android Programming Glossary: lucky
Vintage Thermometer custom UI component + SensorSimulator (steps to test the component on the emulator) it to work on en emulated device however I've done a few lucky guesses and'd like to know what exactly I've done Here are the..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 Trying to build openssl fips 2.0 with NDK before I was lucky found this link and did it easily. https guardianproject..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off to a value greater than 0 1.0 means max bright . I'm very lucky this works for my custom lockscreen activity. I found that changing..
how to add bouncycastle algorithm to android that attempts to use the classes in the jar. If you are lucky a light bulb icon will appear in the left margin. Clicking on..
Android application doesn't start from Eclipse adb.exe only. And that's the main point sometimes I'm lucky enough to kill all that they wanted and start the app. But it's..
How to use an OpenCV rotation and translation vector with OpenGL ES in Android? or rotated for 180 degrees. So I guess it was just a lucky hit but not the right approach. I hope someone can help thanks..
Android Layouts for Multiple Screen Sizes below btnSignin instead of username . You might be lucky. RelativeLayout is the most complicated layout to use. If you..
Find the key hash for a signed app bZySrMX1Q this hash is bad ... or you got so lucky that you key made the same colision as error keytool error java.lang.Exception..
Vintage Thermometer custom UI component + SensorSimulator (steps to test the component on the emulator) altered the component's source to work with it. I did manage it to work on en emulated device however I've done a few lucky guesses and'd like to know what exactly I've done Here are the changes in thermometer's code I had to make to get it to..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 build openssl fips 2.0 Trying to build openssl fips 2.0 with NDK before I was lucky found this link and did it easily. https guardianproject openssl android Now trying to do the same thing against..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off want the screen to go on I have the key event call setBright to a value greater than 0 1.0 means max bright . I'm very lucky this works for my custom lockscreen activity. I found that changing the literal brightness system setting doesn't work like..
how to add bouncycastle algorithm to android file select it and click Open. Now type or paste some code that attempts to use the classes in the jar. If you are lucky a light bulb icon will appear in the left margin. Clicking on this will prompt you to add the correct Import statement to..
Android application doesn't start from Eclipse know which emulator processed are meant to be killed. I found adb.exe only. And that's the main point sometimes I'm lucky enough to kill all that they wanted and start the app. But it's undetermined. Please help I'm completely stuck with this..
How to use an OpenCV rotation and translation vector with OpenGL ES in Android? 1. But most of the time the squares still look mirror inverted or rotated for 180 degrees. So I guess it was just a lucky hit but not the right approach. I hope someone can help thanks already android opengl es opencv augmented reality share..
Android Layouts for Multiple Screen Sizes and get sticked to the top. Also try to align firstname below btnSignin instead of username . You might be lucky. RelativeLayout is the most complicated layout to use. If you can't get it right after some time you could simply decide..
Find the key hash for a signed app get smth like this NfhDlIH7XWJzUZRjL pZySrMX1Q EDITED NfgDlIG7XWJzUZRUL bZySrMX1Q this hash is bad ... or you got so lucky that you key made the same colision as error keytool error java.lang.Exception Alias does not exist if hash not working..