android Programming Glossary: low
Understanding Fragment's setRetainInstance(boolean) s may be destroyed by the system when memory resources are low. Whether you have your fragments retain their instance state.. both retained fragments and non retained fragments were allowed to exist on the same backstack. Which are the use cases where..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen DPI they share the same screen size and the resolutions follow the same aspect ratio. Therefore an image can be created to.. Android devices. My question is that is there a proper flow or architecture that one should follow to meet the requirement.. is there a proper flow or architecture that one should follow to meet the requirement Remember we do have Tablets of different..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android interpreting whatever numbers you get is extremely low. Pretty much every time I look at memory usage numbers with.. from being able to stress the system to this point. Going lower level you can use the Debug API to get raw kernel level information.. int This returns a low level MemoryInfo structure with all of this data The proportional..
Android: I want to shake it mAccelCurrent mAccelLast mAccel mAccel 0.9f delta perform low cut filter public void onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor int accuracy.. However the code gets used to the gravitation due to the low cut filter and would work also on other planets or in free space..
Playing an arbitrary tone with Android val short dVal 32767 in 16 bit wav PCM first byte is the low order byte generatedSnd idx byte val 0x00ff generatedSnd idx..
Detect application heap size in Android invoked e.g. in your main activity's onCreate method as follows Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime long maxMemory rt.maxMemory Log.v.. tells you how many total bytes of heap your app is allowed to use. For item 2 above getMemoryClass which can be invoked.. For item 2 above getMemoryClass which can be invoked as follows ActivityManager am ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE..
Android: keeping a background service alive (preventing process death) Service in the foreground. The documentation says the following A started service can use the startForeground int Notification.. aware of and thus not a candidate for killing when low on memory. It is still theoretically possible for the service..
Android: How can I get the current foreground activity (from a service)? Send an ordered broadcast Intent to the activity with a low priority BroadcastReceiver as backup to raise a Notification..
Android - detect whether there is an Internet connection available [duplicate] service is available. Networks issues server downtime low signal captive portals content filters and the like can all..
Bad image quality after resizing/scaling bitmap share improve this question I had blury images on low screen resolutions until I disabled scaling on bitmap load from..
Flash video not displaying in WebView for Android 3.0.1 Flash 10.2 After referring to every question on stackoverflow I've set the following mWebView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled.. to every question on stackoverflow I've set the following mWebView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true mWebView.getSettings.. So after a week and a half of searching high and low trying different techniques and just about near ready to throw..
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) the Android source code from the Android Git repository. Below are the two hidden methods that corresponds to the Intent approach... If you want to download the Android source code you can follow the steps described here Downloading the Source Tree. To extract.. system applications can use it. This is because it is the low level install mechanism after the permissions have been approved..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? Generalised Dpi values for screens ldpi Resources for low density ldpi screens ~120dpi mdpi Resources for medium density..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss list to other profiles to other lists etc. So imagine a flow like this P1 B1 P2 B2 P3 B3 etc. For consistency I'm loading.. across all processes as Android decides that it is running low on memory and so need to kill background processes to get some.. reducing its footprint. Now as far as you crashing in the flow where you press back go to an activity press back go to another..
phonegap - splash screen for Android app res drawable xhdpi . Where those directories represent low medium high and extra large dots per inch. You'll need to resize..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? previously frozen state if there was one. Always followed by onStart . onRestart Called after your activity has been.. been stopped prior to it being started again. Always followed by onStart onStart Called when the activity is becoming visible.. when the activity is becoming visible to the user. Followed by onResume if the activity comes to the foreground or onStop..
Bluetooth 4.0 / Smart / Low energy on Samsung Galaxy S3 4.0 Smart Low energy on Samsung Galaxy S3 I'm trying to develop a bluetooth..
Low latency audio api for Android? latency audio api for Android What are my options for playing..
