android Programming Glossary: functionalities
Customizing ActionBar Tabs on Android 4 p.s. Also note that ActionBarSherlock provides all of the functionalities that the ViewPagerExtensions library provides and more. I would..
The best way to create drop down menu in android 2.x like in ICS at the ActionBarSherlock project which backports thoses functionalities. If you want to be able to pop such a menu anywhere in your..
IntelliJ Idea not generate id in the IDs you expect. It should also be hooked up to Idea's functionalities of autocompletion usage search etc by some sort of internal..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset Call this to start BluetoothHeadsetUtils functionalities. @return The return value of startBluetooth or startBluetooth11..
Android: How to integrate a decoder to multimedia framework the media player. Doing this will be a rework as all these functionalities are already defined in the android multimedia framework. I heard..
IBM Worklight: UI Performance for Worklight 5.0.6 development. I find that some of the functionalities such as Transitions Panels and Popup Menu are not smooth in..
Display Good-looking Math Formula in Android care to share their experience I can reproduce all the functionalities just like that of the standalone MathJax App . In that app a..
How to fix onclick in Phonegap/Android especially in lower versions of Android? it does not call and very seldon it calls. Note All the functionalities work in the higher versions except the devices with lower versions..
How to make my ImageView zoomable? using webview to be able to use the zooming and scrolling functionalities i needed but it is not nice to look at. android zoom imageview..
Android PDF reader from scratch client requires a PDF Reader of his own with some selected functionalities. Can anyone guide me to some good tutorials for paving the way..
Android question: implementing a rich text editor? on Android Can I extends the EditText and add my new functionalities Or should I do something from scratch extends the View and implement..
Auto-Update for (private) Android apps even impossible to implement or if there are any existing functionalities that can be reused On each launch the app tests if a new version..
FFMpeg jni in Android? C glue code using the JNI conventions to expose the FFmpeg functionalities to Java code. Here's an example of a JNI method implemented..
AlertDialog from within BroadcastReceiver?? Can it be done? Principal issue try to avoid placing time consuming functionalities into BroadcastReceiver. It should just receive and initiate..
Targeting/Developing for multiple mobile platforms with one programming language (C#)? Cost-Benefit? all mobile environments enable you to use the full set of functionalities for example MonoTouch for iOS does not generic constructs that.. to ignore UI issues just to get to your app's back end functionalities. In my experience this almost never happens. share improve..
Android Multi touch zooming slideshow of images. I tried to implement multi touch zoom functionalities from the link following http blog burnette how..
Android ICS: Remove blue divider in ActionBar? app which will be full screen but will utilize some of the functionalities of the ActionBar. With the Ice Cream Sandwhich release I see..
android soapfault error a multidimensional array so i had to parse it using java functionalities. as for wsdl message name GetBoundDataSoapOut wsdl part name..
Customizing ActionBar Tabs on Android 4 of getActionBar . If you have any questions let me know. p.s. Also note that ActionBarSherlock provides all of the functionalities that the ViewPagerExtensions library provides and more. I would definitely recommend using the former over the latter. ..
The best way to create drop down menu in android 2.x like in ICS purpose is to recreate an action bar you could take a look at the ActionBarSherlock project which backports thoses functionalities. If you want to be able to pop such a menu anywhere in your app you could read the implementation of the MenuPopupHelper..
IntelliJ Idea not generate id in This file should be up to date and it should contain all the IDs you expect. It should also be hooked up to Idea's functionalities of autocompletion usage search etc by some sort of internal Idea magic. The empty is normal although misleading and..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset mAudioManager AudioManager mContext.getSystemService Context.AUDIO_SERVICE Call this to start BluetoothHeadsetUtils functionalities. @return The return value of startBluetooth or startBluetooth11 public boolean start if mIsStarted mIsStarted true if..
Android: How to integrate a decoder to multimedia framework play pause streaming etc. i.e. the other features of the media player. Doing this will be a rework as all these functionalities are already defined in the android multimedia framework. I heard that we can make our decoder as a plug in and integrate..
IBM Worklight: UI Performance Worklight UI Performance I have used jQuery Mobile 1.3 for Worklight 5.0.6 development. I find that some of the functionalities such as Transitions Panels and Popup Menu are not smooth in real device Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Note II Android 4.1.1..
Display Good-looking Math Formula in Android if there is any successful jqMath use case out there Anyone care to share their experience I can reproduce all the functionalities just like that of the standalone MathJax App . In that app a user keys in a string into EditText field and MathJax will..
How to fix onclick in Phonegap/Android especially in lower versions of Android? index.html Images are positioned perfectly. But when I click it does not call and very seldon it calls. Note All the functionalities work in the higher versions except the devices with lower versions of Android say version 2.2.1. Please do guide me How..
How to make my ImageView zoomable? method so that it can be focused at the center I have tried using webview to be able to use the zooming and scrolling functionalities i needed but it is not nice to look at. android zoom imageview share improve this question I found a tutorial divided..
Android PDF reader from scratch PDF reader from scratch I know it sounds ambitious but our client requires a PDF Reader of his own with some selected functionalities. Can anyone guide me to some good tutorials for paving the way to start this development I guess I need to clear some pdf..
Android question: implementing a rich text editor? about them. So how on earth can I implement a rich text editor on Android Can I extends the EditText and add my new functionalities Or should I do something from scratch extends the View and implement everything by myself For later option extending View..
Auto-Update for (private) Android apps options I do not know if those are technically hard or even impossible to implement or if there are any existing functionalities that can be reused On each launch the app tests if a new version exists by requesting a server if so downloads the new apk..
FFMpeg jni in Android? share improve this question You have to write some C glue code using the JNI conventions to expose the FFmpeg functionalities to Java code. Here's an example of a JNI method implemented in C from the Android NDK samples jstring Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI..
AlertDialog from within BroadcastReceiver?? Can it be done? broadcastreceiver alertdialog share improve this question Principal issue try to avoid placing time consuming functionalities into BroadcastReceiver. It should just receive and initiate further processing in bound Activity Service. UPDATE Please..
Targeting/Developing for multiple mobile platforms with one programming language (C#)? Cost-Benefit? you have to code those bindings separately. And since not all mobile environments enable you to use the full set of functionalities for example MonoTouch for iOS does not generic constructs that cannot be determined at compile time. You're essentially..
Android Multi touch zooming to my application. My application is to view an slideshow of images. I tried to implement multi touch zoom functionalities from the link following http blog burnette how to use multi touch in android 2 part 6 implementing the pinch..
Android ICS: Remove blue divider in ActionBar? ICS Remove blue divider in ActionBar I am working on an app which will be full screen but will utilize some of the functionalities of the ActionBar. With the Ice Cream Sandwhich release I see that I get a blue line divider separator as part of the ActionBar...
android soapfault error am not sure what your response will be but in my case it was a multidimensional array so i had to parse it using java functionalities. as for wsdl message name GetBoundDataSoapOut wsdl part name parameters element tns GetBoundDataResponse wsdl message this..