android Programming Glossary: zip
Steps to create APK expansion file directory so just select all the content and make it a zip named and attach it with while uploading.. all the content and make it a zip named and attach it with while uploading apk This all uploading part.. contains three projects downloader_library zip_file downloader_sample . downloader_library itself having the..
Android Studio error installing Gradle 'http distributions gradle 1.6'. Could not install Gradle distribution from 'http 'http distributions gradle 1.6'. What can I do to fix it UPDATE When I look at the Error Log.. and you will find the tmp download path of gradle 1.6 . For example mine 2013 05 17 09 42 16 934 283002 INFO ution.rmi.RemoteProcessSupport..
Fixing Eclipse after ADT breaks adt share improve this question Manually download zip and then intent of URL use that zip. details are mention here.. Manually download zip and then intent of URL use that zip. details are mention here . http sdk installing..
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin templates activities folder with the contents of this zip should resolve this issue. I apologize for the inconvenience...
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory Users mike .android debug.keystore debug echo Running zip align on final apk... echo Debug Package Users mike Projects.. Users mike .android debug.keystore debug echo Running zip align on final apk... echo Debug Package Users mike Projects.. Users mike .android debug.keystore debug echo Running zip align on final apk... echo Debug Package Users mike Projects..
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size images inside the Drawable folder is there any way to zip the images or such method android android emulator sd card..
How to view AndroidManifest.xml from APK file? file I just changed the extension for apk file to zip. This zip file contains Androidmanifest.xml file. But I cant.. I just changed the extension for apk file to zip. This zip file contains Androidmanifest.xml file. But I cant view the..
How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net? can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net.. a string like hello to the method and get the following zipped string BQAAAB LCAAAAAAABADtvQdgHEmWJSYvbcp7f0r1StfgdKEIgGATJNiQQBDswYjN5pLsHWlHIymrKoHKZVZlXWYWQMztnbz33nvvvffee.. compressed public static String decompress String zipText throws IOException byte compressed Base64.decode zipText..
Android Support Library (v4). Getting the source and attaching it to the library/jar in Eclipse code for the v4 support package Preferably it would be a zip file which could be easily attached to the android support v4.jar.. to the android support v4.jar in Eclipse. android eclipse zip source code android compat lib share improve this question..
Error importing HoloEverywhere Follow the steps below to add HoloEverywhere Download Zip from GitHub to your computer UnZip the folder Go to eclipse.. HoloEverywhere Download Zip from GitHub to your computer UnZip the folder Go to eclipse and choose File New Android Project..
Android Download Zip to SD card? Download Zip to SD card I have a 100 meg zip file that I need to download..
How can I pass values between a Dialog and an Activity? setContentView R.layout.mycustomdialog setTitle Enter the Zip Code Button buttonOK Button findViewById buttonOK.setOnClickListener.. new OKListener etName EditText findViewById private class OKListener implements android.view.View.OnClickListener.. etName EditText yourCustomView.findViewById AlertDialog dialog new AlertDialog.Builder YourActivity.this..
How do I create an Android Spinner as a popup? b new Builder this b.setTitle Example String types By Zip By Category b.setItems types new OnClickListener @Override public.. dialog int which dialog.dismiss switch which case 0 onZipRequested break case 1 onCategoryRequested break
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it? key.alias keypass key.alias.password verbose verbose Zip aligns the APK zipalign helper in.package out.unaligned.file..
How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net? can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible.. .Net I need an example for compressing a string using GZip in android. I want to send a string like hello to the method.. text MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream using GZipStream zip new GZipStream ms CompressionMode.Compress true zip.Write..
Android WSDL Web Service ksoap2 d4p1 TourID i nil true d4p1 YearBuilt i nil true d4p1 Zip 37923 d4p1 Zip Details CreateTour s Body Android v Envelope.. i nil true d4p1 YearBuilt i nil true d4p1 Zip 37923 d4p1 Zip Details CreateTour s Body Android v Envelope xmlns i http i type d int 0 TourID YearBuilt i type d int 0 YearBuilt Zip i type d string 37362 Zip Details CreateTour v Body android..
Download and Extract Zip File in Android and Extract Zip File in Android My application is downloading zip file from.. communication. The Below is my Code for Download Unzip Zip File public class UnzipManager private static String BASE_FOLDER.. boolean isLowOnMemory public static int i 0 public static ZipEntry zipEntry public static void startUnzipping Context ctx..
