

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:46

android Programming Glossary: transform

Android WebView renders blank/white, view doesn't update on css changes or HTML changes, animations are choppy


to making things better even the all notorious webkit transform translate3d 0 0 0 Even that didn't work all too well. Let me.. in a WebView add something like this body div webkit transform translate3d 0 0 0 Add onto the body div bit with any other element..

Standard Android Button with a different color


need. All I really want to do is apply some sort of color transform to the button. Is there an easier way to go about changing a..

Implement page curl on android?


theta v1.z r 1 cos beta cos theta Apply a basic rotation transform around the y axis to rotate the curled page. These two steps..

Page curl/turn effect in Android [duplicate]


theta v1.z r 1 cos beta cos theta Apply a basic rotation transform around the y axis to rotate the curled page. These two steps..

How to convert a image into Base64 string?


image into Base64 string Can someone tell me the code to transforma image maximum of 200KB into Base64 String i need to know how.. i find some examples but they are not talking about to transform into String... and i need to transform into string to upload.. talking about to transform into String... and i need to transform into string to upload by JSON to my remote server. thanks android..

How to convert a Base64 string into a BitMap image to show it in a ImageView?


a Base64 String that represents a BitMap image. i need to transform that String into a BitMap image again to use it on a ImageView.. my android app how to do it this is the code that i use to transform the image into the base64 String proceso de transformar la imagen.. to transform the image into the base64 String proceso de transformar la imagen BitMap en un String android src c logo.png Resources..

3D cube transition in Android [closed]


class to your own MyViewSwitcher and enable static transformations public class MyViewSwitcher extends ViewSwitcher DO THAT.. viewSwitcher do that if child getChildAt 0 Here i will transform the first child if child getChildAt 1 Here i will transform.. the first child if child getChildAt 1 Here i will transform the second child return true Now the position part. What you..

Capturing Sound for Analysis and Visualizing Frequencies in Android


down into component frequencies employs a mathematic transformation called a discrete Fourier transform DFT and to perform.. a mathematic transformation called a discrete Fourier transform DFT and to perform DFT it is used a fast Fourier transform FFT.. transform DFT and to perform DFT it is used a fast Fourier transform FFT . This example use a package which implements the FFT. The..

How to geolocalize on custom maps iphone and android


definitely not a google like map . Is it an easy way to transform the GPS coordinates into the coordinates on that deformed map..

Drawing mirrored bitmaps in android


should make a copy of my original bitmap mirror it with a transform matrix then use that bitmap for drawing when walking to the.. get created out of the original sprite sheet stored and transformed for the mirrored motion then used as needed. So I'm wondering..

Disable Android browser's input overlays?


webkit backface visibility hidden your normal bad webkit transform rotateY 0deg moz transform rotateY 0deg transform rotateY 0deg.. hidden your normal bad webkit transform rotateY 0deg moz transform rotateY 0deg transform rotateY 0deg If you want to style default.. webkit transform rotateY 0deg moz transform rotateY 0deg transform rotateY 0deg If you want to style default inputs I'm using these..

Phonegap input type password field focus


moving at all. This also seems to break all CSS3 3d 3d transforms even simple scales and transform origin can break it. There.. to break all CSS3 3d 3d transforms even simple scales and transform origin can break it. There is worse news tho at some point i..

Samsung devices supporting setTypeface(Typeface.Italic)?


Epic 4g galaxy S Samsung Epic Touch Galaxy SII and Samsung Transform ultra my text is still non italic. Does anyone know why some..

Android OpenGL ES 2.0 screen coordinates to world coordinates


and ogl bottom left. int oglTouchY int screenH touch.Y Transform the screen point to clip space in ogl 1 1 normalizedInPoint..

How to create a file in Android?


the Buffer with data from the file isr.read inputBuffer Transform the chars to a String String readString new String inputBuffer..

Is the Android Browser capable of performing an xsl transform?


www.w3.org 1999 xhtml xmlns xsl http www.w3.org 1999 XSL Transform xsl template match xmldata em xsl value of select xmldata em..

Android 2.3 Visualizer - Trouble understanding getFft()


so I have only a very general understanding of the Fourier Transform. I am trying to build a visualizer app for Android SDK 9 which..

Compare voice wav in android or voice tag ( voice commands ) API


simple way to do this is to use FFT Fast Fourier Transform to convert the time domain data of the original WAV file into..

android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius?


void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow Transform geo position to Point on canvas Projection projection mapView.getProjection..

