android Programming Glossary: regex
Android - String concatenate - how to keep the spaces at the end and/or beginning of String? here http reference java util regex package descr.html#impnotes or is it something like using for..
handle textview link click in my android app change things around as I will but I can of course do some regex tampering with the HTML to change the href value say to something..
How should I validate an e-mail address on Android? specific validation then you could perform that using a regex e.g. must be a account or something. share improve..
How can I get the google username on Android? account accounts TODO Check possibleEmail against an email regex or treat as an email address only for certain account.type..
Is it possible to get the HTML code from WebView a webpage that is to be loaded in a webView parse it using regex and display only the HTML code that I want while letting the..
Allow only selected charcters based on regex in an EditText only selected charcters based on regex in an EditText I want to allow users only to type certain characters.. allow users only to type certain characters based on the a regex in my android applications. How do I achieve it android regex.. in my android applications. How do I achieve it android regex user input input validation edittext share improve this question..
Call (and get the response for) a USSD Code, in the background? the USSD code which returns this data will have to have a regex for each network at intervals not often to save battery . This..
email validation android [duplicate] specific validation then you could perform that using a regex e.g. must be a account or something. share improve..
Android: Linkify TextView the field containing the text @param patternToMatch a regex pattern to put a link around @param link the link to add public..
Get Android OS version from user-agent from user agent I've been trying to find a parser or regex that will give me the Android OS version from a user agent string...
Limit Decimal Places in Android EditText More elegant way would be using a regular expression regex as follows public class DecimalDigitsInputFilter implements..
Validation for a cell number in Android this question To validate a string use if setNum.matches regexStr where regexStr can be matches numbers only String regexStr.. To validate a string use if setNum.matches regexStr where regexStr can be matches numbers only String regexStr ^ 0 9 matches.. regexStr where regexStr can be matches numbers only String regexStr ^ 0 9 matches 10 digit numbers only String regexStr ^ 0 9..
How to strip or escape html tags in Android answer linked to by @sparkymat generally require either regex which is an error prone approach or installing a third party..
How to use SpannableString with Regex in android? is what is the best way to color part of a text using regexp java android regex share improve this question Updated.. way to color part of a text using regexp java android regex share improve this question Updated 10th Sept changes all..
Validate an email inside an EditText the complete email. Any suggerence Thank you all android regex email edittext share improve this question Just change your..
Trying to port Apache POI to Android thrown while initializing Lorg apache xmlbeans impl regex SchemaRegularExpression 12 19 12 07 10.790 W dalvikvm 13385.. Can't find resource for bundle 'org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.regex.message_fr_FR' key '' 12 19 12 07 10.800 W System.err 13385.. 07 10.800 W System.err 13385 at org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.regex.RegexParser.setLocale 88 12 19 12 07 10.800..
Android - String concatenate - how to keep the spaces at the end and/or beginning of String? is shown ... What should I do I guess the answer is somewhere here http reference java util regex package descr.html#impnotes or is it something like using for the caracter android string concatenation share improve..
handle textview link click in my android app is provided to me via an external resource so I cannot change things around as I will but I can of course do some regex tampering with the HTML to change the href value say to something else. What I want is to be able to handle a link click..
How should I validate an e-mail address on Android?
How can I get the google username on Android? String possibleEmails new LinkedList String for Account account accounts TODO Check possibleEmail against an email regex or treat as an email address only for certain account.type values. possibleEmails.add if possibleEmails.isEmpty..
Is it possible to get the HTML code from WebView WebView I would like to preemptively get the HTML code of a webpage that is to be loaded in a webView parse it using regex and display only the HTML code that I want while letting the webpage still think it has loaded everything. Is there any..
Allow only selected charcters based on regex in an EditText only selected charcters based on regex in an EditText I want to allow users only to type certain characters based on the a regex in my android applications. How.. selected charcters based on regex in an EditText I want to allow users only to type certain characters based on the a regex in my android applications. How do I achieve it android regex user input input validation edittext share improve this.. users only to type certain characters based on the a regex in my android applications. How do I achieve it android regex user input input validation edittext share improve this question Used a TextWatcher as @Matt Ball suggested. @Override..
Call (and get the response for) a USSD Code, in the background? remaining data etc. I'm thinking of automatically calling the USSD code which returns this data will have to have a regex for each network at intervals not often to save battery . This would have to be done in the background. I have an app at..
email validation android [duplicate]
Android: Linkify TextView Add a link to the TextView which is given. @param textView the field containing the text @param patternToMatch a regex pattern to put a link around @param link the link to add public static void addLink TextView textView String patternToMatch..
Get Android OS version from user-agent Android OS version from user agent I've been trying to find a parser or regex that will give me the Android OS version from a user agent string. E.g. Mozilla 5.0 Linux U Android 2.2.1 fr fr Desire HD..
Limit Decimal Places in Android EditText java android android edittext share improve this question More elegant way would be using a regular expression regex as follows public class DecimalDigitsInputFilter implements InputFilter Pattern mPattern public DecimalDigitsInputFilter..
Validation for a cell number in Android link 8081124589 android string validation share improve this question To validate a string use if setNum.matches regexStr where regexStr can be matches numbers only String regexStr ^ 0 9 matches 10 digit numbers only String regexStr ^ 0 9.. android string validation share improve this question To validate a string use if setNum.matches regexStr where regexStr can be matches numbers only String regexStr ^ 0 9 matches 10 digit numbers only String regexStr ^ 0 9 10 matches numbers.. this question To validate a string use if setNum.matches regexStr where regexStr can be matches numbers only String regexStr ^ 0 9 matches 10 digit numbers only String regexStr ^ 0 9 10 matches numbers and dashes any order really. String regexStr..
How to strip or escape html tags in Android tags share improve this question The solutions in the answer linked to by @sparkymat generally require either regex which is an error prone approach or installing a third party library such as jsoup or jericho . A better solution on Android..
How to use SpannableString with Regex in android? a string I am not able to get a colored string. My question is what is the best way to color part of a text using regexp java android regex share improve this question Updated 10th Sept changes all occurrences of target string Something.. able to get a colored string. My question is what is the best way to color part of a text using regexp java android regex share improve this question Updated 10th Sept changes all occurrences of target string Something generic like this will..
Validate an email inside an EditText the message valid email when it must appear when I introduce the complete email. Any suggerence Thank you all android regex email edittext share improve this question Just change your regular expression as follows a zA Z0 9._ @ a z . a z Because..
Trying to port Apache POI to Android 07 10.790 W dalvikvm 13385 Exception Ljava lang RuntimeException thrown while initializing Lorg apache xmlbeans impl regex SchemaRegularExpression 12 19 12 07 10.790 W dalvikvm 13385 Exception Ljava lang ExceptionInInitializerError thrown while.. Installation Problem Couldn't load messages Can't find resource for bundle 'org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.regex.message_fr_FR' key '' 12 19 12 07 10.800 W System.err 13385 at org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.regex.RegexParser.setLocale key '' 12 19 12 07 10.800 W System.err 13385 at org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.regex.RegexParser.setLocale 88 12 19 12 07 10.800 W System.err 13385 at org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.regex.RegexParser...