Low-latency audio playback on Android latency audio playback on Android I'm currently attempting.. for a bit I came upon this article which states that Low latency audio is available since Android 4.1 4.2 in certain.. is available since Android 4.1 4.2 in certain devices. Low latency audio can be achieved using libpd which is Pure Data..
Receive audio via Bluetooth in Android The data are generally encoded in a format called SBC Low Complexity Subband Coding . Decoding SBC is not very difficult..
Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable I am currently developing an application that.. developing an application that will use Bluetooth Low Energy testing on the Nexus 4 . After getting started with the..
Android 2.1: How do I poll the RSSI value of an existing Bluetooth connection? as other wireless communication means provide GSM or WIFI Low level connection to remote bluetooth devices requires on Android..
android Low memory:no more background process ?? Need help Low memory no more background process Need help I am facing the.. process Need help I am facing the problem of low memory. Low memory no more background process And here is the scenario...
Android Compass orientation on unreliable (Low pass filter) Compass orientation on unreliable Low pass filter Im creating an application where i need to position.. read that i can tweak the noise of my readings by adding a Low pass filter but i have no idea how to implement this because..
Set icon for android application include a correctly sized icon drawable ldpi 120 dpi Low density screen 36px x 36px drawable mdpi 160 dpi Medium density..
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? something or should I be going about this a different way Low density Small screens QVGA 240x320 layout small ldpi layout.. QVGA 240x320 layout small ldpi layout small land ldpi Low density Normal screens WVGA400 240x400 x432 layout ldpi layout..
layout-large-land-hdpi error layout for extra large in landscape orientation Low density Small screens QVGA 240x320 res layout small ldpi res.. 240x320 res layout small ldpi res layout small land ldpi Low density Normal screens WVGA400 240x400 x432 res layout ldpi..
Understanding Fragment's setRetainInstance(boolean) the user leaves the activity Just like Activity s Fragment s may be destroyed by the system when memory resources are low. Whether you have your fragments retain their instance state across configuration changes will have no effect on whether.. why it might not work is because things might get tricky if both retained fragments and non retained fragments were allowed to exist on the same backstack. Which are the use cases where it makes sense to use this method Retained fragments can..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen Manufacturer non Android have different resolutions and DPI they share the same screen size and the resolutions follow the same aspect ratio. Therefore an image can be created to fit the non Android devices. My question is that is there a.. aspect ratio. Therefore an image can be created to fit the non Android devices. My question is that is there a proper flow or architecture that one should follow to meet the requirement Remember we do have Tablets of different Size and Resolution... created to fit the non Android devices. My question is that is there a proper flow or architecture that one should follow to meet the requirement Remember we do have Tablets of different Size and Resolution. I'm aware that Android Developer contains..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android to understand area. In fact the chances of you actually correctly interpreting whatever numbers you get is extremely low. Pretty much every time I look at memory usage numbers with other engineers there is always a long discussion about what.. since the Java heap limit is there in part to avoid one app from being able to stress the system to this point. Going lower level you can use the Debug API to get raw kernel level information about memory usage http intl.. http intl de reference android app ActivityManager.html#getProcessMemoryInfo int This returns a low level MemoryInfo structure with all of this data The proportional set size for dalvik. public int dalvikPss The private..
Android: I want to shake it mAccelCurrent float Math.sqrt double x x y y z z float delta mAccelCurrent mAccelLast mAccel mAccel 0.9f delta perform low cut filter public void onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor int accuracy @Override protected void onResume super.onResume mSensorManager.registerListener.. the application starts and hits the ground from free fall. However the code gets used to the gravitation due to the low cut filter and would work also on other planets or in free space once it is initialized. you never know how long your application..
Playing an arbitrary tone with Android double dVal sample scale to maximum amplitude final short val short dVal 32767 in 16 bit wav PCM first byte is the low order byte generatedSnd idx byte val 0x00ff generatedSnd idx byte val 0xff00 8 void playSound final AudioTrack audioTrack..
