android Programming Glossary: regarding
Getting started with Android [closed] most active groups so far as of Sun April 20 2008 online regarding the development and the interactive community around android...
Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM most welcome. I would really appreciate any kind of help regarding this. Also if anyone has any information about any manufacturers..
Tutorials and libraries for OpenGL-ES games on Android [closed] Other Android OpenGL ES information Google IO lecture regarding games not much OpenGLES The The Khronos Reference Manual is..
Bitmaps in Android in Android I have a few questions regarding Bitmap objects and memory and their general taxonomy. What is..
Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik? Just now 2 Aug 2010 i have read an article which describes regarding Frink Programming language and Calculating Tool for Android..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under..
Android ListView Selector Color ListView Selector Color Hi All I have 2 questions regarding a ListView in Android How can I get the color of the listview's..
Launch custom android application from android browser from android browser Can anybody please guide me regarding how to launch my android application from the android browser..
Custom Fonts in Android searched on Google but I failed to do it. My problem is regarding the font face. In Android there are only 4 attributes in android..
Android - gravity and layout_gravity center_vertical center_horizontal etc. But i am confused regarding these both. what is the difference between the usage of android..
What is Context in Android? been going on. Typically you call it to get information regarding another part of your program activity package application You..
JSON Parsing in Android convinced. Actually got a brief idea but not so clear yet regarding JSON Parsing. How to implement the JSON Parsing in the Application..
Determining the size of an Android view at runtime seems like an easy task and there are lots of SO questions regarding this though none which solved my problem obviously. So perhaps..
C2DM implementation PHP code php code to send the messages. Actually there is a problem regarding this that how to get client auth token. I have seen the http..
sqlite example program in android [closed] through android developer site but found very little stuff regarding database examples.. As i am new to database concepts Can anyone..
How to ship an Android application with a database? on the device. Your thoughts Pointers to documentation regarding any issues would be great. android share improve this question..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client get connection factory client I've read numerous threads regarding this issue but they always seem to be as a result of a bad API..
DefaultHttpClient to AndroidHttpClient my code correctly and there aren't too many examples regarding AndroidhttpClient on the internet. Here is my code that was..
Grid Layout support in android API 10 Usage should be similar if not identical. Regarding the Space widget I haven't actually used this one yet but it..
Regarding connecting to a webserver from android connecting to a webserver from android I have to connect to..
IntelliJ Idea 12 + Android + Scala nowadays work in progress android sdk plugin by @pfn on GitHub. Regarding ProGuard and build times I am myself preloading large libraries..
Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik? refer this links Link 1 Link 2 On 4 Aug 2010 i have found Regarding RenderScript . Basically It is said to be a C like language..
Android multi-touch support static final float minimumDistanceBetweenFingers 50 Regarding reliability this code has been completely reliable. Again only..
Are there any good ORMs (preferably JPA implementations) that support SQLite (on Android)? [closed] android sqlite jpa orm share improve this question Regarding JPA implementations there is at least a third party Dialect..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities mode... tracker.start UA YOUR ACCOUNT HERE this BAD Regarding when to call start stop you can implement a sort of manual reference..
Which programming languages can be used to develop in Android? [duplicate] refer this links Link 1 Link 2 On 4 Aug 2010 i have found Regarding RenderScript . Basically It is said to be a C like language..
What is Context in Android? name mode Accessing Components Implicitly Regarding content providers broadcasts intent getApplicationContext .getContentResolver..
What is meaning of boolean value returned from an event-handling method in Android v MotionEvent event logView.showEvent event return true Regarding to the above example if return true in onTouch method I found..
Should accessing SharedPreferences be done off the UI Thread? be doing a blogpost with sample code of how to do this. Regarding loading though... once loaded SharedPreferences are singletons..
Android customized button; changing text color changes my background. The next code is part of my layout. Regarding to the text color it only works for the normal state text color..
FFMPEG on Android enough documentation on JNI out there you should be fine. Regarding using ffmpeg for playback there are many examples the ffmpeg..
Handlers, MessageQueue, Looper, do they all run on the UI thread? loop. This is valid until you call quit on the looper. Regarding the android UI thread At some point probably before any activities..
Android 3.0 ActionBar, changing colors shows a sample xml to customize the action bar's style. Regarding the text of the menu options check the properties actionMenuTextAppearance..
