

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:14:07

android Programming Glossary: getchildfragmentmanager

How to add a Fragment inside a ViewPager using Nested Fragment (Android 4.2)


do this PS I'm only interested in doing at this way with getChildFragmentManager to learn how works. android android fragments android viewpager.. R.id.viewPager mViewPager.setAdapter new MyAdapter getChildFragmentManager public static class MyAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter..

Android FragmentTabHost - Not fully baked yet?


android.R.id.tabhost mTabHost.setup getActivity getChildFragmentManager android.R.id.tabcontent MyFragmentTabHost.java package com.example.app..

Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2


search for it using that. mMapFragment SupportMapFragment getChildFragmentManager .findFragmentByTag MAP_FRAGMENT_TAG We only create a fragment.. FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add R.id.parada_info_map_container.. void closeMap FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.remove mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit..

Error opening SupportMapFragment for second time


FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add R.id.map_root mMapFragment..

Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager


mMyFragmentPagerAdapter new MyFragmentPagerAdapter getChildFragmentManager mViewPager.setAdapter mMyFragmentPagerAdapter private static.. the following to onDetach of every Fragment which you call getChildFragmentManager on @Override public void onDetach super.onDetach try Field childFragmentManager..

Replace ListFragment with Fragment inside ViewPager with Tabs


on clicked item's position Fragment details new Fragment getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction .replace R.id.container details .addToBackStack.. R.id.container details .addToBackStack null .commit getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction .add R.id.container list .commit @Override..

Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host?


boolean addToBackStack FragmentTransaction transaction getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction if addToBackStack transaction.addToBackStack.. R.id.container_framelayout fragment transaction.commit getChildFragmentManager .executePendingTransactions public boolean popFragment Log.e.. public boolean popFragment Log.e test pop fragment getChildFragmentManager .getBackStackEntryCount boolean isPop false if getChildFragmentManager..

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed using fragments


savedInstanceState FragmentManager fm getChildFragmentManager fragment SupportMapFragment fm.findFragmentById R.id.map if.. the following to onDetach of every Fragment which you call getChildFragmentManager on @Override public void onDetach super.onDetach try Field childFragmentManager..

Fragment Inside Fragment


API Level 17 and higher you can nest fragments by means of getChildFragmentManager . Note that this means that you need to use the Android Support..

How to add a Fragment inside a ViewPager using Nested Fragment (Android 4.2)


can´t made it... Can somebody show a simple example of how to do this PS I'm only interested in doing at this way with getChildFragmentManager to learn how works. android android fragments android viewpager android support library share improve this question .. savedInstanceState ViewPager mViewPager ViewPager view.findViewById R.id.viewPager mViewPager.setAdapter new MyAdapter getChildFragmentManager public static class MyAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter public MyAdapter FragmentManager fm super fm @Override public..

Android FragmentTabHost - Not fully baked yet?


inflate it Fragment1.java mTabHost MyFragmentTabHost view.findViewById android.R.id.tabhost mTabHost.setup getActivity getChildFragmentManager android.R.id.tabcontent MyFragmentTabHost.java package com.example.app import java.util.ArrayList import android.content.Context..

Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2


a fragment's id programmatically so we set a tag instead and search for it using that. mMapFragment SupportMapFragment getChildFragmentManager .findFragmentByTag MAP_FRAGMENT_TAG We only create a fragment if it doesn't already exist. if mMapFragment null To programmatically.. options Then we add it using a FragmentTransaction. FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add R.id.parada_info_map_container mMapFragment MAP_FRAGMENT_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit.. be added The map is shown with the previous options. private void closeMap FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.remove mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit private void setUpMapIfNeeded Do a..

Error opening SupportMapFragment for second time


to create the fragment. mMapFragment SupportMapFragment.newInstance FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add R.id.map_root mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit Keep this SupportMapFragment..

Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager


mViewPager ViewPager view.findViewById R.id.viewpager mMyFragmentPagerAdapter new MyFragmentPagerAdapter getChildFragmentManager mViewPager.setAdapter mMyFragmentPagerAdapter private static class MyFragmentPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter.. A short term workaround that fixed it for me is to add the following to onDetach of every Fragment which you call getChildFragmentManager on @Override public void onDetach super.onDetach try Field childFragmentManager Fragment.class.getDeclaredField mChildFragmentManager..

Replace ListFragment with Fragment inside ViewPager with Tabs


l View v int position long id Create details fragment based on clicked item's position Fragment details new Fragment getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction .replace R.id.container details .addToBackStack null .commit getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction.. Fragment getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction .replace R.id.container details .addToBackStack null .commit getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction .add R.id.container list .commit @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup..

Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host?


extends Fragment public void replaceFragment Fragment fragment boolean addToBackStack FragmentTransaction transaction getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction if addToBackStack transaction.addToBackStack null transaction.replace R.id.container_framelayout fragment.. transaction.addToBackStack null transaction.replace R.id.container_framelayout fragment transaction.commit getChildFragmentManager .executePendingTransactions public boolean popFragment Log.e test pop fragment getChildFragmentManager .getBackStackEntryCount.. getChildFragmentManager .executePendingTransactions public boolean popFragment Log.e test pop fragment getChildFragmentManager .getBackStackEntryCount boolean isPop false if getChildFragmentManager .getBackStackEntryCount 0 isPop true getChildFragmentManager..

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed using fragments


public void onActivityCreated Bundle savedInstanceState super.onActivityCreated savedInstanceState FragmentManager fm getChildFragmentManager fragment SupportMapFragment fm.findFragmentById R.id.map if fragment null fragment SupportMapFragment.newInstance fm.beginTransaction.. A short term workaround that fixed it for me is to add the following to onDetach of every Fragment which you call getChildFragmentManager on @Override public void onDetach super.onDetach try Field childFragmentManager Fragment.class.getDeclaredField mChildFragmentManager..

Fragment Inside Fragment


of the Android Support package or native fragments on API Level 17 and higher you can nest fragments by means of getChildFragmentManager . Note that this means that you need to use the Android Support package version of fragments on API Levels 11 16 because..