Detect application heap size in Android each of the above. For item 1 above maxMemory which can be invoked e.g. in your main activity's onCreate method as follows Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime long maxMemory rt.maxMemory Log.v onCreate maxMemory Long.toString maxMemory This method.. Log.v onCreate maxMemory Long.toString maxMemory This method tells you how many total bytes of heap your app is allowed to use. For item 2 above getMemoryClass which can be invoked as follows ActivityManager am ActivityManager getSystemService.. how many total bytes of heap your app is allowed to use. For item 2 above getMemoryClass which can be invoked as follows ActivityManager am ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE int memoryClass am.getMemoryClass Log.v onCreate memoryClass..
Android: keeping a background service alive (preventing process death) or later you can use the startForeground method to start your Service in the foreground. The documentation says the following A started service can use the startForeground int Notification API to put the service in a foreground state where the.. where the system considers it to be something the user is actively aware of and thus not a candidate for killing when low on memory. It is still theoretically possible for the service to be killed under extreme memory pressure from the current..
Android: How can I get the current foreground activity (from a service)? service call an event method on that callback listener object Send an ordered broadcast Intent to the activity with a low priority BroadcastReceiver as backup to raise a Notification if the activity is not on screen here is a blog post with more..
Android - detect whether there is an Internet connection available [duplicate] network interface doesn't guarantee that a particular networked service is available. Networks issues server downtime low signal captive portals content filters and the like can all prevent your app from reaching a server. For instance you can't..
Bad image quality after resizing/scaling bitmap would be greatly appreciated. Thanks android image manipulation share improve this question I had blury images on low screen resolutions until I disabled scaling on bitmap load from resources Options options new BitmapFactory.Options options.inScaled..
Flash video not displaying in WebView for Android 3.0.1 on a Xoom tablet running Android 3.0.1 with newly released Flash 10.2 After referring to every question on stackoverflow I've set the following mWebView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true mWebView.getSettings .setPluginState WebSettings.PluginState.ON.. Android 3.0.1 with newly released Flash 10.2 After referring to every question on stackoverflow I've set the following mWebView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true mWebView.getSettings .setPluginState WebSettings.PluginState.ON mWebView.loadUrl.. community android flash webview share improve this question So after a week and a half of searching high and low trying different techniques and just about near ready to throw my tablet out the window I finally figured it out and I'm..
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) of the PackageManager. This can bee seen by downloading the Android source code from the Android Git repository. Below are the two hidden methods that corresponds to the Intent approach. Unfortunately they are not available to external developers... can be added as an extra to the installation intent Tip If you want to download the Android source code you can follow the steps described here Downloading the Source Tree. To extract the .java files and put them in folders according to the.. tricks to access installPackage will not help because only system applications can use it. This is because it is the low level install mechanism after the permissions have been approved by the user so it is not safe for regular applications..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? at least 470dp x 320dp small screens are at least 426dp x 320dp Generalised Dpi values for screens ldpi Resources for low density ldpi screens ~120dpi mdpi Resources for medium density mdpi screens ~160dpi . This is the baseline density. hdpi..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss for example badges B . You can hop from profile to a badge list to other profiles to other lists etc. So imagine a flow like this P1 B1 P2 B2 P3 B3 etc. For consistency I'm loading profiles and badges of the same user so each P page is the.. that impacts activity lifecycle is the global memory across all processes as Android decides that it is running low on memory and so need to kill background processes to get some back. If your application is sitting in the foreground starting.. is called to completely remove its view hierarchy greatly reducing its footprint. Now as far as you crashing in the flow where you press back go to an activity press back go to another activity etc and never have a deep stack then yes you just..
phonegap - splash screen for Android app file into res drawable ldpi res drawable mdpi res drawable hdpi res drawable xhdpi . Where those directories represent low medium high and extra large dots per inch. You'll need to resize you slash.png for each directory or Android will stretch..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? method also provides you with a Bundle containing the activity's previously frozen state if there was one. Always followed by onStart . onRestart Called after your activity has been stopped prior to it being started again. Always followed by.. followed by onStart . onRestart Called after your activity has been stopped prior to it being started again. Always followed by onStart onStart Called when the activity is becoming visible to the user. Followed by onResume if the activity comes.. being started again. Always followed by onStart onStart Called when the activity is becoming visible to the user. Followed by onResume if the activity comes to the foreground or onStop if it becomes hidden. onResume Called when the activity..
