android Programming Glossary: romain
This Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: IncomingHandler
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? exists how does the user terminate the application Answer Romain Guy The user doesn't the system handles this automatically...
Android memory allocation read that there is a 16MB memory limit. In this thread Romain Guy says that you can only allocate 16 MB of memory for your..
Android: BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray gives pixelated bitmap follows this is based on code from the Photostream app by Romain Guy InputStream in new BufferedInputStream url.openStream IO_BUFFER_SIZE.. a bitmap from a URL it is based on the Photostream app by Romain Guy and it incorporates Will's suggestion to write the raw byte..
How to layout text to flow around an image TextView Thank for any tips. On Mon Feb 8 2010 at 11 05 PM Romain Guy wrote Hi This is not possible using only the supplied widgets..
ListView item background via custom selector custom drawable doesn't affect items that aren't selected. Romain Guy seems to suggest in this answer that this is possible. I'm.. been frustrated by this myself and finally solved it. As Romain Guy hinted to there's another state android state_selected that..
Android: Using linear gradient as background looks banded android gradient shape share improve this question As Romain Guy suggests listView.getBackground .setDither true solves my..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery to show all my app's objects Here's also a useful slide by Romain Guy Android Framework engineer about soft references weak references..
GetView Vs. BindView in a custom CursorAdapter? this video http watch v N6YdwzAvwOA and Romain Guy is showing how to make more efficient UI adapter code using..
Quality problems when resizing an image at runtime didn't change anything. Also in the first post I linked Romain Guy said Instead of resizing at drawing time which is going..
How to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe/fling tried using a ViewFlipper with a GestureOverlayView as per Romain Guy's blog post here but there's no indicator to the user as..
Android Rotating MapView direction. I hope that makes sense. I came across Mr. Romain Guy's post an he says I have done this in the past and it requires..
Avoid memory leaks on Android memory leaks on Android I just read a blogpost by Romain Guy on how to avoid memory leaks on Android. In his article.. sBackground setContentView label Romain said This example is one of the simplest cases of leaking the..
How do I scale a streaming bitmap in-place without reading the whole image first? UPDATE no longer uses inPurgeable see this note from Romain It works by using a BufferedInputStream to read the header information..
What is the purpose of Android's <merge> tag in XML layouts? purpose of Android's merge tag in XML layouts I've read Romain Guy's post on the merge tag but I still don't understand how..
Android - basic gesture detection that contains 9 ImageViews. The source can be found here Romain Guys's Grid Layout . That file is take from Romain Guy's Photostream.. here Romain Guys's Grid Layout . That file is take from Romain Guy's Photostream application and has only been slightly adapted...
This Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: IncomingHandler
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? unless we put a menu option in to kill it If no such option exists how does the user terminate the application Answer Romain Guy The user doesn't the system handles this automatically. That's what the activity lifecycle especially onPause onStop..
Android memory allocation I am getting a bitmap size exceeds VM budget error. I have read that there is a 16MB memory limit. In this thread Romain Guy says that you can only allocate 16 MB of memory for your entire application . However my app must be running out of..
Android: BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray gives pixelated bitmap elaborate a little the byte array is obtained from Flickr as follows this is based on code from the Photostream app by Romain Guy InputStream in new BufferedInputStream url.openStream IO_BUFFER_SIZE final ByteArrayOutputStream dataStream new ByteArrayOutputStream.. earth is this possible Below is the code I use for loading a bitmap from a URL it is based on the Photostream app by Romain Guy and it incorporates Will's suggestion to write the raw byte array to file Bitmap loadPhotoBitmap URL url Bitmap bitmap..
How to layout text to flow around an image But I am not sure what he means by doing my own version of TextView Thank for any tips. On Mon Feb 8 2010 at 11 05 PM Romain Guy wrote Hi This is not possible using only the supplied widgets and layouts. You could write your own version of TextView..
ListView item background via custom selector for the state_focused false case but changing this to some custom drawable doesn't affect items that aren't selected. Romain Guy seems to suggest in this answer that this is possible. I'm currently achieving the same affect by using a custom background.. android listview selector share improve this question I've been frustrated by this myself and finally solved it. As Romain Guy hinted to there's another state android state_selected that you must use. Use a state drawable for the background of..
Android: Using linear gradient as background looks banded real device too. Is there any way to reduce this behaviour android gradient shape share improve this question As Romain Guy suggests listView.getBackground .setDither true solves my problem If this is not enough especially for AMOLED and or..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery Bitmaps in Android Android Eclipse MAT does not appear to show all my app's objects Here's also a useful slide by Romain Guy Android Framework engineer about soft references weak references simple caches image handling http google..
GetView Vs. BindView in a custom CursorAdapter? Vs. BindView in a custom CursorAdapter So I'm watching this video http watch v N6YdwzAvwOA and Romain Guy is showing how to make more efficient UI adapter code using the getView method. Does this apply to CursorAdapters as..
Quality problems when resizing an image at runtime and as mentioned in the very first linked post above. That didn't change anything. Also in the first post I linked Romain Guy said Instead of resizing at drawing time which is going to be very costly try to resize in an offscreen bitmap and make..
How to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe/fling as you're swiping eg. the way the Launcher does it. I tried using a ViewFlipper with a GestureOverlayView as per Romain Guy's blog post here but there's no indicator to the user as they're swiping. This makes discoverability difficult which..
Android Rotating MapView a way that the head of the mapview should always point to upward direction. I hope that makes sense. I came across Mr. Romain Guy's post an he says I have done this in the past and it requires to create a custom ViewGroup that rotates the Canvas..
Avoid memory leaks on Android memory leaks on Android I just read a blogpost by Romain Guy on how to avoid memory leaks on Android. In his article there is an example private static Drawable sBackground @Override.. null sBackground getDrawable R.drawable.large_bitmap label.setBackgroundDrawable sBackground setContentView label Romain said This example is one of the simplest cases of leaking the Context. My question is how to modify it correctly Just like..
How do I scale a streaming bitmap in-place without reading the whole image first? option to prevent OoM exceptions when using lots of bitmaps. UPDATE no longer uses inPurgeable see this note from Romain It works by using a BufferedInputStream to read the header information for the image before reading the entire image in..
What is the purpose of Android's <merge> tag in XML layouts? is the purpose of Android's merge tag in XML layouts I've read Romain Guy's post on the merge tag but I still don't understand how it's useful. Is it a sort of replacement of the Frame tag or..
Android - basic gesture detection I was hoping for some pointers. What I have is a 'GridLayout' that contains 9 ImageViews. The source can be found here Romain Guys's Grid Layout . That file is take from Romain Guy's Photostream application and has only been slightly adapted. For.. that contains 9 ImageViews. The source can be found here Romain Guys's Grid Layout . That file is take from Romain Guy's Photostream application and has only been slightly adapted. For the simple click situation I need only set the onClickListener..