check if you find somewhere an implementation of the other coloring model a transformation or something else that gives you the..
Selectively coloring text in RichTextBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/455713/selectively-coloring-text-in-richtextbox coloring text in RichTextBox How can I paint in red every time I meet..
Change color and font for some part of text in WPF C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5442067/change-color-and-font-for-some-part-of-text-in-wpf-c-sharp improve this question If you just want to do some quick coloring using the end of the RTB content as a Range and apply formatting..
Using String Format to show decimal upto 2 places or simple integer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6951335/using-string-format-to-show-decimal-upto-2-places-or-simple-integer