android Programming Glossary: lock
Force Screen On bugs where you accidentally remain holding the wake lock and thus leave the screen on. It is far far better to use the..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? can be heavy and should not use the UI thread as it can lock up the app resulting in an ANR. If I have several AsyncTasks.. connection at a time. The SqliteDatabase object uses java locks to keep access serialized. So if 100 threads have one db instance.. checkout the fork by 2point0 of the previously mentioned locking example Android Database Locking Collisions Example by 2point0..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog protected String doInBackground String... sUrl take CPU lock to prevent CPU from going off if the user presses the power.. Service you must manually spawn new threads to run CPU blocking operations . Download service can look like this public class..
Programmatically switching off Android phone an Android phone programmatically Second question how to lock and unlock the screen in Android I am using following snippet.. phone programmatically Second question how to lock and unlock the screen in Android I am using following snippet but it didn't.. getSystemService Activity.KEYGUARD_SERVICE KeyguardLock lock keyguardManager.newKeyguardLock KEYGUARD_SERVICE lock.disableKeyguard..
Android Lock Screen Widget Screen Widget A few users have been asking me Android lock screen widgets for my app I believe they want a widget that.. my app I believe they want a widget that stays on their lock screens and allows them to interact with the app. I haven't.. that will take home screen widgets and put them on the lock screen for you. Any clues on where I learn more about building..
Lock the android device programatically the android device programatically I have been trying to lock the device through program. But I can't find the solution still... program. But I can't find the solution still. I want to lock android froyo2.2 through program. I have tried keyguardmanager.. and DeviceAdminManager. My app is to remote lock the device. When message is received with some code words to..
Strange behavior with android orientation sensor experiencing the phenomenon similar to so called gimbal lock. The only difference is I'm experiencing the very problem even..
Create a lock screen of my own improve this question Best example for creating Screen Lock for Android see teddsdroidtools and also see these projects..
block Home Button in Ice cream sandwich and jelly bean in Ice cream sandwich and jelly bean I am developing Lock screen where i want to disable Home button in ice cream sandwich..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off screen off or defining whether the screen should wake via Lock mediator replacement similarly to how you could program an alternative..
How to get an Android WakeLock to work? to get an Android WakeLock to work My WakeLock isn't keeping my device awake. In OnCreate.. to get an Android WakeLock to work My WakeLock isn't keeping my device awake. In OnCreate I've got PowerManager.. PowerManager getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE mWakeLock pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE..
How to programmaticaly lock screen in Android? [duplicate] lock screen in Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Lock the android device programatically How can I programmatically.. Check this class Referenced from here http questions.. getSystemService Activity.KEYGUARD_SERVICE KeyguardLock lock keyguardManager.newKeyguardLock KEYGUARD_SERVICE For locking..
Android camera unexplainable rotation on capture for some devices (not in EXIF) events will also need to be rotated. Use Landscape Mode Lock the activity to landscape mode but draw assets as if they are..
Android Lock Screen Widget Lock Screen Widget A few users have been asking me Android lock.. android widget lockscreen share improve this question Lock screen interaction is difficult. Android allows basic operations..
Disable home button in android toddler app? have a psuedo fix for this issue. The apps are Toddler Lock and ToddlePhone. I've tried contacting the developers of these.. right regarding the home screen replacement. Toddler Lock I know doesn't override the home button because at least on.. button because at least on my LG GW620 while in Toddle Lock holding the home button brings up the ALT TAB type menu which..
Lock the android device programatically the android device programatically I have been trying to lock..
Lock screen orientation (Android) [duplicate] screen orientation Android duplicate Possible Duplicate How..
Wifi sleeps, even with Lock sleeps even with Lock Summary even when wifi lock is acquired when the phone is running.. PowerManager _powerManagement null PowerManager.WakeLock _wakeLock null WifiManager.WifiLock _wifiLock null Called when.. _powerManagement null PowerManager.WakeLock _wakeLock null WifiManager.WifiLock _wifiLock null Called when the activity..
Developing a custom lock screen [duplicate] This question already has an answer here Android Lock Screen Widget 3 answers I want to develop custom lock..
SQLite exception: Database is locked issue class DbExp extends SQLiteOpenHelper public static String Lock dblock private static final String DATABASE_NAME db.db private.. public void delete Context mContext synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db getWritableDatabase db.delete TABLE_NAME.. null null db.close public void insert synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db getWritableDatabase db.insert TABLE_NAME..
Force Screen On your app an additional permission and it is very easy to introduce bugs where you accidentally remain holding the wake lock and thus leave the screen on. It is far far better to use the window flag FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON which you can enable on your..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? Or should I use the UI Thread I suppose that db queries can be heavy and should not use the UI thread as it can lock up the app resulting in an ANR. If I have several AsyncTasks should they share a connection or should they open a connection.. db connection. Even if you use it from multiple threads one connection at a time. The SqliteDatabase object uses java locks to keep access serialized. So if 100 threads have one db instance calls to the actual on disk database are serialized...
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog DownloadTask Context context this.context context @Override protected String doInBackground String... sUrl take CPU lock to prevent CPU from going off if the user presses the power button during download PowerManager pm PowerManager context.getSystemService.. runs actually in the same thread of your app when you extends Service you must manually spawn new threads to run CPU blocking operations . Download service can look like this public class DownloadService extends IntentService public static final..
Programmatically switching off Android phone switching off Android phone Can we switch off an Android phone programmatically Second question how to lock and unlock the screen in Android I am using following snippet but it didn't work for me. KeyguardManager keyguardManager.. switching off Android phone Can we switch off an Android phone programmatically Second question how to lock and unlock the screen in Android I am using following snippet but it didn't work for me. KeyguardManager keyguardManager KeyguardManager.. work for me. KeyguardManager keyguardManager KeyguardManager getSystemService Activity.KEYGUARD_SERVICE KeyguardLock lock keyguardManager.newKeyguardLock KEYGUARD_SERVICE lock.disableKeyguard to disable lock.reenableKeygaurd to enable and I used..