How to get complete address from latitude and longitude? and Longitude in android 1 Street Address 2 City State 3 Zip 4 Complete Address any one guide me how to achieve this any..
Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments? 2. ViewPagerExtensions You can find it here . Download the ZIP files and create a new project from it. I only can make this.. at the examples provided in the ViewPagerExtensions ZIP file that you download from GitHub. This is just the answer..
Cannot extract file from ZIP archive created on Android (device/OS specific) extract file from ZIP archive created on Android device OS specific I am creating..
Read content from APK expansion file (from obb file) files.html Tip If you're packaging media files into a ZIP you can use media playback calls on the files with offset and.. and SoundPool.load without the need to unpack your ZIP. In order for this to work you must not perform additional compression.. compression on the media files when creating the ZIP packages. For example when using the zip tool you should use..
How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc) on a Genymotion virtual device? more up to date builds of libhoudini and have updated the ZIP. This fixes a lot of app crashes and hangs. Just flash the new.. Play apps in your Genymotion VM. Download the following ZIPs ARM Translation Installer v1.1 Mirrors Download the correct..
Integrate an Android app (.apk) into an existing Android project The created .apk file is not a binary file. It is a ZIP archive of several files and folders but none of them is java..
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? anyone know if it's possible to use JPG with OSM Once the ZIP has been generated I renamed it to and moved it to..
Osmdroid - change local map folder path I have been searching through their code for handling ZIP files but I haven't found any solution. Anyone faced this issue.. the code to build your own version of OSMdroid. Changing ZIP and local folder is totally possbile had to do it myself a few..
What are ODEX files in Android? files APK work. Applications are basically glorified ZIP archives. The java code is stored in a file called classes.dex..
Where is the SampleZipfileProvider class? defines a ContentProvider that marshals the data from the ZIP files through a content provider Uri in order to provide file..
Can We Install an APK From a ContentProvider? you'd need is just missing from the API . As APK files are ZIP files which must be read out of order you have to seek to the..
Steps to create APK expansion file while uploading suppose you all the content in your current directory so just select all the content and make it a zip named and attach it with while uploading apk This all uploading part now downloading part First of.. all the content in your current directory so just select all the content and make it a zip named and attach it with while uploading apk This all uploading part now downloading part First of all you need to download Google.. to your project it will implicitly manage. play_apk_expansion contains three projects downloader_library zip_file downloader_sample . downloader_library itself having the reference of Market_licensing. Now you just need to concentrate..
Android Studio error installing Gradle Could not install Gradle distribution from 'http distributions gradle 1.6'. Could not install Gradle distribution from 'http distributions gradle 1.6'. What can I do.. gradle 1.6'. Could not install Gradle distribution from 'http distributions gradle 1.6'. What can I do to fix it UPDATE When I look at the Error Log I saw this org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.settings.GradleSettings.. system log on Mac Linux ~ .AndroidStudioPreview system log and you will find the tmp download path of gradle 1.6 . For example mine 2013 05 17 09 42 16 934 283002 INFO ution.rmi.RemoteProcessSupport Unzipping C Documents and Settings..
Fixing Eclipse after ADT breaks 22.0.0.v201305140200 675183 android eclipse plugin adt share improve this question Manually download zip and then intent of URL use that zip. details are mention here . http sdk installing installing adt.html#Troubleshooting.. android eclipse plugin adt share improve this question Manually download zip and then intent of URL use that zip. details are mention here . http sdk installing installing adt.html#Troubleshooting Help Install New..
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin of the current Activities templates. Replacing your sdk tools templates activities folder with the contents of this zip should resolve this issue. I apologize for the inconvenience. My older workaround below. Workaround to the bug For Blank..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory and signing it with a debug key... apkbuilder Using keystore Users mike .android debug.keystore debug echo Running zip align on final apk... echo Debug Package Users mike Projects myapp android MyApp bin MyApp debug.apk install echo Installing.. and signing it with a debug key... apkbuilder Using keystore Users mike .android debug.keystore debug echo Running zip align on final apk... echo Debug Package Users mike Projects myapp android MyApp bin MyApp debug.apk install echo Installing.. and signing it with a debug key... apkbuilder Using keystore Users mike .android debug.keystore debug echo Running zip align on final apk... echo Debug Package Users mike Projects myapp android MyAppTests bin MyAppTests debug.apk install echo..
