android Programming Glossary: zone
Blank GoogleMap on a real Android 2.3 device with Google API (Lv. 17) date time settings correspond to your current time zone Unfortunately the log output will not return much constructive..
Set Limit on the DatePickerDialog in Android? since January 1 1970 00 00 00 in the default time zone. You'll still have to calculate these values of course but that..
Best approach for oldschool 2D zelda-like game hits defined map limits like a house door dungeon or new zone load a new specific map. What would be the best and simplest..
Android Emulator's launch options don't work in Eclipse plugin? plugin I need to change the emulator's default time zone. It worked in command line with timezone option. But when I.. default time zone. It worked in command line with timezone option. But when I tried it in eclipse android's launch options...
set 2 proximity alerts with the same broadcast is fired for entering true ZONE1. If you enter another zone ZONE2 that overlap with the current zone you don't get the alert.. you enter another zone ZONE2 that overlap with the current zone you don't get the alert as you are still in ZONE1. You must.. away from me probably Greenland then set the position in a zone that triggers ZONE1 broadcast should fire. Then set again my..
How to correctly set MediaPlayer audio stream type
Where am I? - Get country country is sufficient I first thought of using the time zone but actually I need more information than that since it makes..
Can't get geo fixes to Android emulator I've tried targeting different platforms setting the time zone in the correct emulator changing the locale to English US wiping..
NullPointerException that doesn't point to any line in my code targetImg is one of the 'drop zones' so I set its drawable to make it seem like the view was.. to make it seem like the view was 'dropped' into this zone else target1Img.setImageDrawable simulateMovingImg.getDrawable..
How to overcome this error:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget return the larger one when there is no overlapping zone. return lowerBound if maxNumOfPixels IImage.UNCONSTRAINED minSideLength..
Blank GoogleMap on a real Android 2.3 device with Google API (Lv. 17) Maps API please follow this steps to check Check if your devices' date time settings correspond to your current time zone Unfortunately the log output will not return much constructive information to lead you to think about the date time Check..
Set Limit on the DatePickerDialog in Android? long maxDate Where the argument is the usual number of milliseconds since January 1 1970 00 00 00 in the default time zone. You'll still have to calculate these values of course but that should be trivial to do with the Calendar class just take..
Best approach for oldschool 2D zelda-like game example. The player could move on a scrollable view and when hits defined map limits like a house door dungeon or new zone load a new specific map. What would be the best and simplest way to achieve this specifically for Android devices Could..
Android Emulator's launch options don't work in Eclipse plugin? Emulator's launch options don't work in Eclipse plugin I need to change the emulator's default time zone. It worked in command line with timezone option. But when I tried it in eclipse android's launch options. it didn't work... don't work in Eclipse plugin I need to change the emulator's default time zone. It worked in command line with timezone option. But when I tried it in eclipse android's launch options. it didn't work. I set it in Window preferences android..
set 2 proximity alerts with the same broadcast based on the signal precision and radius you set. Broadcast is fired for entering true ZONE1. If you enter another zone ZONE2 that overlap with the current zone you don't get the alert as you are still in ZONE1. You must leave the ZONE1 so.. you set. Broadcast is fired for entering true ZONE1. If you enter another zone ZONE2 that overlap with the current zone you don't get the alert as you are still in ZONE1. You must leave the ZONE1 so the broadcast will fire again with entering.. What I would do set my location far away from me probably Greenland then set the position in a zone that triggers ZONE1 broadcast should fire. Then set again my location to Greeland and set position that triggers ZONE2 broadcast..
How to correctly set MediaPlayer audio stream type
Where am I? - Get country a country code No need of knowing the exact GPS position the country is sufficient I first thought of using the time zone but actually I need more information than that since it makes a difference if the location is New York or Lima. The background..
Can't get geo fixes to Android emulator has been working in some locations but now it never works. I've tried targeting different platforms setting the time zone in the correct emulator changing the locale to English US wiping the user data in the emulator used both telnet geo fix..
NullPointerException that doesn't point to any line in my code size if whichTarget true targetImg.setImageDrawable simulateMovingImg.getDrawable targetImg is one of the 'drop zones' so I set its drawable to make it seem like the view was 'dropped' into this zone else target1Img.setImageDrawable.. targetImg is one of the 'drop zones' so I set its drawable to make it seem like the view was 'dropped' into this zone else target1Img.setImageDrawable simulateMovingImg.getDrawable same with target1Img. catch Exception e TODO Auto generated..
How to overcome this error:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget w minSideLength Math.floor h minSideLength if upperBound lowerBound return the larger one when there is no overlapping zone. return lowerBound if maxNumOfPixels IImage.UNCONSTRAINED minSideLength IImage.UNCONSTRAINED return 1 else if minSideLength..