android Programming Glossary: lt
How to convert image into byte array and byte array to base64 String in android? string. i write the below code not getting proper result . String filepath sdcard Image ic_launcher.jpg File imagefile.. encodedImage Base64.encodeToString b Base64.DEFAULT result im getting is 1 40 1 32 0 16 74 70 73 70 0 1 1 1 0 72 0 72 0.. AlbZyWsYpLRpOU27rltdJ3atpeLcpNwk wBKSt1V0teZJ3UW0mvdV1K6d29Wm23ze9YT5sc3D7xC vT..
Android hyperlinks on TextView in custom AlertDialog not clickable with a a href http link a specified via an lt a gt tag. Use a tel URL to a href tel 4155551212 dial a phone.. tried to use Linkify and android autoLink web but the result is always the same. setMessage works but with a custom layout..
Playing youtube videos smoothly in web view GET http media.ids 11134 a.send window lt script gt ` and i am able to play the video also but i am facing..
Retrieving HTML encoded text from XML using SAXParser when it gets to a tag that contains HTML encoded text e.g. lt a href http ... . The characters method only reads in the lt.. a href http ... . The characters method only reads in the lt as a then treats the next set of characters as a separate entity.. is a StringBuilder object. That meant I didn't need to alter my entire parser and could simply switch to reading the SB..
How can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse? (Android Dev) wrapped with JNI in Eclipse Android Dev I've got a segfault but I have absolutely no idea how to locate it. Tips java android.. the shell script I use to do the lot # bin sh if test # lt 2 then echo Extract readable stack trace from Android logcat.. ndk r5 toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin arm linux androideabi objdump S 1 of echo Parse..
How to integrate Google Reader in Android Application? your password String token getGoogleToken auth String result postToGoogleReader token auth TextView tv TextView findViewById.. tv TextView findViewById tv.setText result catch Exception e protected String getGoogleAuthKey String _USERNAME.. service sb.append reader sb.append source sb.append lt your app name gt make a request and retrieve results OutputStream..
Android plurals treatment of “zero” quantity other d items item plurals I'm showing the result to the user using textView.setText getQuantityString R.plurals.item_shop.. string name item_shop 0 choice 0#No items 1#One item 1 lt 0 items string resources Then from the code all you have to..
Creating a SoftKeyboard with Multiple/Alternate characters per key a SoftKeyboard with Multiple Alternate characters per key I've followed the examples.. a SoftKeyboard with Multiple Alternate characters per key I've followed the examples on What I can't see in the API is the ability to create alternate multiple characters per key which is available on the..
Displaying non-English (specifically Hindi) characters on android device string string name app_name ज आरत स ग र lt string resources But the AVD is unable to display the app_name...
Attaching file in email intent Choice App to send email In the inbox the result is like that instead of an image. ���H�� 1AQaq ��B#��Rb3�r��CS.. �~Z�O l�^ ���� w�ŏU Ei���t�DP���y G8. lt ��m�VSP v���C ���``��@ �B Q��@ z �� P �� �i�A ..
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException create a simple Android client for a web service I have built but something goes wrong at runtime. Here is the Client public.. http my.ip 8080 MazeService rest service hello String result wbr.queryParam number 10 .accept MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON.. .get String.class text strings 0 return result protected void onProgressUpdate Integer... progress setProgressPercent..
how to define special characters in array implementing java Application? this ' character ' Some other xml characters 1. amp 2. lt 3. gt 4. quot 5. ' #39 6. #123 7. #125 8. @ #64 ex a' Code a..
How to convert image into byte array and byte array to base64 String in android? to convert image into byte array and that byte array into base64 string. i write the below code not getting proper result . String filepath sdcard Image ic_launcher.jpg File imagefile new File filepath FileInputStream fis null try fis new FileInputStream.. 100 baos byte b baos.toByteArray String encodedImage Base64.encodeToString b Base64.DEFAULT result im getting is 1 40 1 32 0 16 74 70 73 70 0 1 1 1 0 72 0 72 0 0 1 20 4 7 68 117 99 107 121 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 75 0 2 4 28 0 0.. t5g4BxvD UVwR VmtyOz4yvZt5cuCRKZc3ugko2k3ALZ8pRknMgUwHBOJAMeYcHEmVZsifzcXn5 AlbZyWsYpLRpOU27rltdJ3atpeLcpNwk wBKSt1V0teZJ3UW0mvdV1K6d29Wm23ze9YT5sc3D7xC vT Xf8e ydZNu3zOPv8AmeZH 7n87 TLMXzz3BwJ96w PnZ53z2Y 7l9o fH LXeHzibzs3mday..
Android hyperlinks on TextView in custom AlertDialog not clickable name link_text_manual b text2 b This is some other text with a a href http link a specified via an lt a gt tag. Use a tel URL to a href tel 4155551212 dial a phone number a . string If I create my dialog this way AlertDialog.Builder.. image Links marked as links but not clickable I've also tried to use Linkify and android autoLink web but the result is always the same. setMessage works but with a custom layout with a TextView can't make it to work. Probably this is simple..