How do I make my Android ContentObserver for ContactsContract detect a added, updated or deleted contact? .equalsIgnoreCase name continue contact.setUserName name Regarding about what you can put in projection check here Unfortunately..
Creating RTP Packets from Android Camera to Send it to an RTP Packet. I was just using JLibRTP to do this. Regarding to transfer the packet i think there are some related class..
Custom ListView adapter, strange ImageView behavior the status of the image in the row's data model. Regarding this here are some tutorials Android ListView Advanced Interactive..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off a Service on an IntentService tried to acquire WakeLocks. Regarding wakelocks I can verify that the service is still running watching..
Getting started with Android [closed] with the core developers too. They're probably the most active groups so far as of Sun April 20 2008 online regarding the development and the interactive community around android. Apart from the official google groups and the irc channel..
Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM for text. If anyone can think of some other ways they are most welcome. I would really appreciate any kind of help regarding this. Also if anyone has any information about any manufacturers APIs or links to contact them please do share with the..
Tutorials and libraries for OpenGL-ES games on Android [closed] covering polygons no textures anddev forum with some tutorials Other Android OpenGL ES information Google IO lecture regarding games not much OpenGLES The The Khronos Reference Manual is also relevant to have but its not exactly the best place to..
Bitmaps in Android in Android I have a few questions regarding Bitmap objects and memory and their general taxonomy. What is an in memory or native bitmap How is Bitmap memory different..
Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik? Programming Language . For example of this refer this . Just now 2 Aug 2010 i have read an article which describes regarding Frink Programming language and Calculating Tool for Android refer this links Link 1 Link 2 On 4 Aug 2010 i have found Regarding..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License Version 2.0 the License you may not use..
Android ListView Selector Color ListView Selector Color Hi All I have 2 questions regarding a ListView in Android How can I get the color of the listview's focused row I tried to use the ListView.getSelector method..
Launch custom android application from android browser custom android application from android browser Can anybody please guide me regarding how to launch my android application from the android browser android share improve this question Use an intent filter..
Custom Fonts in Android Fonts in Android I have already read some articles and searched on Google but I failed to do it. My problem is regarding the font face. In Android there are only 4 attributes in android typeface Normal Sans Serif Monospace. So what do I have..
Android - gravity and layout_gravity to the android gravity and android layout_gravity center center_vertical center_horizontal etc. But i am confused regarding these both. what is the difference between the usage of android gravity and android layout_gravity android android layout..
What is Context in Android? object. It lets newly created objects understand what has been going on. Typically you call it to get information regarding another part of your program activity package application You can get the context by invoking getApplicationContext getContext..
JSON Parsing in Android searched alot on JSON Parsing in Android but couldn't quite convinced. Actually got a brief idea but not so clear yet regarding JSON Parsing. How to implement the JSON Parsing in the Application android json parsing share improve this question ..
Determining the size of an Android view at runtime on input from the user. My layout is defined in XML. This seems like an easy task and there are lots of SO questions regarding this though none which solved my problem obviously. So perhaps I am missing something obvious. I get a handle to my view..
C2DM implementation PHP code c2dm for sending messages. please guide me how to use the php code to send the messages. Actually there is a problem regarding this that how to get client auth token. I have seen the http android c2dm index.html#server url but according..
sqlite example program in android [closed] working that uses sqlite database for android..i walked through android developer site but found very little stuff regarding database examples.. As i am new to database concepts Can anyone suggest me some good resources for understanding create..
How to ship an Android application with a database? may take a really long time to create and populate the database on the device. Your thoughts Pointers to documentation regarding any issues would be great. android share improve this question I just found a way to do this in ReignDesign blog in..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License Version 2.0 the License you may not use..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client I see the following error in LogCat MapActivity Couldn't get connection factory client I've read numerous threads regarding this issue but they always seem to be as a result of a bad API key which I do not have as I am retrieving map tiles. So..
DefaultHttpClient to AndroidHttpClient 3.1. The problem is that I do not know whether I have modified my code correctly and there aren't too many examples regarding AndroidhttpClient on the internet. Here is my code that was adjusted AndroidHttpClient client AndroidHttpClient.newInstance..
Grid Layout support in android API 10 change your xml from GridLayout to Usage should be similar if not identical. Regarding the Space widget I haven't actually used this one yet but it appears to be something that could be replaced by either setting..
