android Programming Glossary: lunch
openSSL using Android's NDK problems go to root of the source code and run ~ build lunch 1 make So finally we need to compile curl with SSL support so..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support go to root of the source code and run ~ build lunch 1 make So finally we need to compile curl with SSL support so..
TextView Marquee not working let me know where im going wrong TextView android text lunch 20.00 Dinner 60.00 Travel 60.00 Doctor 5000.00 lunch 20.00 Dinner.. text lunch 20.00 Dinner 60.00 Travel 60.00 Doctor 5000.00 lunch 20.00 Dinner 60.00 Travel 60.00 Doctor 5000.00 android id @.. now Code attached below TextView android text START lunch 20.00 Dinner 60.00 Travel 60.00 Doctor 5000.00 lunch 20.00 Dinner..
Strange behaviour in Expandablelistview - Android by the user. they have a choice of menus breakfast lunch and dinner the outer group which expand to show their contents... a closed state. below is the list after I have opened the lunch menu and clicked on 'Potato Chips' and indicating a Quantity..
Wifi sleeps, even with Lock doStart blocks the phone and let it on the table. I go for lunch or whatever and after 600 6000s I can see the tx errors on WireShark..
Obtain root access via su on the Android emulator the Android emulator I need to get root access via su to lunch a TcpDump binary I am working on a sort of android sniffer ...
Custom preference, targetSdkVersion=“11”: missing indent? summary Check if you want to know when it is time for lunch apt.tutorial.TimePreference android key alarm_time android title.. 12 00 android summary Set your desired time for the lunch alarm android dependency alarm CheckBoxPreference android key.. android summary Check if you want a status bar icon at lunchtime or uncheck for a full screen notice android dependency alarm..
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? System Initialize source build Choose a Target lunch generic user Build the Code make j4 Added Output of make j4..
ANTLR and Android project which then uses this library. Building ~~~~~~~~ lunch the appropriate target make AntlrJavaRuntime verify that AntlrJavaRuntime.xml..
android ANTLR make not working properly I am not sure of what to do I am supposed to make this 1. lunch the appropriate target 2. make AntlrJavaRuntime 3. verify that..
openSSL using Android's NDK problems the environment. so it would be something like go to root of the source code and run ~ build lunch 1 make So finally we need to compile curl with SSL support so Step three extract curl to the desired folder I have a specific..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support the environment. so it would be something like go to root of the source code and run ~ build lunch 1 make So finally we need to compile curl with SSL support so Step three extract curl to the desired folder I have a specific..
TextView Marquee not working tried to use marquee and its not working here is my code please let me know where im going wrong TextView android text lunch 20.00 Dinner 60.00 Travel 60.00 Doctor 5000.00 lunch 20.00 Dinner 60.00 Travel 60.00 Doctor 5000.00 android id @ id TextView02.. please let me know where im going wrong TextView android text lunch 20.00 Dinner 60.00 Travel 60.00 Doctor 5000.00 lunch 20.00 Dinner 60.00 Travel 60.00 Doctor 5000.00 android id @ id TextView02 android layout_width 200dip android layout_height.. 2.0.1 android textview share improve this question working now Code attached below TextView android text START lunch 20.00 Dinner 60.00 Travel 60.00 Doctor 5000.00 lunch 20.00 Dinner 60.00 Travel 60.00 Doctor 5000.00 END android id @ id..
Strange behaviour in Expandablelistview - Android behavior. My activity is meant to record food intake as specified by the user. they have a choice of menus breakfast lunch and dinner the outer group which expand to show their contents. when a user clicks on an inner menu item a dialog appears.. that has been consumed The above image shows the list in a closed state. below is the list after I have opened the lunch menu and clicked on 'Potato Chips' and indicating a Quantity of 1. As you can see the 'Potato' itemtext has now been changed..
Wifi sleeps, even with Lock start WireShark press the Start button android onClick doStart blocks the phone and let it on the table. I go for lunch or whatever and after 600 6000s I can see the tx errors on WireShark the echo server has stopped receiving traffic and the..
Obtain root access via su on the Android emulator root access via su on the Android emulator I need to get root access via su to lunch a TcpDump binary I am working on a sort of android sniffer . I use this code try Process process Runtime.getRuntime .exec..
Custom preference, targetSdkVersion=“11”: missing indent? android key alarm android title Sound a Lunch Alarm android summary Check if you want to know when it is time for lunch apt.tutorial.TimePreference android key alarm_time android title Lunch Alarm Time android defaultValue 12 00 android summary.. key alarm_time android title Lunch Alarm Time android defaultValue 12 00 android summary Set your desired time for the lunch alarm android dependency alarm CheckBoxPreference android key use_notification android title Use a Notification android.. android title Use a Notification android defaultValue true android summary Check if you want a status bar icon at lunchtime or uncheck for a full screen notice android dependency alarm PreferenceScreen Anyone know where I'm going wrong Thanks..
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? sync gpg import imported the huge key And from Building the System Initialize source build Choose a Target lunch generic user Build the Code make j4 Added Output of make j4 PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME REL PLATFORM_VERSION 2.1 update1..
ANTLR and Android computer. The resulting files are transferred to an Android project which then uses this library. Building ~~~~~~~~ lunch the appropriate target make AntlrJavaRuntime verify that AntlrJavaRuntime.xml was placed in system etc permissions and AntlrJavaRuntime.jar..
android ANTLR make not working properly ANTLR and Android After downloading the AntlrJavaRuntime I am not sure of what to do I am supposed to make this 1. lunch the appropriate target 2. make AntlrJavaRuntime 3. verify that AntlrJavaRuntime.xml was placed in system etc permissions..