Android Lock Screen Widget Lock Screen Widget A few users have been asking me Android lock screen widgets for my app I believe they want a widget that stays on their lock screens and allows them to interact with.. few users have been asking me Android lock screen widgets for my app I believe they want a widget that stays on their lock screens and allows them to interact with the app. I haven't been able to find any official documentation for this the only.. official documentation for this the only thing I found was apps that will take home screen widgets and put them on the lock screen for you. Any clues on where I learn more about building true lock screen widgets android android widget lockscreen..
Lock the android device programatically the android device programatically I have been trying to lock the device through program. But I can't find the solution still. I want to lock android froyo2.2 through program. I have.. programatically I have been trying to lock the device through program. But I can't find the solution still. I want to lock android froyo2.2 through program. I have tried keyguardmanager and DeviceAdminManager. My app is to remote lock the device... to lock android froyo2.2 through program. I have tried keyguardmanager and DeviceAdminManager. My app is to remote lock the device. When message is received with some code words to lock then it locks the phone. Please guide me. I have found..
Strange behavior with android orientation sensor up' the value of the 'roll' just becomes crazy. Also I'm experiencing the phenomenon similar to so called gimbal lock. The only difference is I'm experiencing the very problem even before applying the sensor values to the 3D rotation. When..
Create a lock screen of my own end up in locking softwares not sample code. android share improve this question Best example for creating Screen Lock for Android see teddsdroidtools and also see these projects lockscreenswitchwidget androidunlockpatternswitch alockscreen..
block Home Button in Ice cream sandwich and jelly bean Home Button in Ice cream sandwich and jelly bean I am developing Lock screen where i want to disable Home button in ice cream sandwich and in Jelly bean i can block it using following methods..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off
How to get an Android WakeLock to work? to get an Android WakeLock to work My WakeLock isn't keeping my device awake. In OnCreate I've got PowerManager pm PowerManager getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE.. to get an Android WakeLock to work My WakeLock isn't keeping my device awake. In OnCreate I've got PowerManager pm PowerManager getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE.. keeping my device awake. In OnCreate I've got PowerManager pm PowerManager getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE mWakeLock pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE My Tag mWakeLock.acquire then new CountDownTimer..
How to programmaticaly lock screen in Android? [duplicate] to programmaticaly lock screen in Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Lock the android device programatically How can I programmatically lock the screen in Android java android lockscreen share.. in Android java android lockscreen share improve this question Check this class Referenced from here http questions 3219950 can you lock screen from your app Also check code for.. from here KeyguardManager keyguardManager KeyguardManager getSystemService Activity.KEYGUARD_SERVICE KeyguardLock lock keyguardManager.newKeyguardLock KEYGUARD_SERVICE For locking the screen use lock.reenableKeyguard and for disabling..
Android camera unexplainable rotation on capture for some devices (not in EXIF) for the rotation. Note there is a caveat here as your touch events will also need to be rotated. Use Landscape Mode Lock the activity to landscape mode but draw assets as if they are in portrait. This means you do your layout and rotate your..
Android Lock Screen Widget Lock Screen Widget A few users have been asking me Android lock screen widgets for my app I believe they want a widget that.. I learn more about building true lock screen widgets android android widget lockscreen share improve this question Lock screen interaction is difficult. Android allows basic operations with two window flags FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED and FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD..
Disable home button in android toddler app? tweak the phone. There are two other apps that currently have a psuedo fix for this issue. The apps are Toddler Lock and ToddlePhone. I've tried contacting the developers of these apps for some guidance but they haven't been willing to disclose.. replacement home share improve this question I think you're right regarding the home screen replacement. Toddler Lock I know doesn't override the home button because at least on my LG GW620 while in Toddle Lock holding the home button brings.. replacement. Toddler Lock I know doesn't override the home button because at least on my LG GW620 while in Toddle Lock holding the home button brings up the ALT TAB type menu which then tends to crash the phone. There is a home screen replacement..
Lock the android device programatically the android device programatically I have been trying to lock the device through program. But I can't find the solution..
Lock screen orientation (Android) [duplicate] screen orientation Android duplicate Possible Duplicate How to disable orientation change in Android I'm writing an android..
Wifi sleeps, even with Lock sleeps even with Lock Summary even when wifi lock is acquired when the phone is running on batteries WiFi is disconnected after a while. I've.. import android.widget.Button public class Test extends Activity PowerManager _powerManagement null PowerManager.WakeLock _wakeLock null WifiManager.WifiLock _wifiLock null Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate.. android.widget.Button public class Test extends Activity PowerManager _powerManagement null PowerManager.WakeLock _wakeLock null WifiManager.WifiLock _wifiLock null Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle..
Developing a custom lock screen [duplicate] a custom lock screen duplicate This question already has an answer here Android Lock Screen Widget 3 answers I want to develop custom lock screen app that looks like iPhone's lock screen. Are there..
SQLite exception: Database is locked issue using lock in critical sections . Example 1 public class DbExp extends SQLiteOpenHelper public static String Lock dblock private static final String DATABASE_NAME db.db private static final String TABLE_NAME table_name public void delete.. DATABASE_NAME db.db private static final String TABLE_NAME table_name public void delete Context mContext synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db getWritableDatabase db.delete TABLE_NAME null null db.close public void insert synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase.. Lock SQLiteDatabase db getWritableDatabase db.delete TABLE_NAME null null db.close public void insert synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db getWritableDatabase db.insert TABLE_NAME ... ... db.close Example 2 public class DB public static String..