android Programming Glossary: motionevent.action_mask
Android Image View Pinch Zooming ev final int action ev.getAction switch action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN final float x ev.getX final float.. event Handle touch events here... switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN savedMatrix.set matrix start.set.. int action event.getAction int actionCode action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK sb.append event ACTION_ .append names actionCode if actionCode..
Android Pinch and Zoom Image in Activity float scale switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN savedMatrix.set matrix start.set..
Getting coordinates and width/height from a matrix event ImageView view ImageView v switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN savedMatrix.set matrix start.set..
Image in Canvas with touch events ev final int action ev.getAction switch action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN final float x ev.getX final float..
can we use scale gesture detector for pinch zoom in android ev final int action ev.getAction switch action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN final float x ev.getX final float..
zooming and dragging images using matrix in android event Handle touch events here... switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN savedMatrix.set matrix start.set.. int action event.getAction int actionCode action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK sb.append event ACTION_ .append names actionCode if actionCode..
Rotate zoom drag image in android imageview event Handle touch events here... switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN savedMatrix.set matrix start.set.. int action event.getAction int actionCode action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK sb.append event ACTION_ .append names actionCode if actionCode..
Pinch Zoom in android for an imageview? ev final int action ev.getAction switch action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN final float x ev.getX final float..
getting the position of an image after drag in android event Handle touch events here... switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN savedMatrix.set matrix start.set.. int action event.getAction int actionCode action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK sb.append event ACTION_ .append names actionCode if actionCode..
Get Canvas coordinates after scaling up/down or dragging in android ev final int action ev.getAction switch action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN final float x ev.getX final float..
How to enable the (two finger) zoom in/out feature for an image in android [duplicate] event Handle touch events here... switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN savedMatrix.set matrix start.set..
Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN toggleKeyboard return super.onTouchEvent.. boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN toggleKeyboard return super.onTouchEvent..
android: move a view on touch move (ACTION_MOVE) final int Y int event.getRawY switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lParams..
Android Image View Pinch Zooming ScaleGestureDetector inspect all events. mScaleDetector.onTouchEvent ev final int action ev.getAction switch action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN final float x ev.getX final float y ev.getY mLastTouchX x mLastTouchY y mActivePointerId ev.getPointerId.. generated method stub ImageView view ImageView v dumpEvent event Handle touch events here... switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN savedMatrix.set matrix start.set event.getX event.getY Log.d TAG mode DRAG mode DRAG break.. POINTER_DOWN POINTER_UP 7 8 9 StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder int action event.getAction int actionCode action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK sb.append event ACTION_ .append names actionCode if actionCode MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN actionCode MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP..
Android Pinch and Zoom Image in Activity event ImageView view ImageView v view.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.MATRIX float scale switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN savedMatrix.set matrix start.set event.getX event.getY Log.d TAG mode DRAG mode..
Getting coordinates and width/height from a matrix ed. 3 @Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event ImageView view ImageView v switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN savedMatrix.set matrix start.set event.getX event.getY mode DRAG break case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN..
Image in Canvas with touch events ScaleGestureDetector inspect all events. mScaleDetector.onTouchEvent ev final int action ev.getAction switch action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN final float x ev.getX final float y ev.getY mLastTouchX x mLastTouchY y mActivePointerId..
can we use scale gesture detector for pinch zoom in android ScaleGestureDetector inspect all events. mScaleDetector.onTouchEvent ev final int action ev.getAction switch action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN final float x ev.getX final float y ev.getY mLastTouchX x mLastTouchY y mActivePointerId..
zooming and dragging images using matrix in android ImageView view ImageView v Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here... switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN savedMatrix.set matrix start.set event.getX event.getY Log.d TAG mode DRAG mode DRAG break.. POINTER_DOWN POINTER_UP 7 8 9 StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder int action event.getAction int actionCode action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK sb.append event ACTION_ .append names actionCode if actionCode MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN actionCode MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP..
Rotate zoom drag image in android imageview ImageView v int rotation 25 Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here... switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN savedMatrix.set matrix start.set event.getX event.getY Log.d TAG mode DRAG mode DRAG break.. POINTER_DOWN POINTER_UP 7 8 9 StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder int action event.getAction int actionCode action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK sb.append event ACTION_ .append names actionCode if actionCode MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN actionCode MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP..
Pinch Zoom in android for an imageview? ScaleGestureDetector inspect all events. mScaleDetector.onTouchEvent ev final int action ev.getAction switch action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN final float x ev.getX final float y ev.getY mLastTouchX x mLastTouchY y mActivePointerId..
getting the position of an image after drag in android ImageView v int rotation 25 Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here... switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN savedMatrix.set matrix start.set event.getX event.getY Log.d TAG mode DRAG mode DRAG break.. POINTER_DOWN POINTER_UP 7 8 9 StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder int action event.getAction int actionCode action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK sb.append event ACTION_ .append names actionCode if actionCode MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN actionCode MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP..
Get Canvas coordinates after scaling up/down or dragging in android ScaleGestureDetector inspect all events. mScaleDetector.onTouchEvent ev final int action ev.getAction switch action MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN final float x ev.getX final float y ev.getY mLastTouchX x mLastTouchY y mActivePointerId ev.getPointerId..
How to enable the (two finger) zoom in/out feature for an image in android [duplicate] View v MotionEvent event Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here... switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN savedMatrix.set matrix start.set event.getX event.getY Log.d TAG mode DRAG mode DRAG break..
Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus keyCode event Toggle keyboard on touch @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN toggleKeyboard return super.onTouchEvent event Extremely simple fragment public class MyFragment.. return true Toggle keyboard on touch @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN toggleKeyboard return super.onTouchEvent event Extremely simple fragment public class MyFragment..
android: move a view on touch move (ACTION_MOVE) onTouch View view MotionEvent event final int X int event.getRawX final int Y int event.getRawY switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams view.getLayoutParams _xDelta..