android Programming Glossary: rejected
ADB rejected shell command (ls -l /data) rejected shell command ls l data I keep getting ADB rejected shell command.. rejected shell command ls l data I keep getting ADB rejected shell command ls l data and the command prompt when running..
JDK 7 changes keytool output generate the Google Maps API key fingerprint. While being rejected for several times I realized that I've upgraded JDK to 1.7 recently...
Spacing between listView Items Android For some reason values such as 10 10.0 and 10sp all are rejected by Android for the dividerHeight value. It wants a floating..
Draw A Circle On Android MapView has an error. I attempted to correct it but my edit was rejected for some strange reason. In any case here is a corrected answer..
Supporting Amazon and Android market links inside application links inside application So one of my applications was rejected from the Amazon app store today. The reason was because inside..
Getting “Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError:” at addr 0x19b 06 06 10 05 43.771 WARN dalvikvm 224 VFY rejected Lcom support utils Parser1 .addSectionContentData Lorg codehaus.. 0x0d at 0x019b 06 06 10 05 43.781 WARN dalvikvm 224 VFY rejected Lcom support utils Parser1 .addSectionContentData Lorg codehaus.. util List 06 06 10 05 43.781 WARN dalvikvm 224 Verifier rejected class Lcom support utils Parser1 06 06 10 05 43.793 WARN dalvikvm..
Android C2DM Push Notification done new messages from the authorized sender will be rejected Log.d c2dm unregistered else if registration null Log.d c2dm..
VerifyError deploying on API 1.6 0x6e at 0x004f 06 27 16 23 45.561 WARN dalvikvm 427 VFY rejected Lcom me app MyActivity .init Z V 06 27 16 23 45.561 WARN dalvikvm.. .init Z V 06 27 16 23 45.561 WARN dalvikvm 427 Verifier rejected class Lcom me app MyActivity 06 27 16 23 45.561 WARN dalvikvm..
Memory error when trying to read a 90 MB EPUB file
Accept All Cookies via HttpClient but my problem is that I am getting 2 of the 3 cookies rejected. I do not care about the validity of the cookies but I do need.. 11 26 10 33 57.613 WARN ResponseProcessCookies 271 Cookie rejected version 0 name cookie_user_id value 1 domain 11 26 10 33 57.593 WARN ResponseProcessCookies 271 Cookie rejected version 0 name cookie_session_id value 1985208971 domain
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] to insure before hand that the application will not be rejected due to cross platform code mostly AppStore Like any company..
How to detect when phone is answered or rejected to detect when phone is answered or rejected I managed to prepare an activity when the phone is ringing...
Simple Thread Management - Java - Android Adding task to Queue tasks.add task Simply add the rejected task to a queue and the next time a thread is started the queue.. The obvious issue with this is that if the final task gets rejected on its first attempt it will never be restarted Until after..
ADB rejected shell command (ls -l /data) rejected shell command ls l data I keep getting ADB rejected shell command ls l data and the command prompt when running adb shell.. rejected shell command ls l data I keep getting ADB rejected shell command ls l data and the command prompt when running adb shell tells me error device not found although the emulator..
JDK 7 changes keytool output 7 changes keytool output I'm using keytool of JDK to generate the Google Maps API key fingerprint. While being rejected for several times I realized that I've upgraded JDK to 1.7 recently. So I switch my dir to JDK6 Thank god the old version..
Spacing between listView Items Android @android color transparent android dividerHeight 10.0sp For some reason values such as 10 10.0 and 10sp all are rejected by Android for the dividerHeight value. It wants a floating point number and a unit such as 10.0sp . As @Goofyahead notes..
Draw A Circle On Android MapView mapview share improve this question The accepted answer has an error. I attempted to correct it but my edit was rejected for some strange reason. In any case here is a corrected answer import import
Supporting Amazon and Android market links inside application Amazon and Android market links inside application So one of my applications was rejected from the Amazon app store today. The reason was because inside my app I linked to the paid version of the app on the Android..
Getting “Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError:” 43.771 WARN dalvikvm 224 VFY unable to find exception handler at addr 0x19b 06 06 10 05 43.771 WARN dalvikvm 224 VFY rejected Lcom support utils Parser1 .addSectionContentData Lorg codehaus jackson JsonParser Ljava util List Lcom support ModelClasses.. List 06 06 10 05 43.781 WARN dalvikvm 224 VFY rejecting opcode 0x0d at 0x019b 06 06 10 05 43.781 WARN dalvikvm 224 VFY rejected Lcom support utils Parser1 .addSectionContentData Lorg codehaus jackson JsonParser Ljava util List Lcom support ModelClasses.. support ModelClasses FeatureInfo ZZLjava lang String Ljava util List 06 06 10 05 43.781 WARN dalvikvm 224 Verifier rejected class Lcom support utils Parser1 06 06 10 05 43.793 WARN dalvikvm 224 threadid 15 thread exiting with uncaught exception..
Android C2DM Push Notification else if intent.getStringExtra unregistered null unregistration done new messages from the authorized sender will be rejected Log.d c2dm unregistered else if registration null Log.d c2dm registration Editor editor context.getSharedPreferences KEY..
VerifyError deploying on API 1.6 06 27 16 23 45.561 WARN dalvikvm 427 VFY rejecting opcode 0x6e at 0x004f 06 27 16 23 45.561 WARN dalvikvm 427 VFY rejected Lcom me app MyActivity .init Z V 06 27 16 23 45.561 WARN dalvikvm 427 Verifier rejected class Lcom me app MyActivity 06.. 45.561 WARN dalvikvm 427 VFY rejected Lcom me app MyActivity .init Z V 06 27 16 23 45.561 WARN dalvikvm 427 Verifier rejected class Lcom me app MyActivity 06 27 16 23 45.561 WARN dalvikvm 427 Class init failed in newInstance call Lcom me app MyActivity..
Memory error when trying to read a 90 MB EPUB file
Accept All Cookies via HttpClient across my app to ensure that the same cookies are used but my problem is that I am getting 2 of the 3 cookies rejected. I do not care about the validity of the cookies but I do need them to be accepted. I tried setting the CookiePolicy but.. but that hasn't worked either. This is what logcat is saying 11 26 10 33 57.613 WARN ResponseProcessCookies 271 Cookie rejected version 0 name cookie_user_id value 1 domain path trackallthethings expiry Sun Nov 25 11 33 00.. trackallthethings . Path of origin mobile api login.php 11 26 10 33 57.593 WARN ResponseProcessCookies 271 Cookie rejected version 0 name cookie_session_id value 1985208971 domain path trackallthethings expiry Sun Nov..
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] them getting broken due to new OS or APIs It will be beneficial to insure before hand that the application will not be rejected due to cross platform code mostly AppStore Like any company we would like to be as cost effective as we can on the other..
How to detect when phone is answered or rejected to detect when phone is answered or rejected I managed to prepare an activity when the phone is ringing. Now I need to know how to cancel this activity when I anwser..
Simple Thread Management - Java - Android r Log.i TAG Caught RejectedExecutionException Exception Adding task to Queue tasks.add task Simply add the rejected task to a queue and the next time a thread is started the queue is checked to see if there's a backlog. The obvious issue.. started the queue is checked to see if there's a backlog. The obvious issue with this is that if the final task gets rejected on its first attempt it will never be restarted Until after it's no longer needed . Just wondering if there's a simple model..