

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:44

android Programming Glossary: touch_tolerance

Android FingerPaint Undo/Redo implementation


mPaint private float mX mY private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE 4 private void touch_start float x float y mPath.reset mPath.moveTo.. y float dx Math.abs x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY.. x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY y private void touch_up..

Android Canvas Redo and Undo Operation


p mPaint private float mX mY private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE 4 private void touch_start float x float y mPath.reset mPath.moveTo.. y float dx Math.abs x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x .. x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY y private void..

android using flood fill algorithm getting out of memory exception


p1 new Point Canvas canvas private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE 4 float mX mY public DrawingView Context context super context..

Android color picker to be included in the activity


private float mX mY private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE 4 private void touch_start float x float y mPath.reset mPath.moveTo.. y float dx Math.abs x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY.. x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY y circlePath.reset..

Draw in Canvas by finger android


private float mX mY private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE 4 private void touch_start float x float y mPath.reset mPath.moveTo.. y float dx Math.abs x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY.. x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY y circlePath.reset..

Android FingerPaint Undo/Redo implementation


canvas.drawBitmap mBitmap 0 0 mBitmapPaint canvas.drawPath mPath mPaint private float mX mY private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE 4 private void touch_start float x float y mPath.reset mPath.moveTo x y mX x mY y private void touch_move float x float.. mPath.moveTo x y mX x mY y private void touch_move float x float y float dx Math.abs x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY y private void touch_up mPath.lineTo mX mY commit the path.. x mY y private void touch_move float x float y float dx Math.abs x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY y private void touch_up mPath.lineTo mX mY commit the path to our offscreen mCanvas.drawPath..

Android Canvas Redo and Undo Operation


mPath mPaint for Path p paths canvas.drawPath p mPaint private float mX mY private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE 4 private void touch_start float x float y mPath.reset mPath.moveTo x y mX x mY y private void touch_move float x float.. x y mX x mY y private void touch_move float x float y float dx Math.abs x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY y private void touch_up mPath.lineTo mX mY commit the.. mY y private void touch_move float x float y float dx Math.abs x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY y private void touch_up mPath.lineTo mX mY commit the path to our offscreen..

android using flood fill algorithm getting out of memory exception


private Path path Bitmap mBitmap ProgressDialog pd final Point p1 new Point Canvas canvas private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE 4 float mX mY public DrawingView Context context super context this.paint new Paint this.paint.setAntiAlias true pd new..

Android color picker to be included in the activity


canvas.drawPath mPath mPaint canvas.drawPath circlePath circlePaint private float mX mY private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE 4 private void touch_start float x float y mPath.reset mPath.moveTo x y mX x mY y private void touch_move float x float.. x y mX x mY y private void touch_move float x float y float dx Math.abs x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY y circlePath.reset circlePath.addCircle mX mY 30 Path.Direction.CW.. x mY y private void touch_move float x float y float dx Math.abs x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY y circlePath.reset circlePath.addCircle mX mY 30 Path.Direction.CW invalidate..

Draw in Canvas by finger android


canvas.drawPath mPath mPaint canvas.drawPath circlePath circlePaint private float mX mY private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE 4 private void touch_start float x float y mPath.reset mPath.moveTo x y mX x mY y private void touch_move float x float.. x y mX x mY y private void touch_move float x float y float dx Math.abs x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY y circlePath.reset circlePath.addCircle mX mY 30 Path.Direction.CW.. x mY y private void touch_move float x float y float dx Math.abs x mX float dy Math.abs y mY if dx TOUCH_TOLERANCE dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY y circlePath.reset circlePath.addCircle mX mY 30 Path.Direction.CW private..