android Programming Glossary: fyi
Moving and vanishing lines of code; trouble with Eclipse's XML Editor editor should keep the files consistently formatted. FYI the relevant fix is here https android
In-App billing not working (Your request could not be processed) Error. Be sure you are signing with correct keystore . FYI onRequestPurchaseResponse inside get the Response...
Android: bug in launchMode=“singleTask”? -> activity stack not preserved is there a workaround for this until the bug is fixed FYI This question has already been discussed here . However it doesn't..
Problems saving a photo to a file without your package name. Not an issue just FYI. I guess none of the permissions you specified are actually..
Android drawing cache class.. My view is larger than allowed for caching. FYI the sources of the View class are available via the SDK Manager..
Android and MJPEG need any more info let me know I'll help in any way I can. FYI I did not write SimpleMjpegView you can find more up to date..
Change title bar text in Android this question Update Latest ActionBar Title pattern FYI ActionBar is introduced in API Level 11. ActionBar is a window..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows to implement it don't forget to contribute a patch . FYI the ListView source code is here . share improve this answer..
Android - Load PDF / PDF Viewer And also if there is any PDF viewer then also suggest me FYI I have already set internet permission. android share improve..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object disabled the image on the list view it worked fine again. FYI This is how I was doing it String from new String DBHelper.KEY_BUSINESSNAME..
Load Large Image from server on Android BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray imageData 0 imageData.length FYI the buffer sizes in this example are somewhat arbitrary. As..
Is there a way to hide the system bar in Android 3.0? It's an internal device and I'm managing navigation Bar is always present I'd like to hide it. Is it possible FYI I am not publishing this application on the Android Market...
Could not find ****.apk + android 3.4.2 Build id M20090211 1700 Android 1.6 ADT ADT 10.0.0 FYI it is only happening with a single project other projects are..
Type R is already defined error and cleaning the project via eclipse but it doesn't help. FYI I am trying to get PhotoStream from here http
How is it possible to do USSD requests on Android? USSD response and you can read that in your app easily . FYI https alaasalman ussdinterceptor share improve this..
Android Usb Host Problem with Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet dongle I had a high power error from the Galaxy Tablet FYI use an externally powered USB hub and you can bipass this. Now..
Can i control the keyboard from code on android in particular the caps lock properties. This should display the keyboard in CAPS. Also FYI this is how you show the keyboard via code EditText editText..
How install old ADT13 in Eclipse software Add... Archive ... choose the downloaded zip . FYI Unfortunately you can't or at least I couldn't revert to the..
NoClassDefFoundError for code in an Java library on Android far so good. I will keep this updated if it fails again. FYI in my last attempt I tried Android Tools Fix Project Properties..
Android java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.jsoup.Jsoup build and re launch the app the error should go away. FYI this is occurring because the JAR file is not getting packaged..
Moving and vanishing lines of code; trouble with Eclipse's XML Editor any apply the quickfix. From now on further edits with the layout editor should keep the files consistently formatted. FYI the relevant fix is here https android # c 44936 Instructions for easily updating SDK Tools and..
In-App billing not working (Your request could not be processed)
Android: bug in launchMode=“singleTask”? -> activity stack not preserved Is there a setting I'm missing or is this a bug If the latter is there a workaround for this until the bug is fixed FYI This question has already been discussed here . However it doesn't seem that there is any real solution to this yet. android..
Problems saving a photo to a file all. As stealthcopter said intent extra is just MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT without your package name. Not an issue just FYI. I guess none of the permissions you specified are actually required for this operation. Here's my code sample final int..
Android drawing cache limit on drawing cache size available via the ViewConfiguration class.. My view is larger than allowed for caching. FYI the sources of the View class are available via the SDK Manager for some not all Android versions. share improve this answer..
Android and MJPEG
Change title bar text in Android android titlebar android titlebar custom titlebar share improve this question Update Latest ActionBar Title pattern FYI ActionBar is introduced in API Level 11. ActionBar is a window feature at the top of the activity that may display the activity..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows
Android - Load PDF / PDF Viewer run the application at that time I am getting blank screen. And also if there is any PDF viewer then also suggest me FYI I have already set internet permission. android share improve this question Finally i got a solution actually i made..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object do but some sample code for that would be nice. As soon as I disabled the image on the list view it worked fine again. FYI This is how I was doing it String from new String DBHelper.KEY_BUSINESSNAME DBHelper.KEY_ADDRESS DBHelper.KEY_CITY ..
Load Large Image from server on Android 1 baf.append byte current byte imageData baf.toByteArray BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray imageData 0 imageData.length FYI the buffer sizes in this example are somewhat arbitrary. As has been said in other answers it's a fantastic idea not to..
Is there a way to hide the system bar in Android 3.0? It's an internal device and I'm managing navigation In Android 3.0 Honeycomb the navigation buttons System Bar is always present I'd like to hide it. Is it possible FYI I am not publishing this application on the Android Market. This is an internal application for devices that are going to..
Could not find ****.apk + android find .apk Operating system windows XP IDE Eclipse SDK Version 3.4.2 Build id M20090211 1700 Android 1.6 ADT ADT 10.0.0 FYI it is only happening with a single project other projects are running fine.. android share improve this question I..
Type R is already defined error error How do I fix this I already tried removing the and cleaning the project via eclipse but it doesn't help. FYI I am trying to get PhotoStream from here http p apps for android but so far it has been very difficult to..
How is it possible to do USSD requests on Android?
Android Usb Host Problem with Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet EPL 1PL0BEGSTA . When I first connected a usb device via this dongle I had a high power error from the Galaxy Tablet FYI use an externally powered USB hub and you can bipass this. Now that the device itself is acknowledging the existance of..
Can i control the keyboard from code on android in particular the caps lock adding add android capitalize characters to the EditText properties. This should display the keyboard in CAPS. Also FYI this is how you show the keyboard via code EditText editText EditText findViewById InputMethodManager mgr InputMethodManager..
How install old ADT13 in Eclipse ADT Then inside Eclipse you go to Help Install new software Add... Archive ... choose the downloaded zip . FYI Unfortunately you can't or at least I couldn't revert to the previous SDK Manager and Tools version so easily it insisted..
NoClassDefFoundError for code in an Java library on Android the dependencies listed in that view. Now it works again. So far so good. I will keep this updated if it fails again. FYI in my last attempt I tried Android Tools Fix Project Properties but it didn't work out for me. share improve this answer..
Android java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.jsoup.Jsoup gen etc called libs and putting my .jar there. When you clean build and re launch the app the error should go away. FYI this is occurring because the JAR file is not getting packaged into the .apk files this is why it builds correctly but isn't..