android Programming Glossary: mscaledetector.isinprogress
Android Image View Pinch Zooming if the ScaleGestureDetector isn't processing a gesture. if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final float dx x mLastTouchX final float dy y mLastTouchY mPosX..
Zoom and Panning ImageView Android MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final float x ev.getX final float y ev.getY mLastTouchX x.. 0 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_1_DOWN if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final float gx mScaleDetector.getFocusX final float gy mScaleDetector.getFocusY.. the ScaleGestureDetector isn't processing a gesture. if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final int pointerIndex ev.findPointerIndex mActivePointerId..
Image Zoom Issue with Universal Image Loader and View Pager protected void onZoom float scale super.onZoom scale if mScaleDetector.isInProgress mCurrentScaleFactor scale externalScaleListener.onScaleEnd..
Image in Canvas with touch events if the ScaleGestureDetector isn't processing a gesture. if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final float dx x mLastTouchX final float dy y mLastTouchY..
can we use scale gesture detector for pinch zoom in android if the ScaleGestureDetector isn't processing a gesture. if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final float dx x mLastTouchX final float dy y mLastTouchY..
Pinch Zoom in android for an imageview? if the ScaleGestureDetector isn't processing a gesture. if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final float dx x mLastTouchX final float dy y mLastTouchY..
Get Canvas coordinates after scaling up/down or dragging in android if the ScaleGestureDetector isn't processing a gesture. if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final float dx x mLastTouchX final float dy y mLastTouchY mPosX..
Android Image View Pinch Zooming pointerIndex final float y ev.getY pointerIndex Only move if the ScaleGestureDetector isn't processing a gesture. if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final float dx x mLastTouchX final float dy y mLastTouchY mPosX dx mPosY dy invalidate mLastTouchX x mLastTouchY y break..
Zoom and Panning ImageView Android ev final int action ev.getAction switch action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final float x ev.getX final float y ev.getY mLastTouchX x mLastTouchY y mActivePointerId ev.getPointerId 0 break.. mLastTouchX x mLastTouchY y mActivePointerId ev.getPointerId 0 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_1_DOWN if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final float gx mScaleDetector.getFocusX final float gy mScaleDetector.getFocusY mLastGestureX gx mLastGestureY gy .. gy break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE Only move if the ScaleGestureDetector isn't processing a gesture. if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final int pointerIndex ev.findPointerIndex mActivePointerId final float x ev.getX pointerIndex final float y ev.getY..
Image Zoom Issue with Universal Image Loader and View Pager void onScaleBegin void onScaleEnd float scale @Override protected void onZoom float scale super.onZoom scale if mScaleDetector.isInProgress mCurrentScaleFactor scale externalScaleListener.onScaleEnd scale public class ScaleListener extends ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener..
Image in Canvas with touch events pointerIndex final float y ev.getY pointerIndex Only move if the ScaleGestureDetector isn't processing a gesture. if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final float dx x mLastTouchX final float dy y mLastTouchY mPosX dx mPosY dy invalidate mLastTouchX x mLastTouchY y..
can we use scale gesture detector for pinch zoom in android pointerIndex final float y ev.getY pointerIndex Only move if the ScaleGestureDetector isn't processing a gesture. if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final float dx x mLastTouchX final float dy y mLastTouchY mPosX dx mPosY dy invalidate mLastTouchX x mLastTouchY y..
Pinch Zoom in android for an imageview? pointerIndex final float y ev.getY pointerIndex Only move if the ScaleGestureDetector isn't processing a gesture. if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final float dx x mLastTouchX final float dy y mLastTouchY mPosX dx mPosY dy invalidate mLastTouchX x mLastTouchY y..
Get Canvas coordinates after scaling up/down or dragging in android pointerIndex final float y ev.getY pointerIndex Only move if the ScaleGestureDetector isn't processing a gesture. if mScaleDetector.isInProgress final float dx x mLastTouchX final float dy y mLastTouchY mPosX dx mPosY dy invalidate mLastTouchX x mLastTouchY y break..