android Programming Glossary: mservice
This Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: IncomingHandler communicate from WorkerThread to service. private Handler mServiceHandler Used to receive messages from the Activity final Messenger.. Handler private final WeakReference UDPListenerService mService IncomingHandler UDPListenerService service mService new WeakReference.. mService IncomingHandler UDPListenerService service mService new WeakReference UDPListenerService service @Override public..
Enable/disable data connection in android programmatically yes ConnectivityManager iMgr ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE Method iMthd null try iMthd ConnectivityManager.class.getDeclaredMethod.. conman ConnectivityManager context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE final Class conmanClass Class.forName.. iConnectivityManagerField conmanClass.getDeclaredField mService iConnectivityManagerField.setAccessible true final Object iConnectivityManager..
Android billing - should I implement the ServiceConnection or the IMarketBillingService makeRequestBundle CHECK_BILLING_SUPPORTED Bundle response mService.sendBillingRequest request but not sure what mService variable.. mService.sendBillingRequest request but not sure what mService variable should be. In the Dungeons tutorial from Andoroid they..
How to provide option to select wi-fi or GPRS for network connectivity in android app connManager ConnectivityManager getSystemService CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo mWifi connManager.getNetworkInfo.. connManager1 ConnectivityManager getSystemService CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo mMobile connManager1.getNetworkInfo.. TelephonyManager getApplicationContext .getSystemService Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE telephonyManagerClass Class.forName..
How can i turn off 3G/Data programmatically on Android? conman ConnectivityManager context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE final Class conmanClass Class.forName.. iConnectivityManagerField conmanClass.getDeclaredField mService iConnectivityManagerField.setAccessible true final Object iConnectivityManager.. telephonyManager TelephonyManager context .getSystemService Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE if telephonyManager.getDataState TelephonyManager.DATA_CONNECTED..
Androids onStatusChanged not working activity declare class variables private LocationManager mService private GpsStatus mStatus ...and add the method to handle the.. changes public void onGpsStatusChanged int event mStatus mService.getGpsStatus mStatus switch event case GpsStatus.GPS_EVENT_STARTED.. of your Activity to register the GPSStatus.Listener mService LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE mService.addGpsStatusListener..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging TextView textStatus textIntValue textStrValue Messenger mService null boolean mIsBound final Messenger mMessenger new Messenger.. ComponentName className IBinder service mService new Messenger service textStatus.setText Attached. try Message.. MyService.MSG_REGISTER_CLIENT msg.replyTo mMessenger mService.send msg catch RemoteException e In this case the service..
Android:sound pool and service sound float fSpeed AudioManager mgr AudioManager getSystemService Context.AUDIO_SERVICE float streamVolumeCurrent mgr.getStreamVolume.. extends Activity implements OnClickListener LocalService mService boolean mBound false @Override protected void onCreate Bundle.. to avoid slowing down the activity performance. int num mService.getRandomNumber Toast.makeText this number num Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Correct pattern to acquire a WakeLock in a BroadcastReceiver and release it in a Service PowerManager powerManager PowerManager context.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE SomeService.wakeLock powerManager.newWakeLock.. by the keyguard. mHandler.removeCallbacks mReleaser try mService.acquireWakeLock mToken mFlags mTag mWorkSource catch RemoteException.. mTag mWorkSource catch RemoteException e mHeld true ... mService is an IPowerManager interface and the source for it isn't available..
This Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: IncomingHandler private UDPListenerThread myThread Handler to communicate from WorkerThread to service. private Handler mServiceHandler Used to receive messages from the Activity final Messenger inMessenger new Messenger new IncomingHandler Use to send.. to your service static class IncomingHandler extends Handler private final WeakReference UDPListenerService mService IncomingHandler UDPListenerService service mService new WeakReference UDPListenerService service @Override public void handleMessage.. extends Handler private final WeakReference UDPListenerService mService IncomingHandler UDPListenerService service mService new WeakReference UDPListenerService service @Override public void handleMessage Message msg UDPListenerService service..
Enable/disable data connection in android programmatically I've used the following code void enableInternet boolean yes ConnectivityManager iMgr ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE Method iMthd null try iMthd ConnectivityManager.class.getDeclaredMethod setMobileDataEnabled.. Context context boolean enabled final ConnectivityManager conman ConnectivityManager context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE final Class conmanClass Class.forName conman.getClass .getName final Field iConnectivityManagerField.. conmanClass Class.forName conman.getClass .getName final Field iConnectivityManagerField conmanClass.getDeclaredField mService iConnectivityManagerField.setAccessible true final Object iConnectivityManager iConnectivityManagerField.get conman final..
