android Programming Glossary: rel
How to use media Queries for android devices with android version 2.2.1 and 2.3.5 and their screen size of 240 * 320 and screen size of 480 * 800? 10px I have called the CSS in the following manner link rel stylesheet type text css href css common_set.css Problem It.. wrap them inside the media query. Styles which are not related to resolution of the device for example like color of heading..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? mobile web app capable link href wlclient css wlclient.css rel stylesheet link href wlclient css rel stylesheet.. rel stylesheet link href wlclient css rel stylesheet link href images favicon.png rel shortcut icon link.. rel stylesheet link href images favicon.png rel shortcut icon link href images apple touch icon.png rel apple..
Configuring Android Web Applications features work by adding tags to the head like this link rel apple touch icon href custom_icon.png link rel apple touch startup.. this link rel apple touch icon href custom_icon.png link rel apple touch startup image href startup.png meta name apple mobile.. present but not apple touch icon as a high res icon link rel apple touch icon precomposed href custom_icon.png As for the..
How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android? equiv Content Type content text html charset utf 8 link rel stylesheet href spinningwheel.css type text css media all script..
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? improve this question You can use @media queries link rel stylesheet href path to iphone.css media only screen and max.. the iPhone though this is from memory so I can't be entirely sure of its accuracy chose to disregard the use of handheld.. To target device resolution there is an example of link rel stylesheet type text css media screen and max device width 480px..
Rendering HTML in a WebView with custom CSS You could use WebView.loadDataWithBaseURL htmlData link rel stylesheet type text css href style.css htmlData lets assume..
Exclusive CSS for iPhone/Android this if your stylesheet is the same for iOS android. link rel stylesheet media only screen and max device width 480px href..
Displaying Android asset files in a WebView? text html charset ISO 8859 1 title Demo Html title link rel stylesheet type text css href demo.css head body H1 Testing.. Content Type content text html charset ISO 8859 1 link rel stylesheet type text css href test.css title Insert title here..
Load mobile CSS if user is on Android viewport content width device width user scalable yes link rel stylesheet type text css href css mobile.css media only screen.. i navigator.userAgent.match iPod i document.write ' link rel stylesheet type text css href css mobile.css media only screen..
JQuery Mobile + PhoneGap for Android - Error loading index.html text html charset utf 8 title PhoneGap With JQM title link rel stylesheet href 1.0b1.min.css type text css charset..
How to use media Queries for android devices with android version 2.2.1 and 2.3.5 and their screen size of 240 * 320 and screen size of 480 * 800? border radius 20px box shadow 10px 10px 5px #888888 padding 10px I have called the CSS in the following manner link rel stylesheet type text css href css common_set.css Problem It did not get implemented.I cannot not see the box.It was just.. which are specific to resolution of the device then you must wrap them inside the media query. Styles which are not related to resolution of the device for example like color of heading which is same in all resolutions should be outside the..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? user scalable no name viewport meta content yes name apple mobile web app capable link href wlclient css wlclient.css rel stylesheet link href wlclient css rel stylesheet link href images favicon.png rel shortcut icon link href.. mobile web app capable link href wlclient css wlclient.css rel stylesheet link href wlclient css rel stylesheet link href images favicon.png rel shortcut icon link href images apple touch icon.png rel apple touch icon link.. css wlclient.css rel stylesheet link href wlclient css rel stylesheet link href images favicon.png rel shortcut icon link href images apple touch icon.png rel apple touch icon link href css AccordFintech.css rel stylesheet..
Configuring Android Web Applications the browser UI. You can change the status bar color. The four features work by adding tags to the head like this link rel apple touch icon href custom_icon.png link rel apple touch startup image href startup.png meta name apple mobile web app.. color. The four features work by adding tags to the head like this link rel apple touch icon href custom_icon.png link rel apple touch startup image href startup.png meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web.. a bookmark Android will use a apple touch icon precomposed if present but not apple touch icon as a high res icon link rel apple touch icon precomposed href custom_icon.png As for the rest of the features I don't think there's any way to do this..
How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android? into the assets directory of your project. html head meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset utf 8 link rel stylesheet href spinningwheel.css type text css media all script type text javascript src spinningwheel.js v 1.4 script..
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? without using javascript iphone android css media share improve this question You can use @media queries link rel stylesheet href path to iphone.css media only screen and max device width 480px This particular version will target the.. device with a screen of max device width of 480px . Apple for the iPhone though this is from memory so I can't be entirely sure of its accuracy chose to disregard the use of handheld or mobile stylesheets since it and other iOS devices were capable.. queries but as noted I'm unable to say with any certainty. To target device resolution there is an example of link rel stylesheet type text css media screen and max device width 480px and resolution 163dpi href shetland.css Further reading..
Rendering HTML in a WebView with custom CSS it. android html css webview share improve this question You could use WebView.loadDataWithBaseURL htmlData link rel stylesheet type text css href style.css htmlData lets assume we have assets style.css file webView.loadDataWithBaseURL file..
Exclusive CSS for iPhone/Android share improve this question You could do something like this if your stylesheet is the same for iOS android. link rel stylesheet media only screen and max device width 480px href css mobile.css type text css But if you're trying to detect..
Displaying Android asset files in a WebView? html4 loose.dtd html head meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset ISO 8859 1 title Demo Html title link rel stylesheet type text css href demo.css head body H1 Testing One Two Three H1 a href test.html CLICK HERE a p a href file.. EN http TR html4 loose.dtd html head meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset ISO 8859 1 link rel stylesheet type text css href test.css title Insert title here title head body H1 TEST.HTML H1 body html share improve..
Load mobile CSS if user is on Android the user's on an Android Here's my page and code meta name viewport content width device width user scalable yes link rel stylesheet type text css href css mobile.css media only screen and max width 640px script type text javascript if window.screen.width.. 980 user scalable yes ' if navigator.userAgent.match iPhone i navigator.userAgent.match iPod i document.write ' link rel stylesheet type text css href css mobile.css media only screen and max width 640px ' script javascript android css mobile..
JQuery Mobile + PhoneGap for Android - Error loading index.html 320 user scalable no meta http equiv Content type content text html charset utf 8 title PhoneGap With JQM title link rel stylesheet href 1.0b1.min.css type text css charset utf 8 script src jquery 1.6.1.min.js script script type..