Bluetooth 4.0 / Smart / Low energy on Samsung Galaxy S3 4.0 Smart Low energy on Samsung Galaxy S3 I'm trying to develop a bluetooth 4.0 app for S3. The problem is the phone behaves like it..
Low latency audio api for Android? latency audio api for Android What are my options for playing simultaneous audio on an Android device with the least amount..
Low-latency audio playback on Android latency audio playback on Android I'm currently attempting to minimize audio latency for a simple application I have a.. known latency issues on Android. However after reading around for a bit I came upon this article which states that Low latency audio is available since Android 4.1 4.2 in certain devices. Low latency audio can be achieved using libpd which.. I came upon this article which states that Low latency audio is available since Android 4.1 4.2 in certain devices. Low latency audio can be achieved using libpd which is Pure Data library for Android . I have 2 questions directly related to..
Receive audio via Bluetooth in Android socket are not PCM pure audio but encoded audio content instead. The data are generally encoded in a format called SBC Low Complexity Subband Coding . Decoding SBC is not very difficult you can find a decoder right here . The ultimate step would..
Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable I am currently developing an application that will use Bluetooth Low Energy testing on the Nexus 4 . After.. 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable I am currently developing an application that will use Bluetooth Low Energy testing on the Nexus 4 . After getting started with the official BLE APIs in Android 4.3 I have noticed that after..
Android 2.1: How do I poll the RSSI value of an existing Bluetooth connection? . This is slower than just measuring RSSI from beacons as other wireless communication means provide GSM or WIFI Low level connection to remote bluetooth devices requires on Android superuser rights. So forget about writing and application..
android Low memory:no more background process ?? Need help Low memory no more background process Need help I am facing the problem of low memory. Low memory no more background process.. Low memory no more background process Need help I am facing the problem of low memory. Low memory no more background process And here is the scenario. I am using a list which gets its data from a string array it..
Android Compass orientation on unreliable (Low pass filter) Compass orientation on unreliable Low pass filter Im creating an application where i need to position a ImageView depending on the Orientation of the device... up i would like the same behavior in my application. I read that i can tweak the noise of my readings by adding a Low pass filter but i have no idea how to implement this because of my lack of Math . Im hoping someone can help me creating..
Set icon for android application drawable... folders provided. In each of these folders you should include a correctly sized icon drawable ldpi 120 dpi Low density screen 36px x 36px drawable mdpi 160 dpi Medium density screen 48px x 48px drawable hdpi 240 dpi High density screen..
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? below. Is that really what everyone is doing Am I missing something or should I be going about this a different way Low density Small screens QVGA 240x320 layout small ldpi layout small land ldpi Low density Normal screens WVGA400 240x400.. be going about this a different way Low density Small screens QVGA 240x320 layout small ldpi layout small land ldpi Low density Normal screens WVGA400 240x400 x432 layout ldpi layout land ldpi Medium density Normal screens HVGA 320x480 ..
layout-large-land-hdpi error for extra large screen size res layout xlarge land my_layout.xml layout for extra large in landscape orientation Low density Small screens QVGA 240x320 res layout small ldpi res layout small land ldpi Low density Normal screens WVGA400 240x400.. large in landscape orientation Low density Small screens QVGA 240x320 res layout small ldpi res layout small land ldpi Low density Normal screens WVGA400 240x400 x432 res layout ldpi res layout land ldpi Medium density Normal screens HVGA 320x480..