android Programming Glossary: loclistener
why getSpeed() always return 0 on android if provider null return false LocationListener locListener new LocationListener public void onLocationChanged Location.. provider interval DEFAULT_GPS_MIN_DISTANCE locListener private String initLocManager String context Context.LOCATION_SERVICE..
Get GPS Location in a Broadcast Receiver/or Service to Broadcast Receiver data transfer errors in getSystemService method LocationListener locListener new MyLocationListener locManager.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER.. LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER 0 0 locListener Location loc locManager .getLastKnownLocation LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER..
Using gps get the distance a person has walked LocationManager locManager private LocationListener locListener new MyLocationListener private boolean gps_enabled false private.. LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER 0 0 locListener if network_enabled locManager.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER.. LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER 0 0 locListener class MyLocationListener implements LocationListener @Override..
why getSpeed() always return 0 on android is 0 or sometimes not available. my code String provider initLocManager if provider null return false LocationListener locListener new LocationListener public void onLocationChanged Location location updateWithNewLocation location interval startId Log.i.. provider int status Bundle extras _locManager.requestLocationUpdates provider interval DEFAULT_GPS_MIN_DISTANCE locListener private String initLocManager String context Context.LOCATION_SERVICE _locManager LocationManager getSystemService context..
Get GPS Location in a Broadcast Receiver/or Service to Broadcast Receiver data transfer LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE errors in getSystemService method LocationListener locListener new MyLocationListener locManager.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER 0 0 locListener Location loc locManager.. LocationListener locListener new MyLocationListener locManager.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER 0 0 locListener Location loc locManager .getLastKnownLocation LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER Log.d location location loc.getLatitude Questions..
Using gps get the distance a person has walked Button buttonGetLocation private ProgressBar progress private LocationManager locManager private LocationListener locListener new MyLocationListener private boolean gps_enabled false private boolean network_enabled false Called when the activity.. progress.setVisibility View.GONE if gps_enabled locManager.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER 0 0 locListener if network_enabled locManager.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER 0 0 locListener class MyLocationListener.. 0 0 locListener if network_enabled locManager.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER 0 0 locListener class MyLocationListener implements LocationListener @Override public void onLocationChanged Location location if location..