Map View draw directions using google Directions API - decoding polylines


return out EDIT OLD CODE public class PolylineDecoder Transform a encoded PolyLine to a Array of GeoPoints. Java implementation..

Android OpenCV Drawing Hough Lines


2. Use OpenCV Camera' sample. I am also using Hough Line Transform as an example. However I am getting weird numbers at least what..

Carousel library for android


import android.view.View import android.view.animation.Transformation import android.widget.Gallery import android.widget.ImageView.. final Context context super context this.setStaticTransformationsEnabled true public CoverFlow final Context context final.. attrs defStyle parseAttributes context attrs this.setStaticTransformationsEnabled true Get the max rotational angle of the image...

Android WebView renders blank/white, view doesn't update on css changes or HTML changes, animations are choppy


is ever as you would expect. I've tried several methods to making things better even the all notorious webkit transform translate3d 0 0 0 Even that didn't work all too well. Let me share with you what did work. First use the most recent API... 15 Now in your primary CSS file for what will be presented in a WebView add something like this body div webkit transform translate3d 0 0 0 Add onto the body div bit with any other element types you have you can probably exclude images ul li..

Standard Android Button with a different color


pressed . That seems more complicated and non DRY than I need. All I really want to do is apply some sort of color transform to the button. Is there an easier way to go about changing a button's color than I'm doing android layout drawable share..

Implement page curl on android?


R sin theta MAGIC v1.x r sin beta v1.y R A r 1 cos beta sin theta v1.z r 1 cos beta cos theta Apply a basic rotation transform around the y axis to rotate the curled page. These two steps could be combined through simple substitution but are left..

Page curl/turn effect in Android [duplicate]


R sin theta MAGIC v1.x r sin beta v1.y R A r 1 cos beta sin theta v1.z r 1 cos beta cos theta Apply a basic rotation transform around the y axis to rotate the curled page. These two steps could be combined through simple substitution but are left..

How to convert a image into Base64 string?


to convert a image into Base64 string Can someone tell me the code to transforma image maximum of 200KB into Base64 String i need to know how to do it with android because i have to add the functionality.. but i can't find easy examples that i can afford. And also i find some examples but they are not talking about to transform into String... and i need to transform into string to upload by JSON to my remote server. thanks android base64 share.. i can afford. And also i find some examples but they are not talking about to transform into String... and i need to transform into string to upload by JSON to my remote server. thanks android base64 share improve this question You can use the..

How to convert a Base64 string into a BitMap image to show it in a ImageView?


string into a BitMap image to show it in a ImageView i have a Base64 String that represents a BitMap image. i need to transform that String into a BitMap image again to use it on a ImageView on my android app how to do it this is the code that i use.. into a BitMap image again to use it on a ImageView on my android app how to do it this is the code that i use to transform the image into the base64 String proceso de transformar la imagen BitMap en un String android src c logo.png Resources r.. on my android app how to do it this is the code that i use to transform the image into the base64 String proceso de transformar la imagen BitMap en un String android src c logo.png Resources r this.getResources Bitmap bm BitmapFactory.decodeResource..

3D cube transition in Android [closed]


when they draw. You can do that by extending the ViewSwicher class to your own MyViewSwitcher and enable static transformations public class MyViewSwitcher extends ViewSwitcher DO THAT FOR ALL CONSTRUCTORS public PViewSwitcher Context context.. To identify if the child is the first or the second of the viewSwitcher do that if child getChildAt 0 Here i will transform the first child if child getChildAt 1 Here i will transform the second child return true Now the position part. What.. viewSwitcher do that if child getChildAt 0 Here i will transform the first child if child getChildAt 1 Here i will transform the second child return true Now the position part. What you need to know is the position of each child. You can do that..

Capturing Sound for Analysis and Visualizing Frequencies in Android


capture audio sound. The technique used to break an audio signal down into component frequencies employs a mathematic transformation called a discrete Fourier transform DFT and to perform DFT it is used a fast Fourier transform FFT . This example use.. to break an audio signal down into component frequencies employs a mathematic transformation called a discrete Fourier transform DFT and to perform DFT it is used a fast Fourier transform FFT . This example use a package which implements the FFT. The.. a mathematic transformation called a discrete Fourier transform DFT and to perform DFT it is used a fast Fourier transform FFT . This example use a package which implements the FFT. The package is linked here www.netlib.org fftpack jfftpack.tgz..

How to geolocalize on custom maps iphone and android


application. He want me to use a map which is quite deformed definitely not a google like map . Is it an easy way to transform the GPS coordinates into the coordinates on that deformed map I get the coordinates X0 Y0 from the GPS I need the location..

