android Programming Glossary: locate
Android NDK linking that Cannot load library reloc_library 1244 29 cannot locate zmq_msg_init'... The has been generated several..
Android: Where are database files stored? but when I browse the directories on the device I can't locate the file clientDB.db. I looked inside data directory but it..
App is misconfigured for Facebook Login with Release Key Hash more than a couple of minutes. Step 1 In your Facebook SDK locate the class. In that change this private static boolean..
Permission is only granted to system app Studio File Settings Inspections Under Android Lint locate Using system app permission . Either uncheck the checkbox or..
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error more than a couple of minutes. Step 1 In your Facebook SDK locate the class. In that change this private static boolean..
Google Map Android API v2 can't display map in play store application drive location.Let's consider it in E drive. step 2 Now locate to jdk in C drive Considering for windows and assigning C drive..
Location servise GPS Force closed servise GPS Force closed Hi i develop an app to locate best location and SMS it to a number . its work fine with network..
Incorrect Coordinates From getLocationOnScreen/getLocationInWindow View tempView ... the view you'd like to locate int loc new int 2 tempView.getLocationOnScreen loc final int..
Calling setContentView() multiple times this question Per Austyn's comment I did manage to locate some guidance on how to use ViewFlipper to accomplish this in..
“Android library projects cannot be launched”? window select the Android properties group at left and locate the Library properties at right. Select the is Library checkbox..
Android desktop log viewer The purpose of this tool is to allow developers to quickly locate analyze problem solving rather than struggling in the log file...
Where can I find older versions of Eclipse ADT like Google keeps them around but doesn't advertise how to locate them . http android ADT http
How can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse? (Android Dev) I've got a segfault but I have absolutely no idea how to locate it. Tips java android c jni android ndk share improve this..
Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Java heap space because you don't have enough memory. eclipse.ini is located at etc eclipse.ini in Ubuntu assuming you installed Eclipse.. MAC please see Finding eclipse.ini is a wee bit tricky. To locate it right click on the Eclipse Application icon and select Show..
How does the mapping between android resources and resources ID work? and resources ID work It is magical for Android to locate the proper resource just through the . AFAIK the resources.. content In other words how does the Android runtime locate the resource content with resource id as the sole clue For example..
Show Current Location and Nearby Places and Route between two places using Google Maps API in Android to develop an application using Google Maps in Android to locate my current location and need to find nearest location . For..
how to use LocalBroadcastManager? use LocalBroadcastManager can any one tell me how to use locate LocalBroadcastManager as described in google docs and Service..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location address addresses.get 0 catch Exception e flash Unable to locate given address startActivity new Intent this GPSMainActivity.class..
Android NDK linking my_lib I always get an UnsatisfiedLinkError complaining that Cannot load library reloc_library 1244 29 cannot locate zmq_msg_init'... The has been generated several different ways each with no success. After generating it I..
Android: Where are database files stored? to db.mPath data data databases clientDB.db but when I browse the directories on the device I can't locate the file clientDB.db. I looked inside data directory but it appears to be empty. Does anyone know what could be wrong here..
App is misconfigured for Facebook Login with Release Key Hash Key is . This is by far more simpler and shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes. Step 1 In your Facebook SDK locate the class. In that change this private static boolean ENABLE_LOG false to private static boolean ENABLE_LOG true..
Permission is only granted to system app way you can still compile the project using Eclipse. In Android Studio File Settings Inspections Under Android Lint locate Using system app permission . Either uncheck the checkbox or choose a Severity lower than Error. share improve this answer..
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error Key is . This is by far more simpler and shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes. Step 1 In your Facebook SDK locate the class. In that change this private static boolean ENABLE_LOG false to private static boolean ENABLE_LOG true..
Google Map Android API v2 can't display map in play store application a keystore for A.apk ie A.keystore will be created in some drive location.Let's consider it in E drive. step 2 Now locate to jdk in C drive Considering for windows and assigning C drive C Program Files Java jdk1.7.0 bin keytool list v keystore..
Location servise GPS Force closed servise GPS Force closed Hi i develop an app to locate best location and SMS it to a number . its work fine with network location but when i want to locating with GPS or Criteria..
Incorrect Coordinates From getLocationOnScreen/getLocationInWindow .getMetrics dm int topOffset dm.heightPixels globalView.getMeasuredHeight View tempView ... the view you'd like to locate int loc new int 2 tempView.getLocationOnScreen loc final int y loc 1 topOffset If I've made a typo I apologize... I just..
Calling setContentView() multiple times have to start a new Activity android android ui share improve this question Per Austyn's comment I did manage to locate some guidance on how to use ViewFlipper to accomplish this in another post see the checkmarked top answer here . If you..
“Android library projects cannot be launched”? the library project and select Properties . In the Properties window select the Android properties group at left and locate the Library properties at right. Select the is Library checkbox and click Apply . Click OK to close the Properties window...
Android desktop log viewer tool for reading android logcat log file the same as DDMS. The purpose of this tool is to allow developers to quickly locate analyze problem solving rather than struggling in the log file. Feature http p androidlogcatviewer wiki..
Where can I find older versions of Eclipse ADT the old versions of the ADT at the following URLs it looks like Google keeps them around but doesn't advertise how to locate them . http android ADT http android ADT http android ADT..
How can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse? (Android Dev) debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse Android Dev I've got a segfault but I have absolutely no idea how to locate it. Tips java android c jni android ndk share improve this question You can get the location of the C function that..
Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Java heap space of two things happens Your build completes. Eclipse won't restart because you don't have enough memory. eclipse.ini is located at etc eclipse.ini in Ubuntu assuming you installed Eclipse from the Ubuntu repositories . For MAC please see Finding eclipse.ini.. you installed Eclipse from the Ubuntu repositories . For MAC please see Finding eclipse.ini is a wee bit tricky. To locate it right click on the Eclipse Application icon and select Show Package Contents then double click on the Contents folder..
How does the mapping between android resources and resources ID work? does the mapping between android resources and resources ID work It is magical for Android to locate the proper resource just through the . AFAIK the resources are compiled to binary format so how does this mapping.. to know is how the resource id integer is parsed into the resource content In other words how does the Android runtime locate the resource content with resource id as the sole clue For example how is a drawable picture found with a resource id Or..
Show Current Location and Nearby Places and Route between two places using Google Maps API in Android between two places using Google Maps API in Android I need to develop an application using Google Maps in Android to locate my current location and need to find nearest location . For example Nearby police station from my current location . It..
how to use LocalBroadcastManager? to use LocalBroadcastManager can any one tell me how to use locate LocalBroadcastManager as described in google docs and Service broadcast doc i tried to google it but theres no code available..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location getIntent .getStringExtra address 1 catch IOException e try address addresses.get 0 catch Exception e flash Unable to locate given address startActivity new Intent this GPSMainActivity.class finish try lng address.getLongitude lat address.getLatitude..