android Programming Glossary: z0
How should I validate an e-mail address on Android? org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ . a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ x01 x08 x0b x0c x0e x1f x21 x23.. a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ . a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ x01 x08 x0b x0c x0e x1f x21 x23 x5b x5d x7f x01.. x0e x1f x21 x23 x5b x5d x7f x01 x09 x0b x0c x0e x7f @ a z0 9 a z0 9 a z0 9 . a z0 9 a z0 9 a z0 9 25 0 5 2 0 4 0 9 01 0..
How should I validate an e-mail address on Android? will still fail on things like as will org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ . a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ x01 x08 x0b x0c x0e x1f x21 x23 x5b x5d x7f x01 x09 x0b x0c x0e x7f @ a z0 9 a z0 9 a z0.. on things like as will org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ . a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ x01 x08 x0b x0c x0e x1f x21 x23 x5b x5d x7f x01 x09 x0b x0c x0e x7f @ a z0 9 a z0 9 a z0 9 . a z0 9 a z0 9 a.. a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ . a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ x01 x08 x0b x0c x0e x1f x21 x23 x5b x5d x7f x01 x09 x0b x0c x0e x7f @ a z0 9 a z0 9 a z0 9 . a z0 9 a z0 9 a z0 9 25 0 5 2 0 4 0 9 01 0 9 0 9 . 3 25 0 5 2 0 4 0 9 01 0 9 0 9 a z0 9 a z0 9 x01 x08..
Specifying “strikethrough” on a section of TextView text bold italics and underline I was able to do this easily with the replaceAll command PageText PageText.replaceAll a zA Z0 9 b 1 b PageText PageText.replaceAll a zA Z0 9 i 1 i PageText PageText.replaceAll _ a zA Z0 9 _ u 1 u txtPage.setText Html.fromHtml.. this easily with the replaceAll command PageText PageText.replaceAll a zA Z0 9 b 1 b PageText PageText.replaceAll a zA Z0 9 i 1 i PageText PageText.replaceAll _ a zA Z0 9 _ u 1 u txtPage.setText Html.fromHtml PageText TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE.. PageText.replaceAll a zA Z0 9 b 1 b PageText PageText.replaceAll a zA Z0 9 i 1 i PageText PageText.replaceAll _ a zA Z0 9 _ u 1 u txtPage.setText Html.fromHtml PageText TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE So to bold a word surround it with 's for..
Android Linkify both web and @mentions all in the same TextView and capture just the username portion of the text. pattern Pattern.compile @ A Za z0 9_ pattern Pattern.compile @ a zA Z0 9_ scheme http tweetTxt TextView v.findViewById Linkify.addLinks tweetTxt pattern scheme null..
Validate an email inside an EditText new TextWatcher public void afterTextChanged Editable s if textMessage.getText .toString .matches a zA Z0 9._ @ a z . a z s.length 0 text.setText valid email else text.setText invalid email public void beforeTextChanged.. all android regex email edittext share improve this question Just change your regular expression as follows a zA Z0 9._ @ a z . a z Because . dot means match any single char.ADD a double backslash before your dot to stand for a real dot...