

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:46

android Programming Glossary: transformations

openSSL using Android's NDK problems


which translates jstring to char and all other needed transformations and makes a call to another cpp file which actually imports..

Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation


translation happen what is exactly wrong with the transformations or is it the algorithm that is wrong. Can Gimbal lock be an..

OpenGL ES Android Matrix Transformations


questions 13480043 opengl es android matrix transformations#comment18443759_13480364 private float mTempMatrix new float.. private float mTempMatrix new float 16 ... Apply transformations in onDrawFrame start with translation public void onDrawFrame..

Drawable => grayscale


use the ColorMatrix class to do any sort of color space transformations. It has a setSaturation method that easily creates a color to..

How to blit() in android?


canvas new Canvas yourBitmap You can then do whatever transformations and drawing ops you want. yourBitmap will contain all the newest..

Android: Matrix -> what is the different between preconcat and postconcat?


multiplying. The difference it makes is what order your transformations are chained in. By right multiplying your matrix using preRotate.. that the rotation step should happen before all the other transformations that you've just asked for. This might be what you want but.. transformation for example it never matters Sometimes your transformations can happen in either order with the same effect such as scaling..

How to perform zoom in/out ,rotation together in Android


i .getScaleX ... Using this values you can replicate the transformations rotation scaling translation on another Bitmap. share improve..

3D cube transition in Android [closed]


class to your own MyViewSwitcher and enable static transformations public class MyViewSwitcher extends ViewSwitcher DO THAT FOR.. centerChild Now you have your reference points. Now to the transformations part. You have to alter the transformation. To do that you have.. class does is it modifies the 3x3 matrix and provides 3D transformations. Inside getChildStaticTransformation ... Camera mCamera mCamera.save..

What is the difference between src and background of ImageView


for setting bounds to match image dimensions some transformations such as alpha setting And more that you may find in the docs..

Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates


me somenting like Ax Ay Az in device's coordinates what transformations should I apply to transform the values into Ax' Ay' Az' in real..

Android: How To: display a map (still image file) with a moving current location pointer


be easier if you understand basic graphics programming and transformations for zoom and pan. If you're good at math it will be no trouble..

openSSL using Android's NDK problems


next I have a c file which I call that has the proper JNI sintax which translates jstring to char and all other needed transformations and makes a call to another cpp file which actually imports openssl headers present and accounted for and calls openssl..

Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation


I need help to understand why does that undesired translation happen what is exactly wrong with the transformations or is it the algorithm that is wrong. Can Gimbal lock be an issue here Please do not ask me to perform practice simpler..

OpenGL ES Android Matrix Transformations


on the right and left side of multiplyMM later see http stackoverflow.com questions 13480043 opengl es android matrix transformations#comment18443759_13480364 private float mTempMatrix new float 16 ... Apply transformations in onDrawFrame start with translation.. opengl es android matrix transformations#comment18443759_13480364 private float mTempMatrix new float 16 ... Apply transformations in onDrawFrame start with translation public void onDrawFrame GL10 unused ... Matrix.setIdentityM mModelMatrix 0 initialize..

Drawable => grayscale


drawable share improve this question Apparently you can use the ColorMatrix class to do any sort of color space transformations. It has a setSaturation method that easily creates a color to grayscale transformation zeroes saturation for you. So you..

How to blit() in android?


to do is create a canvas that draws into a bitmap using Canvas canvas new Canvas yourBitmap You can then do whatever transformations and drawing ops you want. yourBitmap will contain all the newest information. Then you use the surface holder like so Canvas..

Android: Matrix -> what is the different between preconcat and postconcat?


you need to specify whether you're left multiplying or right multiplying. The difference it makes is what order your transformations are chained in. By right multiplying your matrix using preRotate you're indicating that the rotation step should happen.. multiplying your matrix using preRotate you're indicating that the rotation step should happen before all the other transformations that you've just asked for. This might be what you want but it usually isn't. Often it doesn't matter. If you only have.. isn't. Often it doesn't matter. If you only have one transformation for example it never matters Sometimes your transformations can happen in either order with the same effect such as scaling and rotation my linear algebra is rusty but I believe that..

How to perform zoom in/out ,rotation together in Android


3D cube transition in Android [closed]


when they draw. You can do that by extending the ViewSwicher class to your own MyViewSwitcher and enable static transformations public class MyViewSwitcher extends ViewSwitcher DO THAT FOR ALL CONSTRUCTORS public PViewSwitcher Context context super.. distance getWidth 2f . So float distanceFromCenter getWidth centerChild Now you have your reference points. Now to the transformations part. You have to alter the transformation. To do that you have to access it's matrix. Setup the matrix and alter it Matrix.. to the camera class . android.graphics.Camera What camera class does is it modifies the 3x3 matrix and provides 3D transformations. Inside getChildStaticTransformation ... Camera mCamera mCamera.save mCamera.rotateY distance 40f you should divide by the..

What is the difference between src and background of ImageView


Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates


coordinates I mean assuming that the accelerometer is giving me somenting like Ax Ay Az in device's coordinates what transformations should I apply to transform the values into Ax' Ay' Az' in real world's coordinates so I can use the acceleration vector..

Android: How To: display a map (still image file) with a moving current location pointer


the Location dev guide . To do this via your own View will be easier if you understand basic graphics programming and transformations for zoom and pan. If you're good at math it will be no trouble to learn . Use an ImageView with android scaleType matrix..