android Programming Glossary: lp.width
Android:How can I set the AlertDialog width and height,and the button of the AlertDialog style? lp.copyFrom alertDialog.getWindow .getAttributes lp.width 150 lp.height 500 lp.x 170 lp.y 100 alertDialog.getWindow .setAttributes..
Full screen videoview without stretching the video if videoProportion screenProportion lp.width screenWidth lp.height int float screenWidth videoProportion.. lp.height int float screenWidth videoProportion else lp.width int videoProportion float screenHeight lp.height screenHeight.. if videoProportion screenProportion lp.width screenWidth lp.height int float screenWidth videoProportion..
How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size? lp.copyFrom d.getWindow .getAttributes lp.width WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT lp.height WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT..
Creating a custom dialog in Android lp dialog.getWindow .getAttributes lp.x 100 lp.y 100 lp.width 100 lp.height 200 lp.gravity Gravity.TOP Gravity.LEFT lp.dimAmount..
Android camera rotate 90 lp.height previewSurfaceHeight lp.width int previewSurfaceHeight aspect else camera.setDisplayOrientation.. aspect else camera.setDisplayOrientation 0 lp.width previewSurfaceWidth lp.height int previewSurfaceWidth aspect..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android width xpos getPaddingLeft ypos line_height xpos childw lp.width this.line_height line_height if MeasureSpec.getMode heightMeasureSpec..
Android:How can I set the AlertDialog width and height,and the button of the AlertDialog style? WindowManager.LayoutParams lp new WindowManager.LayoutParams lp.copyFrom alertDialog.getWindow .getAttributes lp.width 150 lp.height 500 lp.x 170 lp.y 100 alertDialog.getWindow .setAttributes lp If you want to show the layout to be displayed..
Full screen videoview without stretching the video android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp surfaceViewFrame.getLayoutParams if videoProportion screenProportion lp.width screenWidth lp.height int float screenWidth videoProportion else lp.width int videoProportion float screenHeight lp.height.. if videoProportion screenProportion lp.width screenWidth lp.height int float screenWidth videoProportion else lp.width int videoProportion float screenHeight lp.height screenHeight surfaceViewFrame.setLayoutParams lp if player.isPlaying player.start.. android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp surfaceViewFrame.getLayoutParams if videoProportion screenProportion lp.width screenWidth lp.height int float screenWidth videoProportion else lp.width int videoProportion float screenHeight lp.height..
How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size? the whole screen. WindowManager.LayoutParams lp new WindowManager.LayoutParams lp.copyFrom d.getWindow .getAttributes lp.width WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT lp.height WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT d.getWindow .setAttributes..
Creating a custom dialog in Android dialog.setContentView R.layout.custom_dialog LayoutParams lp dialog.getWindow .getAttributes lp.x 100 lp.y 100 lp.width 100 lp.height 200 lp.gravity Gravity.TOP Gravity.LEFT lp.dimAmount 0 lp.flags LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL..
Android camera rotate .orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE camera.setDisplayOrientation 90 lp.height previewSurfaceHeight lp.width int previewSurfaceHeight aspect else camera.setDisplayOrientation 0 lp.width previewSurfaceWidth lp.height int previewSurfaceWidth..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android child.getMeasuredHeight lp.height if xpos childw width xpos getPaddingLeft ypos line_height xpos childw lp.width this.line_height line_height if MeasureSpec.getMode heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED height ypos line_height..