Drawing mirrored bitmaps in android


gets drawn to my surface . Searching online it seems I should make a copy of my original bitmap mirror it with a transform matrix then use that bitmap for drawing when walking to the left. However I've also found implementations where many smaller.. also found implementations where many smaller bitmap objects get created out of the original sprite sheet stored and transformed for the mirrored motion then used as needed. So I'm wondering what would be the best in this case or if there is really..

Disable Android browser's input overlays?


havoc on my Android HTC2.3 text inputs and selects really bad webkit backface visibility hidden your normal bad webkit transform rotateY 0deg moz transform rotateY 0deg transform rotateY 0deg If you want to style default inputs I'm using these native.. text inputs and selects really bad webkit backface visibility hidden your normal bad webkit transform rotateY 0deg moz transform rotateY 0deg transform rotateY 0deg If you want to style default inputs I'm using these native placeholder styling webkit.. really bad webkit backface visibility hidden your normal bad webkit transform rotateY 0deg moz transform rotateY 0deg transform rotateY 0deg If you want to style default inputs I'm using these native placeholder styling webkit input placeholder color..

Phonegap input type password field focus


and also be preventing the contents inside the webview from moving at all. This also seems to break all CSS3 3d 3d transforms even simple scales and transform origin can break it. There is worse news tho at some point i had password boxes working.. inside the webview from moving at all. This also seems to break all CSS3 3d 3d transforms even simple scales and transform origin can break it. There is worse news tho at some point i had password boxes working fine then due to CSS changes it..

Samsung devices supporting setTypeface(Typeface.Italic)?


This works on Samsung Galaxy Nexus. But on Samsung Epic 4g galaxy S Samsung Epic Touch Galaxy SII and Samsung Transform ultra my text is still non italic. Does anyone know why some of these samsung devices wouldn't support setting italic text..

Android OpenGL ES 2.0 screen coordinates to world coordinates


new float 4 Invert y coordinate as android uses top left and ogl bottom left. int oglTouchY int screenH touch.Y Transform the screen point to clip space in ogl 1 1 normalizedInPoint 0 float touch.X 2.0f screenW 1.0 normalizedInPoint 1 float..

How to create a file in Android?


back in. char inputBuffer new char TESTSTRING.length Fill the Buffer with data from the file isr.read inputBuffer Transform the chars to a String String readString new String inputBuffer Check if we read back the same chars that we had written..

Is the Android Browser capable of performing an xsl transform?


and xml version 1.0 xsl stylesheet version 1.0 xmlns http www.w3.org 1999 xhtml xmlns xsl http www.w3.org 1999 XSL Transform xsl template match xmldata em xsl value of select xmldata em xsl template xsl stylesheet is supposed to generate italic..

Android 2.3 Visualizer - Trouble understanding getFft()


for any butchered formatting. So I am completely new to DSP so I have only a very general understanding of the Fourier Transform. I am trying to build a visualizer app for Android SDK 9 which includes a Visualizer class in android.media.audiofx.Visualizer..

Compare voice wav in android or voice tag ( voice commands ) API


voice recognition wave share improve this question A relatively simple way to do this is to use FFT Fast Fourier Transform to convert the time domain data of the original WAV file into frequency domain data in which each value in your transformed..

android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius?


point int radius geopoint point rad radius @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow Transform geo position to Point on canvas Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point point new Point store the transformed..

Map View draw directions using google Directions API - decoding polylines


lat 10 lng 10 return out catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return out EDIT OLD CODE public class PolylineDecoder Transform a encoded PolyLine to a Array of GeoPoints. Java implementation of the original Google JS code. @see Original encoding part..

Android OpenCV Drawing Hough Lines


phone to detect lines. I modified the 'Tutorial 1 Basic 2. Use OpenCV Camera' sample. I am also using Hough Line Transform as an example. However I am getting weird numbers at least what I believe to be weird numbers for the points. In the range..

Carousel library for android


import android.util.Log import android.view.MotionEvent import android.view.View import android.view.animation.Transformation import android.widget.Gallery import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.SpinnerAdapter Cover Flow implementation... getImageReflectionRatio return imageReflectionRatio public CoverFlow final Context context super context this.setStaticTransformationsEnabled true public CoverFlow final Context context final AttributeSet attrs this context attrs android.R.attr.galleryStyle.. final AttributeSet attrs final int defStyle super context attrs defStyle parseAttributes context attrs this.setStaticTransformationsEnabled true Get the max rotational angle of the image. @return the mMaxRotationAngle public int getMaxRotationAngle..