Android billing - should I implement the ServiceConnection or the IMarketBillingService I am trying to do something like this Bundle request makeRequestBundle CHECK_BILLING_SUPPORTED Bundle response mService.sendBillingRequest request but not sure what mService variable should be. In the Dungeons tutorial from Andoroid they have.. makeRequestBundle CHECK_BILLING_SUPPORTED Bundle response mService.sendBillingRequest request but not sure what mService variable should be. In the Dungeons tutorial from Andoroid they have this private BillingService mBillingService but when..
How to provide option to select wi-fi or GPRS for network connectivity in android app android wifi gprs share improve this question Try this ConnectivityManager connManager ConnectivityManager getSystemService CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo mWifi connManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI if mWifi.isConnected if.. if mWifi.isConnected if wifi connected ConnectivityManager connManager1 ConnectivityManager getSystemService CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo mMobile connManager1.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE if mMobile.isConnected.. ITelephonyStub Class ITelephonyClass TelephonyManager telephonyManager TelephonyManager getApplicationContext .getSystemService Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE telephonyManagerClass Class.forName telephonyManager.getClass .getName Method getITelephonyMethod..
How can i turn off 3G/Data programmatically on Android? Context context boolean enabled final ConnectivityManager conman ConnectivityManager context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE final Class conmanClass Class.forName conman.getClass .getName final Field iConnectivityManagerField.. conmanClass Class.forName conman.getClass .getName final Field iConnectivityManagerField conmanClass.getDeclaredField mService iConnectivityManagerField.setAccessible true final Object iConnectivityManager iConnectivityManagerField.get conman final.. Object ITelephonyStub Class ITelephonyClass TelephonyManager telephonyManager TelephonyManager context .getSystemService Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE if telephonyManager.getDataState TelephonyManager.DATA_CONNECTED isEnabled true else isEnabled..
Androids onStatusChanged not working implements LocationListener GpsStatus.Listener Then in your activity declare class variables private LocationManager mService private GpsStatus mStatus ...and add the method to handle the GPSStatus changes public void onGpsStatusChanged int event.. mStatus ...and add the method to handle the GPSStatus changes public void onGpsStatusChanged int event mStatus mService.getGpsStatus mStatus switch event case GpsStatus.GPS_EVENT_STARTED Do Something with mStatus info break case GpsStatus.GPS_EVENT_STOPPED.. Do Something with mStatus info break Then in OnCreate of your Activity to register the GPSStatus.Listener mService LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE mService.addGpsStatusListener this In the GPSTest app the list..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging Button btnStart btnStop btnBind btnUnbind btnUpby1 btnUpby10 TextView textStatus textIntValue textStrValue Messenger mService null boolean mIsBound final Messenger mMessenger new Messenger new IncomingHandler class IncomingHandler extends Handler.. mConnection new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder service mService new Messenger service textStatus.setText Attached. try Message msg Message.obtain null MyService.MSG_REGISTER_CLIENT .. Attached. try Message msg Message.obtain null MyService.MSG_REGISTER_CLIENT msg.replyTo mMessenger mService.send msg catch RemoteException e In this case the service has crashed before we could even do anything with it public..
Android:sound pool and service this R.raw.touchdown 1 public void playSound int sound float fSpeed AudioManager mgr AudioManager getSystemService Context.AUDIO_SERVICE float streamVolumeCurrent mgr.getStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC float streamVolumeMax mgr.getStreamMaxVolume.. SOUND1 hi1 you call from Activity using public class Test extends Activity implements OnClickListener LocalService mService boolean mBound false @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. hang then this request should occur in a separate thread to avoid slowing down the activity performance. int num mService.getRandomNumber Toast.makeText this number num Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Defines callbacks for service binding passed to..
Correct pattern to acquire a WakeLock in a BroadcastReceiver and release it in a Service context.startService serviceIntent if SomeService.wakeLock null PowerManager powerManager PowerManager context.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE SomeService.wakeLock powerManager.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK SomeService.WAKE_LOCK_TAG.. lock once again despite never having been explicitly released by the keyguard. mHandler.removeCallbacks mReleaser try mService.acquireWakeLock mToken mFlags mTag mWorkSource catch RemoteException e mHeld true ... mService is an IPowerManager interface.. mReleaser try mService.acquireWakeLock mToken mFlags mTag mWorkSource catch RemoteException e mHeld true ... mService is an IPowerManager interface and the source for it isn't available so it's hard to tell what may or may not go wrong when..