android Programming Glossary: tostring
Dynamic ListView in Android app item mDescription description @Override public String toString return mItem mDescription private class CustomAdapter extends..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android error thrown by the connect method. When I do a toString on the exception I get Service discovery failed . My question..
ListView is blank while using getFilter function results new FilterResults String prefix constraint.toString .toLowerCase if prefix null prefix.length 0 Log.i prefix.. .filter cs String text inputSearch.getText .toString .toLowerCase adapter.getFilter .filter cs.toString .toLowerCase.. .toString .toLowerCase adapter.getFilter .filter cs.toString .toLowerCase Locale.US @Override public void beforeTextChanged..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? private Placemark routePlacemark public String toString String s for Iterator Placemark iter placemarks.iterator iter.hasNext.. .setCoordinates buffer.toString .trim return this.navigationDataSet Methods @Override.. int n n b 1 out.append new String b 0 n return out.toString public static NavigationDataSet calculateRoute Double startLat..
Populating a ListView using ArrayList? the TextView is referenced it will be filled with the toString of each object in the array. You can add lists or arrays of.. can add lists or arrays of custom objects. Override the toString method of your objects to determine what text will be displayed.. for instance ImageViews or to have some of data besides toString results fill the views override getView int View ViewGroup to..
How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary?
What's the correct way to implement key-value pair in Spinner in android public String getValue return value public String toString return spinnerText String spinnerText String value android..
Android- how can I convert object to object? android share improve this question You could use the toString method of the android URI in combination of the String based..
Android: parse XML from string problems our GUI. tv.setText response n n n parsedExampleDataSet.toString catch Exception e Display any Error to the GUI. tv.setText.. this.extractedInt extractedInt public String toString return n n nExtractedString this.extractedString n n nExtractedInt..
Converting json string to java object? new Gson .fromJson s DataWrapper.class public String toString return new Gson .toJson this class Data public List Translation..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android enum LocationQuality BAD ACCEPTED GOOD public String toString if this GOOD return Good else if this ACCEPTED return Accepted..
Android Spinner databind using array list strings which causes the Hex values by calling the Object.toString method . It's default implementation returns ... a string consisting.. actually useful in the item list you can override the toString method to return something meaningful @Override public String.. to return something meaningful @Override public String toString return Something meaningful here... Another way to do this is..
Why are annotations under Android such a performance issue (slow)? terrible gross code in Method.equals . It is calling the toString of both methods and then comparing them. Each toString use StringBuilder.. the toString of both methods and then comparing them. Each toString use StringBuilder with a bunch of append methods without a good..
Android: Keyboared overlaps with the EditText (with printscreens) fill_parent android textSize 17sp android text @string toString android.widget.CheckedTextView AutoCompleteTextView android..
Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger class Point float x y float dx dy @Override public String toString return x y This produces smooth lines but sometimes has to..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts boolean checked this.checked checked public String toString return name public void toggleChecked checked checked Holds..
Dynamic ListView in Android app mDescription RowData String item String description mItem item mDescription description @Override public String toString return mItem mDescription private class CustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter RowData public CustomAdapter Context context..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android mmSocket.connect BluetoothSocket connect I always get an IOException error thrown by the connect method. When I do a toString on the exception I get Service discovery failed . My question is mostly what are the cases that would cause an IOException..
