android Programming Glossary: zoomable
Android Pinch and Zoom Image in Activity eliminate that movement of the image and should only be zoomable from the center of the activity.
How to make my ImageView zoomable? to make my ImageView zoomable Can anyone help on how to use the matrix scaletype to zoom..
ImageView Pinch-zoom Scale Limits and pan bounds with images. The images within the gallery should be zoomable and pannable. I could able to pinch zoom an image but could..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup RelativeLayout and overriding dispatchDraw to create a zoomable ViewGroup I've seen a few people ask how to zoom an entire.. explain as best as I can. Am I on a bit of a loser with my zoomable ViewGroup strategy Is there another way Thanks Trev android..
How to get x and y coordinate of bitmap image in image control? left top coordinate of the zoomed panned view. Code for zoomable pannable extended imageview is available in one of the stackoverflow..
How to enable the (two finger) zoom in/out feature for an image in android [duplicate] new PointF PointF mid new PointF float oldDist 1f Limit zoomable pannable image private float matrixValues new float 9 private..
Zoom Content in a RelativeLayout like this ZoomableRelativeLayout ... Root Moveable and zoomable ImageView .... RelativeLayout ... Clickable moveable and zoomable.. ImageView .... RelativeLayout ... Clickable moveable and zoomable RelativeLayout ... Clickable moveable and zoomable ZoomableRelativeLayout.. and zoomable RelativeLayout ... Clickable moveable and zoomable ZoomableRelativeLayout And I like to zoom the content in my..
Android Pinch and Zoom Image in Activity it gains Zoom but also moves like drag and drop. I should eliminate that movement of the image and should only be zoomable from the center of the activity. public class ZoomInZoomOutActivity extends Activity implements..
How to make my ImageView zoomable? to make my ImageView zoomable Can anyone help on how to use the matrix scaletype to zoom an imageview and also how to use the translate method so that..
ImageView Pinch-zoom Scale Limits and pan bounds zoom Scale Limits and pan bounds I wanted to create an gallery with images. The images within the gallery should be zoomable and pannable. I could able to pinch zoom an image but could not able to set zoom limits and prevent the image from being..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup RelativeLayout and overriding dispatchDraw to create a zoomable ViewGroup I've seen a few people ask how to zoom an entire ViewGroup such as a RelativeLayout in one go. At the moment.. is being redrawn. I hope this makes sense I've tried to explain as best as I can. Am I on a bit of a loser with my zoomable ViewGroup strategy Is there another way Thanks Trev android share improve this question If you are applying a scale..
How to get x and y coordinate of bitmap image in image control? pan . If you can get hold of matrix then you can retrieve the left top coordinate of the zoomed panned view. Code for zoomable pannable extended imageview is available in one of the stackoverflow posts In that post you will see extended ImageView..
How to enable the (two finger) zoom in/out feature for an image in android [duplicate] 3 int mode NONE Remember some things for zooming PointF start new PointF PointF mid new PointF float oldDist 1f Limit zoomable pannable image private float matrixValues new float 9 private float maxZoom private float minZoom private float height private..
Zoom Content in a RelativeLayout fine as long as the root layout is not zoomed. I have a setup like this ZoomableRelativeLayout ... Root Moveable and zoomable ImageView .... RelativeLayout ... Clickable moveable and zoomable RelativeLayout ... Clickable moveable and zoomable ZoomableRelativeLayout.. this ZoomableRelativeLayout ... Root Moveable and zoomable ImageView .... RelativeLayout ... Clickable moveable and zoomable RelativeLayout ... Clickable moveable and zoomable ZoomableRelativeLayout And I like to zoom the content in my ZoomableRelativeLayout.. zoomable ImageView .... RelativeLayout ... Clickable moveable and zoomable RelativeLayout ... Clickable moveable and zoomable ZoomableRelativeLayout And I like to zoom the content in my ZoomableRelativeLayout . I zoom my content like this in my ZoomableRelativeLayout..