android Programming Glossary: msg.what
upload video to facebook in android public void handleMessage Message msg mDialog.dismiss if msg.what 0 Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Image Posted on Facebook... Posted on Facebook. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if msg.what 1 Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Responce error. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT.. Responce error. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if msg.what 2 Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Facebook error. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) void handleMessage Message msg mProgressDlg.dismiss if msg.what 1 if msg.arg1 1 mListener.onError Error getting request token..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing @Override public void handleMessage Message msg switch msg.what case 111 break default break Here is the main.xml xml version..
Android Speech Recognition as a service on Android 4.1 & 4.2 Message msg final MyService target mtarget.get switch msg.what case MSG_RECOGNIZER_START_LISTENING if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT..
Restful API service values data.putString response result msg.setData data msg.what Config.ACTION_LOGIN mHandler.sendMessage msg public void registerCallback.. N mCallbacks.beginBroadcast for int i 0 i N i try switch msg.what case Config.ACTION_LOGIN mCallbacks.getBroadcastItem i .userLogIn.. new Handler public void handleMessage Message msg switch msg.what case Config.ACTION_LOGIN if progressDialog.isShowing progressDialog.dismiss..
Android long-touch event @Override public void handleMessage Message msg switch msg.what case MSG_INC inc return case MSG_DEC dec return super.handleMessage..
stop watch logic handleMessage Message msg super.handleMessage msg switch msg.what case MSG_START_TIMER timer.start start timer mHandler.sendEmptyMessage..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging @Override public void handleMessage Message msg switch msg.what case MyService.MSG_SET_INT_VALUE textIntValue.setText Int.. @Override public void handleMessage Message msg switch msg.what case MSG_REGISTER_CLIENT mClients.add msg.replyTo break case..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android new Handler public void handleMessage Message msg switch msg.what case MSG_ID TextView tv TextView findViewById
How I can get onclick event on webview in android? @Override public boolean handleMessage Message msg if msg.what CLICK_ON_URL handler.removeMessages CLICK_ON_WEBVIEW return.. handler.removeMessages CLICK_ON_WEBVIEW return true if msg.what CLICK_ON_WEBVIEW Toast.makeText this WebView clicked Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Updating Android UI using threads thread if dataArrives Message msg handler.obtainMessage msg.what UPDATE_IMAGE msg.obj bitmap msg.arg1 index handler.sendMessage.. Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg if msg.what UPDATE_IMAGE images.get msg.arg1 .setImageBitmap Bitmap msg.obj..
Android compare signature of current package with debug.keystore
Changing the Screen Brightness System Setting Android @Override public void handleMessage Message msg if msg.what DELAYED_MESSAGE DummyBrightnessActivity.this.finish super.handleMessage..
upload video to facebook in android .start private Handler mPostHandler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg mDialog.dismiss if msg.what 0 Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Image Posted on Facebook. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if msg.what 1 Toast.makeText.. if msg.what 0 Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Image Posted on Facebook. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if msg.what 1 Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Responce error. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if msg.what 2 Toast.makeText getApplicationContext.. .show else if msg.what 1 Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Responce error. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if msg.what 2 Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Facebook error. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public byte readBytes InputStream inputStream..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) private Handler mHandler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg mProgressDlg.dismiss if msg.what 1 if msg.arg1 1 mListener.onError Error getting request token else mListener.onError Error getting access token else..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing Log.i Log Discoverable class HandleSeacrh extends Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg switch msg.what case 111 break default break Here is the main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http
Android Speech Recognition as a service on Android 4.1 & 4.2 MyService target @Override public void handleMessage Message msg final MyService target mtarget.get switch msg.what case MSG_RECOGNIZER_START_LISTENING if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN turn off beep sound target.mAudioManager.setStreamMute..
Restful API service password password String result post Config.getURL login values data.putString response result msg.setData data msg.what Config.ACTION_LOGIN mHandler.sendMessage msg public void registerCallback IRemoteServiceCallback cb if cb null mCallbacks.register.. msg Broadcast to all clients the new value. final int N mCallbacks.beginBroadcast for int i 0 i N i try switch msg.what case Config.ACTION_LOGIN mCallbacks.getBroadcastItem i .userLogIn msg.getData .getString response break default super.handleMessage.. ...later in the same file... Handler mHandler new Handler public void handleMessage Message msg switch msg.what case Config.ACTION_LOGIN if progressDialog.isShowing progressDialog.dismiss try ...process login results... catch JSONException..
Android long-touch event icicle setContentView R.layout.main mHandler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg switch msg.what case MSG_INC inc return case MSG_DEC dec return super.handleMessage msg mIncButton Button findViewById
stop watch logic 100 Handler mHandler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg super.handleMessage msg switch msg.what case MSG_START_TIMER timer.start start timer mHandler.sendEmptyMessage MSG_UPDATE_TIMER break case MSG_UPDATE_TIMER..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging new IncomingHandler class IncomingHandler extends Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg switch msg.what case MyService.MSG_SET_INT_VALUE textIntValue.setText Int Message msg.arg1 break case MyService.MSG_SET_STRING_VALUE.. extends Handler Handler of incoming messages from clients. @Override public void handleMessage Message msg switch msg.what case MSG_REGISTER_CLIENT mClients.add msg.replyTo break case MSG_UNREGISTER_CLIENT mClients.remove msg.replyTo break..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android IOException e e.printStackTrace Handler myUpdateHandler new Handler public void handleMessage Message msg switch msg.what case MSG_ID TextView tv TextView findViewById tv.setText mClientMsg break default break super.handleMessage..
How I can get onclick event on webview in android? CLICK_ON_WEBVIEW 500 return false @Override public boolean handleMessage Message msg if msg.what CLICK_ON_URL handler.removeMessages CLICK_ON_WEBVIEW return true if msg.what CLICK_ON_WEBVIEW Toast.makeText this WebView.. boolean handleMessage Message msg if msg.what CLICK_ON_URL handler.removeMessages CLICK_ON_WEBVIEW return true if msg.what CLICK_ON_WEBVIEW Toast.makeText this WebView clicked Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show return true return false Hope this helps...
Updating Android UI using threads update the Views. something like this... in the background thread if dataArrives Message msg handler.obtainMessage msg.what UPDATE_IMAGE msg.obj bitmap msg.arg1 index handler.sendMessage msg in the ui thread final Handler handler new Handler @Override.. msg in the ui thread final Handler handler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg if msg.what UPDATE_IMAGE images.get msg.arg1 .setImageBitmap Bitmap msg.obj super.handleMessage msg and pass the handler to the bakground..
Android compare signature of current package with debug.keystore
Changing the Screen Brightness System Setting Android super.onCreate savedInstanceState handler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg if msg.what DELAYED_MESSAGE DummyBrightnessActivity.this.finish super.handleMessage msg Intent brightnessIntent this.getIntent..