Regarding connecting to a webserver from android connecting to a webserver from android I have to connect to a webserver from android and I have to access a webservice..
IntelliJ Idea 12 + Android + Scala nowadays a problem. Update 2 For fairness's sake there's also a great work in progress android sdk plugin by @pfn on GitHub. Regarding ProGuard and build times I am myself preloading large libraries on my device with sbt android . This eliminates ProGuard..
Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik? Frink Programming language and Calculating Tool for Android refer this links Link 1 Link 2 On 4 Aug 2010 i have found Regarding RenderScript . Basically It is said to be a C like language for high performance graphics programming which helps you easily..
Android multi-touch support private static final float minimumDistanceForEachFinger 30 private static final float minimumDistanceBetweenFingers 50 Regarding reliability this code has been completely reliable. Again only on Android 2.0.x. I have not tested it on other versions..
Are there any good ORMs (preferably JPA implementations) that support SQLite (on Android)? [closed] unlike some other alternatives... cough ActiveDroid cough java android sqlite jpa orm share improve this question Regarding JPA implementations there is at least a third party Dialect for SQLite for Hibernate. I'm not 100 sure but EclipseLink seems..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities getApplication instead of Start the tracker in manual dispatch mode... tracker.start UA YOUR ACCOUNT HERE this BAD Regarding when to call start stop you can implement a sort of manual reference counting incrementing a count for each call to Activity.onCreate..
Which programming languages can be used to develop in Android? [duplicate] Frink Programming language and Calculating Tool for Android refer this links Link 1 Link 2 On 4 Aug 2010 i have found Regarding RenderScript . Basically It is said to be a C like language for high performance graphics programming which helps you easily..
What is Context in Android? LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE getApplicationContext .getSharedPreferences name mode Accessing Components Implicitly Regarding content providers broadcasts intent getApplicationContext .getContentResolver .query uri ... share improve this answer..
What is meaning of boolean value returned from an event-handling method in Android OnTouchListener @Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event logView.showEvent event return true Regarding to the above example if return true in onTouch method I found every touch event DOWN UP MOVE etc has been captured according..
Should accessing SharedPreferences be done off the UI Thread? call apply on GB and commit on Froyo or below. I'll be doing a blogpost with sample code of how to do this. Regarding loading though... once loaded SharedPreferences are singletons and cached process wide. so you want to get it loaded as..
Android customized button; changing text color android color but the first doesn't work whilst the seconds changes my background. The next code is part of my layout. Regarding to the text color it only works for the normal state text color thus not changing it to the white one while pressed Button..
FFMPEG on Android wrapping dynamic library from your java sources. There's enough documentation on JNI out there you should be fine. Regarding using ffmpeg for playback there are many examples the ffmpeg binary itself is a good example here 's a basic tutorial. The..
Handlers, MessageQueue, Looper, do they all run on the UI thread? make a looping thread do something is to post a message to it's loop. This is valid until you call quit on the looper. Regarding the android UI thread At some point probably before any activities and the like are created the framework has set up a Looper..
Android 3.0 ActionBar, changing colors . This section in the official developer guide shows a sample xml to customize the action bar's style. Regarding the text of the menu options check the properties actionMenuTextAppearance and actionMenuTextColor . share improve this..
How do I make my Android ContentObserver for ContactsContract detect a added, updated or deleted contact? String name cursor.getString 0 if contact.getUsername .equalsIgnoreCase name continue contact.setUserName name Regarding about what you can put in projection check here Unfortunately it is not specific which makes my processing exhaustive and..
Creating RTP Packets from Android Camera to Send a raw video data from PreviewCallback arguments and convert it to an RTP Packet. I was just using JLibRTP to do this. Regarding to transfer the packet i think there are some related class RtpPkt RtpSession and RtpSocket. Here is my glance code DatagramSocket..
Custom ListView adapter, strange ImageView behavior if the user clicks that image besides changing it is to incorporate the status of the image in the row's data model. Regarding this here are some tutorials Android ListView Advanced Interactive or Commonsware Android Excerpt Interactive rows share..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off off. I have already tried to register the eventListener on a Service on an IntentService tried to acquire WakeLocks. Regarding wakelocks I can verify that the service is still running watching the LOGcat output but it seems the accelerometer is put..