ListView is blank while using getFilter function performFiltering CharSequence constraint FilterResults results new FilterResults String prefix constraint.toString .toLowerCase if prefix null prefix.length 0 Log.i prefix is null or 0 prefix is null or 0 ArrayList SetRows list new.. int arg3 When user changed the Text MainActivity.this.adapter.getFilter .filter cs String text inputSearch.getText .toString .toLowerCase adapter.getFilter .filter cs.toString .toLowerCase Locale.US @Override public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence.. .filter cs String text inputSearch.getText .toString .toLowerCase adapter.getFilter .filter cs.toString .toLowerCase Locale.US @Override public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence arg0 int arg1 int arg2 int arg3 TODO Auto generated..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? placemarks new ArrayList Placemark private Placemark currentPlacemark private Placemark routePlacemark public String toString String s for Iterator Placemark iter placemarks.iterator iter.hasNext Placemark p Placemark s p.getTitle n p.getDescription.. Getter Setter public NavigationDataSet getParsedData navigationDataSet.getCurrentPlacemark .setCoordinates buffer.toString .trim return this.navigationDataSet Methods @Override public void startDocument throws SAXException this.navigationDataSet.. StringBuffer out new StringBuffer byte b new byte 4096 for int n n b 1 out.append new String b 0 n return out.toString public static NavigationDataSet calculateRoute Double startLat Double startLng Double targetLat Double targetLng int mode..
Populating a ListView using ArrayList? reference a TextView in the larger layout resource. However the TextView is referenced it will be filled with the toString of each object in the array. You can add lists or arrays of custom objects. Override the toString method of your objects.. be filled with the toString of each object in the array. You can add lists or arrays of custom objects. Override the toString method of your objects to determine what text will be displayed for the item in the list. To use something other than TextViews.. To use something other than TextViews for the array display for instance ImageViews or to have some of data besides toString results fill the views override getView int View ViewGroup to return the type of view you want. So your code should look..
How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary?
What's the correct way to implement key-value pair in Spinner in android value public String getSpinnerText return spinnerText public String getValue return value public String toString return spinnerText String spinnerText String value android share improve this question this is one way. i use it..
Android- how can I convert object to object? fileInputStream new ByteArrayInputStream bytes.toByteArray android share improve this question You could use the toString method of the android URI in combination of the String based constructor of the java URI auri new
Android: parse XML from string problems Set the result to be displayed in our GUI. tv.setText response n n n parsedExampleDataSet.toString catch Exception e Display any Error to the GUI. tv.setText Error e.getMessage Log.e MY_DEBUG_TAG WeatherQueryError e..
Converting json string to java object? Data data public static DataWrapper fromJson String s return new Gson .fromJson s DataWrapper.class public String toString return new Gson .toJson this class Data public List Translation translations class Translation public String translatedText..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android else Log.w LocationCollector Failed to get a location private enum LocationQuality BAD ACCEPTED GOOD public String toString if this GOOD return Good else if this ACCEPTED return Accepted else return Bad private LocationQuality getLocationQuality..
Android Spinner databind using array list The ArrayAdapter tries to display your Location objects as strings which causes the Hex values by calling the Object.toString method . It's default implementation returns ... a string consisting of the name of the class of which the object is an.. code of the object. To make the ArrayAdadpter show something actually useful in the item list you can override the toString method to return something meaningful @Override public String toString return Something meaningful here... Another way to.. useful in the item list you can override the toString method to return something meaningful @Override public String toString return Something meaningful here... Another way to do this is to extend BaseAdapter and implement SpinnerAdapter to create..
Why are annotations under Android such a performance issue (slow)? the code. The performance problem looks to be caused by some terrible gross code in Method.equals . It is calling the toString of both methods and then comparing them. Each toString use StringBuilder with a bunch of append methods without a good initializing.. some terrible gross code in Method.equals . It is calling the toString of both methods and then comparing them. Each toString use StringBuilder with a bunch of append methods without a good initializing size. Doing the .equals by comparing fields..
Android: Keyboared overlaps with the EditText (with printscreens) android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent android textSize 17sp android text @string toString android.widget.CheckedTextView AutoCompleteTextView android layout_height wrap_content android id @ id autoCompleteTextView1..
Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger event and add the dx dy values to the Point class class Point float x y float dx dy @Override public String toString return x y This produces smooth lines but sometimes has to connect the dots using a loop. Also for long drawing sessions..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts name public boolean isChecked return checked public void setChecked boolean checked this.checked checked public String toString return name public void toggleChecked checked checked Holds child views for one row. @SuppressWarnings unused private static..