c# Programming Glossary: albums
ASP.NET MVC - Populate a drop down list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2396883/asp-net-mvc-populate-a-drop-down-list SelectListItem ToSelectListItems this IEnumerable Album albums int selectedId return albums.OrderBy album album.Name .Select.. this IEnumerable Album albums int selectedId return albums.OrderBy album album.Name .Select album new SelectListItem..
deserializing JSON to .net object using NewtonSoft (or linq to json maybe?) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4749639/deserializing-json-to-net-object-using-newtonsoft-or-linq-to-json-maybe return data page 1 total_pages 8 total_entries 74 q muse albums name Muse permalink Muse cover_image_url http image.kazaa.com.. to download the file Console.WriteLine string jObject albums 0 cover_image_url stream.Close c# json linq json.net deserialization..
Deserialization Error: The XML element 'name' from namespace '' is already present in the current scope http://stackoverflow.com/questions/523245/deserialization-error-the-xml-element-name-from-namespace-is-already-prese to get pass this damn error obviously and get an array of albums back using my code above once I can get past the error. I also.. code is correct in trying to retrieve that arrray back of albums using my Album property in my Album class or anything else I..
Having HierarchicalDataTemplates in a TreeView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/719609/having-hierarchicaldatatemplates-in-a-treeview above the TreeView is only binding the Artists and their albums. How can I modify it to include also the Tracks of the albums.. How can I modify it to include also the Tracks of the albums as a sub list of the albums ie c# .net wpf xaml treeview .. include also the Tracks of the albums as a sub list of the albums ie c# .net wpf xaml treeview share improve this question..
c# 2008 SQL Server Express Connection String http://stackoverflow.com/questions/997169/c-sharp-2008-sql-server-express-connection-string FinchAdmin the_password Finch http s113.photobucket.com albums n202 ozpowermo action view current ManagementStudio.jpg I FIGURED..
ASP.NET MVC - Populate a drop down list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2396883/asp-net-mvc-populate-a-drop-down-list int TrackNumber get set public IEnumerable SelectListItem Albums get set Extension method public static IEnumerable SelectListItem.. Value album.ID.ToString Getting data from database model.Albums _repository.FindAllAlbums .ToSelectItems selectedId View @Html.DropDownList.. Getting data from database model.Albums _repository.FindAllAlbums .ToSelectItems selectedId View @Html.DropDownList AlbumId Model.Albums..
Showing items as images in a WPF ListView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2570568/showing-items-as-images-in-a-wpf-listview
Deserialization Error: The XML element 'name' from namespace '' is already present in the current scope http://stackoverflow.com/questions/523245/deserialization-error-the-xml-element-name-from-namespace-is-already-prese #region Public Properties XmlArray ElementName photos_GetAlbums_response XmlArrayItem album public Album Albums get set XmlElement.. photos_GetAlbums_response XmlArrayItem album public Album Albums get set XmlElement ElementName ElementConstants.AlbumName DataType.. debugging in VS xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 photos_GetAlbums_response xsi schemaLocation http api.xxx.com 1.0 http api.xxx.com..
Having HierarchicalDataTemplates in a TreeView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/719609/having-hierarchicaldatatemplates-in-a-treeview Album public string Name get set public ICollection Album Albums get return _children public class Album private readonly ICollection.. DataType x Type local Artist ItemsSource Binding Albums TextBlock Text Binding Name HierarchicalDataTemplate TreeView.Resources.. DataType x Type local Artist ItemsSource Binding Albums TextBlock Text Binding Name HierarchicalDataTemplate HierarchicalDataTemplate..