

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:39

android Programming Glossary: totalkbread

Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException


byte buf new byte bufsizeForDownload int totalBytesRead 0 totalKbRead 0 numread 0 do if bout null counter downloadingMediaFile new.. 1 bout.write buf 0 numread totalBytesRead numread totalKbRead totalBytesRead 1000 if totalKbRead INTIAL_KB_BUFFER stopping.. numread totalKbRead totalBytesRead 1000 if totalKbRead INTIAL_KB_BUFFER stopping true bout.flush bout.close bout..

android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2


long mediaLengthInKb mediaLengthInSeconds private int totalKbRead 0 Create Handler to call View updates on the main UI thread... totalBytesRead numread incrementalBytesRead numread totalKbRead totalBytesRead 1000 testMediaBuffer fireDataLoadUpdate while.. the MediaPlayer once we have the minimum buffered data if totalKbRead INTIAL_KB_BUFFER try startMediaPlayer catch Exception e Log.e..

Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException


new FileOutputStream downloadingMediaFile bufsizeForfile byte buf new byte bufsizeForDownload int totalBytesRead 0 totalKbRead 0 numread 0 do if bout null counter downloadingMediaFile new File context.getCacheDir DOWNFILE counter downloadingMediaFile.deleteOnExit.. Log.i return3 return3 return else if numread 1 bout.write buf 0 numread totalBytesRead numread totalKbRead totalBytesRead 1000 if totalKbRead INTIAL_KB_BUFFER stopping true bout.flush bout.close bout null if started false.. return else if numread 1 bout.write buf 0 numread totalBytesRead numread totalKbRead totalBytesRead 1000 if totalKbRead INTIAL_KB_BUFFER stopping true bout.flush bout.close bout null if started false Runnable r new Runnable public void..

android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2


ProgressBar progressBar Track for display by progressBar private long mediaLengthInKb mediaLengthInSeconds private int totalKbRead 0 Create Handler to call View updates on the main UI thread. private final Handler handler new Handler private MediaPlayer.. numread stream.read buf if numread 0 break out.write buf 0 numread totalBytesRead numread incrementalBytesRead numread totalKbRead totalBytesRead 1000 testMediaBuffer fireDataLoadUpdate while validateNotInterrupted stream.close if validateNotInterrupted.. Runnable public void run if mediaPlayer null Only create the MediaPlayer once we have the minimum buffered data if totalKbRead INTIAL_KB_BUFFER try startMediaPlayer catch Exception e Log.e getClass .getName Error copying buffered conent. e else..