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size on device Launch canceled Now please suggest me the way to store images inside the Drawable folder is there any way to zip the images or such method android android emulator sd card apk avd share improve this question Its probably device..
How to view AndroidManifest.xml from APK file? from APK file Is it possible to view Androidmanifest.xml file I just changed the extension for apk file to zip. This zip file contains Androidmanifest.xml file. But I cant view the Androidmanifest.xml coding. Its fully encrypted. How.. from APK file Is it possible to view Androidmanifest.xml file I just changed the extension for apk file to zip. This zip file contains Androidmanifest.xml file. But I cant view the Androidmanifest.xml coding. Its fully encrypted. How to view..
How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net? can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net I need an example for compressing a string using GZip in android... for compressing a string using GZip in android. I want to send a string like hello to the method and get the following zipped string BQAAAB LCAAAAAAABADtvQdgHEmWJSYvbcp7f0r1StfgdKEIgGATJNiQQBDswYjN5pLsHWlHIymrKoHKZVZlXWYWQMztnbz33nvvvffee 997o7nU4n99.. 0 compressed 4 os.toByteArray .length return Base64.encode compressed public static String decompress String zipText throws IOException byte compressed Base64.decode zipText if compressed.length 4 GZIPInputStream gzipInputStream new..
Android Support Library (v4). Getting the source and attaching it to the library/jar in Eclipse to external libraries is awesome. Where to find the source code for the v4 support package Preferably it would be a zip file which could be easily attached to the android support v4.jar in Eclipse. android eclipse zip source code android compat.. it would be a zip file which could be easily attached to the android support v4.jar in Eclipse. android eclipse zip source code android compat lib share improve this question After downloading the support package from the Android SDK..
Error importing HoloEverywhere to delete that jar since it's included in ActionBarSherlock. Follow the steps below to add HoloEverywhere Download Zip from GitHub to your computer UnZip the folder Go to eclipse and choose File New Android Project Select Create project from.. in ActionBarSherlock. Follow the steps below to add HoloEverywhere Download Zip from GitHub to your computer UnZip the folder Go to eclipse and choose File New Android Project Select Create project from existing source and then browse..
Android Download Zip to SD card? Download Zip to SD card I have a 100 meg zip file that I need to download when the app first starts. It needs to unzip to the SD card..
How can I pass values between a Dialog and an Activity? Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.mycustomdialog setTitle Enter the Zip Code Button buttonOK Button findViewById buttonOK.setOnClickListener new OKListener etName EditText findViewById.. buttonOK Button findViewById buttonOK.setOnClickListener new OKListener etName EditText findViewById private class OKListener implements android.view.View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v readyListener.ready.. inflater.inflate R.layout.mycustomdialog null final TextView etName EditText yourCustomView.findViewById AlertDialog dialog new AlertDialog.Builder YourActivity.this .setTitle Enter the Zip Code .setView yourCustomView .setPositiveButton..
How do I create an Android Spinner as a popup? this question You can use an alert dialog AlertDialog.Builder b new Builder this b.setTitle Example String types By Zip By Category b.setItems types new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick DialogInterface dialog int which dialog.dismiss.. OnClickListener @Override public void onClick DialogInterface dialog int which dialog.dismiss switch which case 0 onZipRequested break case 1 onCategoryRequested break This will close the dialog when one of them is pressed like..
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it? keystore storepass alias key.alias keypass key.alias.password verbose verbose Zip aligns the APK zipalign helper in.package out.unaligned.file out.package out.release.file echo Release Package out.release.file..
How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net? can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net I need an example for compressing a string using.. Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net I need an example for compressing a string using GZip in android. I want to send a string like hello to the method and get the following zipped string BQAAAB LCAAAAAAABADtvQdgHEmWJSYvbcp7f0r1StfgdKEIgGATJNiQQBDswYjN5pLsHWlHIymrKoHKZVZlXWYWQMztnbz33nvvvffee.. static string compress string text byte buffer Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes text MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream using GZipStream zip new GZipStream ms CompressionMode.Compress true zip.Write buffer 0 buffer.Length ms.Position 0 MemoryStream outStream..