Playing youtube videos smoothly in web view c.payload b document.getElementById cvp b .innerHTML d.view GET http media.ids 11134 a.send window lt script gt ` and i am able to play the video also but i am facing few issue in terms of performance. 1 sometimes voices starts..
Retrieving HTML encoded text from XML using SAXParser great for me for the most part but I'm having trouble when it gets to a tag that contains HTML encoded text e.g. lt a href http ... . The characters method only reads in the lt as a then treats the next set of characters as a separate entity.. it gets to a tag that contains HTML encoded text e.g. lt a href http ... . The characters method only reads in the lt as a then treats the next set of characters as a separate entity rather than taking the entire contents at once. I would.. tempSB tempSB.append new String ch start length Where tempSB is a StringBuilder object. That meant I didn't need to alter my entire parser and could simply switch to reading the SB when it was necessary. When I came to an element that contained..
How can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse? (Android Dev) can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse Android Dev I've got a segfault but I have absolutely no idea how to locate it. Tips java android c jni android ndk share improve this question You.. to a text file then run the program on the two of them. Here's the shell script I use to do the lot # bin sh if test # lt 2 then echo Extract readable stack trace from Android logcat crash echo Usage 0 crash.log exit 1 fi of mktemp echo.. crash.log exit 1 fi of mktemp echo Disassemble 1 ~ tools android ndk r5 toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin arm linux androideabi objdump S 1 of echo Parse stack trace in 2 ~ bin of 2 Change the paths..
How to integrate Google Reader in Android Application? try String auth getGoogleAuthKey your gmail email address your password String token getGoogleToken auth String result postToGoogleReader token auth TextView tv TextView findViewById tv.setText result catch Exception e protected.. auth String result postToGoogleReader token auth TextView tv TextView findViewById tv.setText result catch Exception e protected String getGoogleAuthKey String _USERNAME String _PASSWORD String responseString URL url try.. _USERNAME sb.append Passwd sb.append _PASSWORD sb.append service sb.append reader sb.append source sb.append lt your app name gt make a request and retrieve results OutputStream outputStream urlConnection.getOutputStream outputStream.write..
Android plurals treatment of “zero” zero No item item item quantity one One item item item quantity other d items item plurals I'm showing the result to the user using textView.setText getQuantityString R.plurals.item_shop quantity quantity It's working well with 1 and.. to do is use the standard string resource like this resources string name item_shop 0 choice 0#No items 1#One item 1 lt 0 items string resources Then from the code all you have to do is the following String fmt resources.getText R.string.item_shop..
Creating a SoftKeyboard with Multiple/Alternate characters per key a SoftKeyboard with Multiple Alternate characters per key I've followed the examples on regarding Input Methods and played.. a SoftKeyboard with Multiple Alternate characters per key I've followed the examples on regarding Input Methods and played with the.. enough information regarding the creation of simple keyboard. What I can't see in the API is the ability to create alternate multiple characters per key which is available on the standard Keyboard LatinIME Keyboard . The above image is the..
Displaying non-English (specifically Hindi) characters on android device utf 8 resources string name hello Hello World Jain_aartisActivity string string name app_name ज आरत स ग र lt string resources But the AVD is unable to display the app_name. It just displays a small rectangle for each hindi character...
Attaching file in email getPackageName R.drawable.pic startActivity Intent.createChooser intent Choice App to send email In the inbox the result is like that instead of an image. ���H�� 1AQaq ��B#��Rb3�r��CS �c���� 1AQq 2aB#�� �T@�� pJ ���` pH�`�A00V��7LM������H����.. ��n ��X�Y�}�YD�D���N�V��ne�Ѽ� �� 74�H�VRƫ ����k@p���w �~Z�O l�^ ���� w�ŏU Ei���t�DP���y G8. lt ��m�VSP v���C ���``��@ �B Q��@ z �� P �� �i�A �R ˿�[�^n �Pz�H_j դ���cZMr y�H�s�� ���Dz[_߷ָla �H�� �Y�S�o..
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException Client on Android NullPointerException I am trying to create a simple Android client for a web service I have built but something goes wrong at runtime. Here is the Client public class MyClient extends AsyncTask EditText Integer String.. wbr Client client Client.create wbr client .resource http my.ip 8080 MazeService rest service hello String result wbr.queryParam number 10 .accept MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON .get String.class text strings 0 return result protected void.. String result wbr.queryParam number 10 .accept MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON .get String.class text strings 0 return result protected void onProgressUpdate Integer... progress setProgressPercent progress 0 protected void onPostExecute String result..
how to define special characters in array implementing java Application? input method share improve this question in xml replace this ' character ' Some other xml characters 1. amp 2. lt 3. gt 4. quot 5. ' #39 6. #123 7. #125 8. @ #64 ex a' Code a #39 Code see this link for more characters... EDIT1 03 12 2013..