android Programming Glossary: mrs
How to write a convolution multiplication in Android Renderscript? and therefore makes the image data available as an array. mRS RenderScript.create this mInAllocation Allocation.createFromBitmap.. this mInAllocation Allocation.createFromBitmap mRS mBitmapIn Allocation.MipmapControl.MIPMAP_NONE Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT.. mOutAllocation Allocation.createTyped mRS mInAllocation.getType mScript new ScriptC_blur mRS getResources..
Passing Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute the following Java mBlurRowScript new ScriptC_blur_row mRS getResources R.raw.blur_row int row_width mBitmapIn.getWidth.. Allocation row_indices_alloc Allocation.createSized mRS Element.I32 mRS num_rows Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT row_indices_alloc.copyFrom.. row_indices_alloc Allocation.createSized mRS Element.I32 mRS num_rows Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT row_indices_alloc.copyFrom..
How to write a convolution multiplication in Android Renderscript? image data to the gPixel pointer in the Renderscript and therefore makes the image data available as an array. mRS RenderScript.create this mInAllocation Allocation.createFromBitmap mRS mBitmapIn Allocation.MipmapControl.MIPMAP_NONE.. makes the image data available as an array. mRS RenderScript.create this mInAllocation Allocation.createFromBitmap mRS mBitmapIn Allocation.MipmapControl.MIPMAP_NONE Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT mOutAllocation Allocation.createTyped mRS mInAllocation.getType.. mRS mBitmapIn Allocation.MipmapControl.MIPMAP_NONE Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT mOutAllocation Allocation.createTyped mRS mInAllocation.getType mScript new ScriptC_blur mRS getResources R.raw.blur mScript.bind_gPixels mInAllocation mScript.set_gIn..
Passing Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute gIn rsForEach gScript gIn gOut NULL This would be setup using the following Java mBlurRowScript new ScriptC_blur_row mRS getResources R.raw.blur_row int row_width mBitmapIn.getWidth Create an allocation that indexes each row. int num_rows mBitmapIn.getHeight.. int num_rows for int i 0 i num_rows i row_indices i i row_width Allocation row_indices_alloc Allocation.createSized mRS Element.I32 mRS num_rows Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT row_indices_alloc.copyFrom row_indices The image data has to be bound.. for int i 0 i num_rows i row_indices i i row_width Allocation row_indices_alloc Allocation.createSized mRS Element.I32 mRS num_rows Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT row_indices_alloc.copyFrom row_indices The image data has to be bound to the pointers..