

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:45

android Programming Glossary: traceview

How to test the performance of an Android application?


to find performance bottlenecks you can use the traceview tool . This gives you a graphical view of performance traces.. pull sdcard myapp.trace c my dir myapp.trace Finally start traceview giving it the full path to the trace file traceview c my dir.. start traceview giving it the full path to the trace file traceview c my dir myapp.trace I did have some problems with traceview..

android Low memory:no more background process ?? Need help


this information helps Edit 2 After a detailed study of traceview I found that all the text views have custom fonts applied in..

how to use traceview in eclipse for android development?


to use traceview in eclipse for android development I want to use traceview.. in eclipse for android development I want to use traceview in android in eclipse. I have a few questions 1. Does my emulator.. 1. Does my emulator phone need to have a sd card for traceview to work 2. Is there anyway to start traceview directly from..

How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android?


toolbox DensityTest libgtest libttssynthproxy traceview descGen libgtest_main libui TransformTest DeskClock libhardware..

How to test the performance of an Android application?


share improve this question If you want to profile your application to find performance bottlenecks you can use the traceview tool . This gives you a graphical view of performance traces of your application. To create a trace add the following to.. it to your PC. You can do this using the adb command adb pull sdcard myapp.trace c my dir myapp.trace Finally start traceview giving it the full path to the trace file traceview c my dir myapp.trace I did have some problems with traceview failing.. adb pull sdcard myapp.trace c my dir myapp.trace Finally start traceview giving it the full path to the trace file traceview c my dir myapp.trace I did have some problems with traceview failing with OutOfMemory exceptions. I fixed this on Windows..

android Low memory:no more background process ?? Need help


but this screen does not have any text for translation does this information helps Edit 2 After a detailed study of traceview I found that all the text views have custom fonts applied in it. There is a call of TypeFace.createFromAsset that IMO causes..

how to use traceview in eclipse for android development?


to use traceview in eclipse for android development I want to use traceview in android in eclipse. I have a few questions 1. Does my emulator.. to use traceview in eclipse for android development I want to use traceview in android in eclipse. I have a few questions 1. Does my emulator phone need to have a sd card for traceview to work 2... to use traceview in android in eclipse. I have a few questions 1. Does my emulator phone need to have a sd card for traceview to work 2. Is there anyway to start traceview directly from eclipse ide I did try to put sd card memory in my avd device..

How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android?


libgljni libtommath timetest debuggerd libgoogleclient libttspico toolbox DensityTest libgtest libttssynthproxy traceview descGen libgtest_main libui TransformTest DeskClock libhardware libunz TtsService Development libhardware_legacy..

How can I profile my Android app?


Android SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST isn't fast enough


time at least as far as physicists have determined. Hence there is no faster delay than SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST . Use Traceview to determine where your time is being taken up. It is possible that it is your code that is slowing down your processing...

Is my Android App Draining Battery?


any prior data to go by so it would be most useful to compare the performance to some other game. I've been running Traceview and using the results of it mostly for the purposes of identifying CPU time consuming methods. So what's the best way of.. EDIT Thanks for all your helpful advice suggestions. What I really want to know is how I can use the data coming from Traceview ie CPU time in ms spent on each frame of the game to determine battery usage if this is at all possible . Reading back on..

Optimising Android application before release [closed]


Eclipse Indigo Android ADT - install OK, no “Android” option in Preferences and New Project


Eclipse SDK Installation Details Select Android DDMS Android Development Tools Android Hierarchy Viewer and Android Traceview Click Uninstall and click through the dialogs Restart Eclipse at the prompt Close Eclipse and re run it as an administrator..