android Programming Glossary: msg.arg1
why TwitterApp give VerifyError? Message msg mProgressDlg.dismiss if msg.what 1 if msg.arg1 1 mListener.onError Error getting request token else mListener.onError.. mListener.onError Error getting access token else if msg.arg1 1 showLoginDialog String msg.obj else mListener.onComplete..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) Message msg mProgressDlg.dismiss if msg.what 1 if msg.arg1 1 mListener.onError Error getting request token else mListener.onError.. mListener.onError Error getting access token else if msg.arg1 1 showLoginDialog String msg.obj else mListener.onComplete..
setBackgroundResource doesn't set the image public void handleMessage Message msg int id sequence.get msg.arg1 if msg.arg1 2 0 sq.get id 1 .setBackgroundResource R.drawable.square_show.. handleMessage Message msg int id sequence.get msg.arg1 if msg.arg1 2 0 sq.get id 1 .setBackgroundResource R.drawable.square_show.. i Thread.sleep 200 Message msg hnd.obtainMessage msg.arg1 i msg.sendToTarget catch Throwable t background.start CODE..
Data Transmisison error using SPP over Bluetooth on Android to mainText for user String readMessage String msg.obj if msg.arg1 0 mainText.append readMessage share improve this answer..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging textIntValue.setText Int Message msg.arg1 break case MyService.MSG_SET_STRING_VALUE String str1 msg.getData.. msg.replyTo break case MSG_SET_INT_VALUE incrementby msg.arg1 break default super.handleMessage msg private void sendMessageToUI..
Updating Android UI using threads handler.obtainMessage msg.what UPDATE_IMAGE msg.obj bitmap msg.arg1 index handler.sendMessage msg in the ui thread final Handler.. Message msg if msg.what UPDATE_IMAGE images.get msg.arg1 .setImageBitmap Bitmap msg.obj super.handleMessage msg and..
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? R.string.notification_catalog_downloaded VVS stopSelf msg.arg1 @Override public void onCreate serviceState true mNM NotificationManager.. downloadUrl Message msg mServiceHandler.obtainMessage msg.arg1 startId mServiceHandler.sendMessage msg If we get killed after..
Android: intentservice, how abort or skip a task in the handleintent queue intent startId Message msg mServiceHandler.obtainMessage msg.arg1 startId msg.obj intent msg.what intent.getIntExtra appId 0 parameters..
How to handle Handler messages when activity/fragment is paused if activity null switch msg.what case MSG_WHAT switch msg.arg1 case MSG_SHOW_DIALOG final FragmentManager fm activity.getFragmentManager..
why TwitterApp give VerifyError? Handler mHandler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg mProgressDlg.dismiss if msg.what 1 if msg.arg1 1 mListener.onError Error getting request token else mListener.onError Error getting access token else if msg.arg1.. 1 mListener.onError Error getting request token else mListener.onError Error getting access token else if msg.arg1 1 showLoginDialog String msg.obj else mListener.onComplete public interface TwDialogListener public void onComplete..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) Handler mHandler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg mProgressDlg.dismiss if msg.what 1 if msg.arg1 1 mListener.onError Error getting request token else mListener.onError Error getting access token else if msg.arg1.. 1 mListener.onError Error getting request token else mListener.onError Error getting access token else if msg.arg1 1 showLoginDialog String msg.obj else mListener.onComplete public interface TwDialogListener void onComplete String..
setBackgroundResource doesn't set the image doesn't set the image Handler hnd new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg int id sequence.get msg.arg1 if msg.arg1 2 0 sq.get id 1 .setBackgroundResource R.drawable.square_show else sq.get id 1 .setBackgroundResource R.drawable.square.. set the image Handler hnd new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg int id sequence.get msg.arg1 if msg.arg1 2 0 sq.get id 1 .setBackgroundResource R.drawable.square_show else sq.get id 1 .setBackgroundResource R.drawable.square.. void run try for int i 0 i sequence.size 1 i record_tv.setText i Thread.sleep 200 Message msg hnd.obtainMessage msg.arg1 i msg.sendToTarget catch Throwable t background.start CODE UPDATED now it goes through the first loop and stops do..
Data Transmisison error using SPP over Bluetooth on Android
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging void handleMessage Message msg switch msg.what case MyService.MSG_SET_INT_VALUE textIntValue.setText Int Message msg.arg1 break case MyService.MSG_SET_STRING_VALUE String str1 msg.getData .getString str1 textStrValue.setText Str Message str1.. msg.replyTo break case MSG_UNREGISTER_CLIENT mClients.remove msg.replyTo break case MSG_SET_INT_VALUE incrementby msg.arg1 break default super.handleMessage msg private void sendMessageToUI int intvaluetosend for int i mClients.size 1 i 0..
Updating Android UI using threads this... in the background thread if dataArrives Message msg handler.obtainMessage msg.what UPDATE_IMAGE msg.obj bitmap msg.arg1 index handler.sendMessage msg in the ui thread final Handler handler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message.. final Handler handler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg if msg.what UPDATE_IMAGE images.get msg.arg1 .setImageBitmap Bitmap msg.obj super.handleMessage msg and pass the handler to the bakground thead share improve this..
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? msg downloadFile showNotification getResources .getString R.string.notification_catalog_downloaded VVS stopSelf msg.arg1 @Override public void onCreate serviceState true mNM NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE HandlerThread.. downloadUrl Log.d URL downloadUrl this.downloadUrl downloadUrl Message msg mServiceHandler.obtainMessage msg.arg1 startId mServiceHandler.sendMessage msg If we get killed after returning from here restart return START_STICKY @Override..
Android: intentservice, how abort or skip a task in the handleintent queue public void onStart Intent intent int startId super.onStart intent startId Message msg mServiceHandler.obtainMessage msg.arg1 startId msg.obj intent msg.what intent.getIntExtra appId 0 parameters that come from the outside share improve this answer..
How to handle Handler messages when activity/fragment is paused Message msg final Activity activity this.activity if activity null switch msg.what case MSG_WHAT switch msg.arg1 case MSG_SHOW_DIALOG final FragmentManager fm activity.getFragmentManager final TestDialog dialog new TestDialog msg.arg2..