c# Programming Glossary: akin
Why does adding local variables make .NET code slower http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10369421/why-does-adding-local-variables-make-net-code-slower with the sentiment that premature optimization is akin to the love of money I could see the frustration in trying to.. warm region that could be vastly improved by hand tweaking what we normally take for granted from the compiler. I sure..
How do you find out when you've been loaded via XML Serialization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1266547/how-do-you-find-out-when-youve-been-loaded-via-xml-serialization point out that the obvious case of exposing something akin to an OnLoaded method that I could call after deserialising..
Recommended ServiceStack API Structure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15231537/recommended-servicestack-api-structure Project EventMan.ServiceInterface Service implementations akin to MVC Controllers EventsService.cs EventsReviewsService.cs..
What is the equivalent of memset in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1897555/what-is-the-equivalent-of-memset-in-c Is there a Framework method to fill a byte that might be akin to memset What is the most efficient way to do it when we are..
c# multiple inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2256990/c-sharp-multiple-inheritance c ditto As others have already said if you need something akin to multiple inheritance use interfaces since a class can implement..
'Design By Contract' in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/260817/design-by-contract-in-c-sharp in my latest C# application and wanted to have syntax akin to public string Foo set Assert.IsNotNull value Assert.IsTrue..
Can Unity be made to not throw SynchronizationLockException all the time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2873767/can-unity-be-made-to-not-throw-synchronizationlockexception-all-the-time exception so every time my application starts up I'm breaking on this exception multiple times for no reason. How can I prevent.. changing the debugger settings to ignore it. This is akin to going to the doctor and saying Doctor Doctor my arm hurts..
Suppressing “is never used” and “is never assigned to” warnings in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3820985/suppressing-is-never-used-and-is-never-assigned-to-warnings-in-c-sharp First and foremost the act of suppressing a warning is akin to swallowing pills for headache. Sure it might be the right..
Delegates in objective c http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4449382/delegates-in-objective-c rather than raw delegates . Basically a C# delegate is akin to a Python method object. You might be able to use the new..
MVVM Light + Unity or Prism? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4750255/mvvm-light-unity-or-prism Micro shares a name and an author from Caliburn but it's akin to MVVM Light with some nice conventions ReactiveUI Formerly.. so much of the value applications provide these days is taking data from disparate systems and putting them together in the..
Basic render 3D perspective projection onto 2D screen with camera (without opengl) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8633034/basic-render-3d-perspective-projection-onto-2d-screen-with-camera-without-openg the camera. It's important to realise what we're doing is akin to moving objects around the camera not the other way around...
OData with ServiceStack? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9577938/odata-with-servicestack or version ability of your services in future. This is akin to handing your db connection string where as soon as you have.. an OData API for a new technology that rewriting breaking existing clients would tend to be the preferred option. Letting..