android Programming Glossary: msgs
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) byte pduObjs.length int pduCount pdus.length SmsMessage msgs new SmsMessage pduCount for int i 0 i pduCount i pdus i pduObjs.. pduCount for int i 0 i pduCount i pdus i pduObjs i msgs i SmsMessage.createFromPdu pdus i return msgs share improve..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) String address str int contactId 1 SmsMessage msgs getMessagesFromIntent mIntent if msgs null for int i 0 i msgs.length.. 1 SmsMessage msgs getMessagesFromIntent mIntent if msgs null for int i 0 i msgs.length i address msgs i .getOriginatingAddress.. getMessagesFromIntent mIntent if msgs null for int i 0 i msgs.length i address msgs i .getOriginatingAddress contactId ContactsUtils.getContactId..
progressDialog in AsyncTask
Start Activity inside onReceive BroadcastReceiver passed in Bundle bundle intent.getExtras SmsMessage msgs null String str if bundle null retrieve the SMS message received.. SMS message received Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length i msgs.. pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length i msgs i SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdus i str SMS..
Android ??Listen For Incoming SMS Messages get the SMS message passed in SmsMessage msgs null String msg_from if bundle null retrieve the SMS message.. message received try Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length i msgs.. pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length i msgs i SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdus i msg_from..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) i messages.length i pduObjs i byte messages i byte pdus new byte pduObjs.length int pduCount pdus.length SmsMessage msgs new SmsMessage pduCount for int i 0 i pduCount i pdus i pduObjs i msgs i SmsMessage.createFromPdu pdus i return msgs..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) String action intent.getAction if action.equals ACTION_SMS_RECEIVED String address str int contactId 1 SmsMessage msgs getMessagesFromIntent mIntent if msgs null for int i 0 i msgs.length i address msgs i .getOriginatingAddress contactId.. ACTION_SMS_RECEIVED String address str int contactId 1 SmsMessage msgs getMessagesFromIntent mIntent if msgs null for int i 0 i msgs.length i address msgs i .getOriginatingAddress contactId ContactsUtils.getContactId mContext.. String address str int contactId 1 SmsMessage msgs getMessagesFromIntent mIntent if msgs null for int i 0 i msgs.length i address msgs i .getOriginatingAddress contactId ContactsUtils.getContactId mContext address address str msgs..
progressDialog in AsyncTask
Start Activity inside onReceive BroadcastReceiver void onReceive Context context Intent intent get the SMS message passed in Bundle bundle intent.getExtras SmsMessage msgs null String str if bundle null retrieve the SMS message received Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage.. SmsMessage msgs null String str if bundle null retrieve the SMS message received Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length i msgs i SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdus i str SMS from msgs i.. retrieve the SMS message received Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length i msgs i SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdus i str SMS from msgs i .getOriginatingAddress str trigger_message..
Android ??Listen For Incoming SMS Messages android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED Bundle bundle intent.getExtras get the SMS message passed in SmsMessage msgs null String msg_from if bundle null retrieve the SMS message received try Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new.. msgs null String msg_from if bundle null retrieve the SMS message received try Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length i msgs i SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdus i msg_from msgs i .getOriginatingAddress.. the SMS message received try Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length i msgs i SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdus i msg_from msgs i .getOriginatingAddress String msgBody msgs i .getMessageBody..