Android WSDL Web Service ksoap2 9111 Cross Park Drive d4p1 Street d4p1 Title Test d4p1 Title d4p1 TourID i nil true d4p1 YearBuilt i nil true d4p1 Zip 37923 d4p1 Zip Details CreateTour s Body Android v Envelope xmlns i http 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns d http.. Drive d4p1 Street d4p1 Title Test d4p1 Title d4p1 TourID i nil true d4p1 YearBuilt i nil true d4p1 Zip 37923 d4p1 Zip Details CreateTour s Body Android v Envelope xmlns i http 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns d http 2001.. Street Title i type d string Android Test Tour Title TourID i type d int 0 TourID YearBuilt i type d int 0 YearBuilt Zip i type d string 37362 Zip Details CreateTour v Body android service wsdl web ksoap share improve this question I had..
Download and Extract Zip File in Android and Extract Zip File in Android My application is downloading zip file from the server and extract this zip file and save files into sd.. 35 MB zip file this will give me error sorry for my bad English communication. The Below is my Code for Download Unzip Zip File public class UnzipManager private static String BASE_FOLDER public static Context localContext public static String.. Occurred or not..and alert user accordingly.. public static boolean isLowOnMemory public static int i 0 public static ZipEntry zipEntry public static void startUnzipping Context ctx int c String url context ctx count c MAKE SURE THAT localContext..
How to get complete address from latitude and longitude? and longitude i want to get following values from Latitude and Longitude in android 1 Street Address 2 City State 3 Zip 4 Complete Address any one guide me how to achieve this any help would be appreciated. android google maps location share..
Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments? It's so dead easy to work with that I won't explain it. 2. ViewPagerExtensions You can find it here . Download the ZIP files and create a new project from it. I only can make this set to work as static I would like to create this like android.. and joining all this to cross communicate. I suggest looking at the examples provided in the ViewPagerExtensions ZIP file that you download from GitHub. This is just the answer to the question in your comment. As you can see it's not that..
Cannot extract file from ZIP archive created on Android (device/OS specific) extract file from ZIP archive created on Android device OS specific I am creating an archive on Android using the code like this OutputStream..
Read content from APK expansion file (from obb file) is mention in http google play expansion files.html Tip If you're packaging media files into a ZIP you can use media playback calls on the files with offset and length controls such as MediaPlayer.setDataSource and SoundPool.load.. with offset and length controls such as MediaPlayer.setDataSource and SoundPool.load without the need to unpack your ZIP. In order for this to work you must not perform additional compression on the media files when creating the ZIP packages... your ZIP. In order for this to work you must not perform additional compression on the media files when creating the ZIP packages. For example when using the zip tool you should use the n option to specify the file suffixes that should not be..
How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc) on a Genymotion virtual device? Translation and GApps XDA Developers UPDATE v1.1 I've gotten more up to date builds of libhoudini and have updated the ZIP. This fixes a lot of app crashes and hangs. Just flash the new one and it should work. This guide is for getting back both.. the INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE errors and Google Play apps in your Genymotion VM. Download the following ZIPs ARM Translation Installer v1.1 Mirrors Download the correct GApps for your Android version Google Apps for Android 4.3..
Integrate an Android app (.apk) into an existing Android project A project written in App Inventor cannot be exported into Eclipse. The created .apk file is not a binary file. It is a ZIP archive of several files and folders but none of them is java code. What can be done to combine an App Inventor app with..
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? checkbox to force the tiles to be exported as PNGs does anyone know if it's possible to use JPG with OSM Once the ZIP has been generated I renamed it to and moved it to a newly created folder called tiles in my Eclipse Android..
Osmdroid - change local map folder in sdcard osmdroid. Do you know how to change the file path I have been searching through their code for handling ZIP files but I haven't found any solution. Anyone faced this issue before Thx android zip osmdroid share improve this question.. share improve this question Here you can check out the code to build your own version of OSMdroid. Changing ZIP and local folder is totally possbile had to do it myself a few months ago. Responsible for the Zips are this classes org..
What are ODEX files in Android? file does you have to understand a little about how application files APK work. Applications are basically glorified ZIP archives. The java code is stored in a file called classes.dex and this file is parsed by the Dalvik JVM and a cache of..
Where is the SampleZipfileProvider class? Most applications don't need to use this class. This class defines a ContentProvider that marshals the data from the ZIP files through a content provider Uri in order to provide file access for certain Android APIs that expect Uri access to..
Can We Install an APK From a ContentProvider? on descriptors just the same as the others the constructor you'd need is just missing from the API . As APK files are ZIP files which must be read out of order you have to seek to the end to find the file directory I assume the implementation..