android Programming Glossary: moov
Video streaming from Android device to LAMP Server to update 3gp header bytes 25 to 28 with the offset where moov atom starts handle fopen file c output shell_exec 'grep aobE.. starts handle fopen file c output shell_exec 'grep aobE moov '. file moov_pos preg_replace ' moov d i' ' 1' output moov_pos_ex.. fopen file c output shell_exec 'grep aobE moov '. file moov_pos preg_replace ' moov d i' ' 1' output moov_pos_ex strtoupper..
Fix 3GP file after streaming from Android Media Recorder 36 00 00 00 00 Then I find starting location of mdat and moov atoms with following command grep aobE ftyp mdat moov sample_not_playable.3gp.. and moov atoms with following command grep aobE ftyp mdat moov sample_not_playable.3gp And it gives me following output 4 ftyp.. And it gives me following output 4 ftyp 28 mdat 1414676 moov Then make 1414676 28 1 414 648 0x1595F8 Then I write 0x1595F8..
MediaPlayer error -2147483648 when playing file on internal storage 2147483647 0 bytes us bit rate 12200 bps and the estimated moov size 3072 bytes 06 17 10 07 30.960 DEBUG AudioHardwareTegra.. 2147483647 0 bytes us bit rate 12200 bps and the estimated moov size 3072 bytes 06 17 10 08 28.440 DEBUG AudioHardwareTegra..
Video streaming from Android device to LAMP Server 1500 echo phone disconnected n fclose handle then i had to update 3gp header bytes 25 to 28 with the offset where moov atom starts handle fopen file c output shell_exec 'grep aobE moov '. file moov_pos preg_replace ' moov d i' ' 1' output.. 3gp header bytes 25 to 28 with the offset where moov atom starts handle fopen file c output shell_exec 'grep aobE moov '. file moov_pos preg_replace ' moov d i' ' 1' output moov_pos_ex strtoupper str_pad dechex moov_pos 24 8 0 STR_PAD_LEFT.. bytes 25 to 28 with the offset where moov atom starts handle fopen file c output shell_exec 'grep aobE moov '. file moov_pos preg_replace ' moov d i' ' 1' output moov_pos_ex strtoupper str_pad dechex moov_pos 24 8 0 STR_PAD_LEFT fwrite handle..
Fix 3GP file after streaming from Android Media Recorder 18 66 74 79 70 33 67 70 34 00 00 03 00 33 67 70 34 33 67 70 36 00 00 00 00 Then I find starting location of mdat and moov atoms with following command grep aobE ftyp mdat moov sample_not_playable.3gp And it gives me following output 4 ftyp 28.. 67 70 36 00 00 00 00 Then I find starting location of mdat and moov atoms with following command grep aobE ftyp mdat moov sample_not_playable.3gp And it gives me following output 4 ftyp 28 mdat 1414676 moov Then make 1414676 28 1 414 648 0x1595F8.. command grep aobE ftyp mdat moov sample_not_playable.3gp And it gives me following output 4 ftyp 28 mdat 1414676 moov Then make 1414676 28 1 414 648 0x1595F8 Then I write 0x1595F8 as 25 28 bytes just prior mdat atom. So my header now looks..
MediaPlayer error -2147483648 when playing file on internal storage for rate 8000 06 17 10 07 30.900 INFO MPEG4Writer 85 limits 2147483647 0 bytes us bit rate 12200 bps and the estimated moov size 3072 bytes 06 17 10 07 30.960 DEBUG AudioHardwareTegra 85 setDriver_l Analog mic yes. Bluetooth no. 06 17 10 07 31.100.. for rate 8000 06 17 10 08 28.380 INFO MPEG4Writer 85 limits 2147483647 0 bytes us bit rate 12200 bps and the estimated moov size 3072 bytes 06 17 10 08 28.440 DEBUG AudioHardwareTegra 85 setDriver_l Analog mic yes. Bluetooth no. 06 17 10 08 28.970..