android Programming Glossary: zigbeenetwork
how to properly implement Parcelable with an ArrayList<Parcelable>? import android.os.Parcelable public class ZigBeeNetwork implements Parcelable public String _mac the source address.. _lqis out.writeParcelable _devices 0 help here private ZigBeeNetwork Parcel in _mac in.readString _pan in.readString _band in.readInt.. this.hashCode public static final Parcelable.Creator ZigBeeNetwork CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator ZigBeeNetwork public ZigBeeNetwork..
how to properly implement Parcelable with an ArrayList<Parcelable>? java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Iterator import android.os.Parcel import android.os.Parcelable public class ZigBeeNetwork implements Parcelable public String _mac the source address of the coordinator public String _pan the network address.. out.writeString _pan out.writeInt _band out.writeSerializable _lqis out.writeParcelable _devices 0 help here private ZigBeeNetwork Parcel in _mac in.readString _pan in.readString _band in.readInt _lqis ArrayList Integer in.readSerializable _devices in.readParcelable.. help here public int describeContents return this.hashCode public static final Parcelable.Creator ZigBeeNetwork CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator ZigBeeNetwork public ZigBeeNetwork createFromParcel Parcel in return new ZigBeeNetwork..