android Programming Glossary: zoomablerelativelayout
Android - zoom in/out RelativeLayout with spread/pinch above mentioned topics. It looks like this public class ZoomableRelativeLayout extends RelativeLayout float mScaleFactor 1 float mPivotX float.. float mScaleFactor 1 float mPivotX float mPivotY public ZoomableRelativeLayout Context context super context TODO Auto generated constructor.. super context TODO Auto generated constructor stub public ZoomableRelativeLayout Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs TODO..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup a bad idea and extend RelativeLayout into a class called ZoomableRelativeLayout. My idea is that any scale transformation could be applied just.. zoom in any of the child views. Here's what I did in my ZoomableRelativeLayout. It's just a simple extension of RelativeLayout with dispatchDraw.. same class. It does actually work. I can pinch to zoom the ZoomableRelativeLayout and all of the views held within properly rescale together...
Zoom Content in a RelativeLayout as the root layout is not zoomed. I have a setup like this ZoomableRelativeLayout ... Root Moveable and zoomable ImageView .... RelativeLayout.. RelativeLayout ... Clickable moveable and zoomable ZoomableRelativeLayout And I like to zoom the content in my ZoomableRelativeLayout.. And I like to zoom the content in my ZoomableRelativeLayout . I zoom my content like this in my ZoomableRelativeLayout class..
Android - zoom in/out RelativeLayout with spread/pinch So I created a subclass of RelativeLayout as described in the above mentioned topics. It looks like this public class ZoomableRelativeLayout extends RelativeLayout float mScaleFactor 1 float mPivotX float mPivotY public ZoomableRelativeLayout Context context super.. public class ZoomableRelativeLayout extends RelativeLayout float mScaleFactor 1 float mPivotX float mPivotY public ZoomableRelativeLayout Context context super context TODO Auto generated constructor stub public ZoomableRelativeLayout Context context AttributeSet.. float mPivotY public ZoomableRelativeLayout Context context super context TODO Auto generated constructor stub public ZoomableRelativeLayout Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs TODO Auto generated constructor stub public ZoomableRelativeLayout..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup before doing that I have tried to be clever ha usually a bad idea and extend RelativeLayout into a class called ZoomableRelativeLayout. My idea is that any scale transformation could be applied just once to the Canvas in the overridden dispatchDraw function.. that there would be absolutely no need to separately apply the zoom in any of the child views. Here's what I did in my ZoomableRelativeLayout. It's just a simple extension of RelativeLayout with dispatchDraw being overridden protected void dispatchDraw Canvas canvas.. The mScaleFactor is manipulated by a ScaleListener in the same class. It does actually work. I can pinch to zoom the ZoomableRelativeLayout and all of the views held within properly rescale together. Except there's a problem. Some of those child views are animated..
Zoom Content in a RelativeLayout that I can click move and zoom. Everything is fine as long as the root layout is not zoomed. I have a setup like this ZoomableRelativeLayout ... Root Moveable and zoomable ImageView .... RelativeLayout ... Clickable moveable and zoomable RelativeLayout ... Clickable.. ImageView .... RelativeLayout ... Clickable moveable and zoomable RelativeLayout ... Clickable moveable and zoomable ZoomableRelativeLayout And I like to zoom the content in my ZoomableRelativeLayout . I zoom my content like this in my ZoomableRelativeLayout class.. RelativeLayout ... Clickable moveable and zoomable ZoomableRelativeLayout And I like to zoom the content in my ZoomableRelativeLayout . I zoom my content like this in my ZoomableRelativeLayout class protected void dispatchDraw Canvas canvas Canvas.MATRIX_SAVE_FLAG..